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Cheap Now - Future Fad?

by holy_light

Will you know what the next hit thing to appear in Neopia will be? Well then, let’s find out, using a few clues to help you find out what might be the next popular thing to hit Neopia:

Gardening Supplies
Why gardening you ask? Well, ever since NeoPets were planning the Garden option soon, it’s obvious that many Neopians will rush to the Garden Supplies shop and buy White Lulus, Dunkydoos, and other gardening options.

How did I get this? Well, NeoHomes can be very expensive, depending on how much you pay. Since NeoHomes are very popular, many users will nearly have all options to them, and gardening supplies’ prices will increase greatly the first day the garden option comes. It’s always a good tip to stock up on useless items, like clothes and gardening supplies, because NeoPets might make them useful soon, thus making the economy price those too outrageously soon... So stock up!

Yes, fashion will soon be hip in Neopia. Trendy leather jackets, squeaky Wellington Boots, and cozy Flotsam Sweaters will soon raid the marketplace with overpriced clothes. Just imagine your female pet to be the fashion model of the neighbourhood with that dress, or your male pet to be the most attractive gentleman with that three-piece suit. Just don’t worry that the option is not yet ready. Just keep stocking up on it, and pretty soon, you might make MAJOR profit off leather jackets and limited edition shirts, but the problem is, IF the fashion fad hits hard enough.

Make-up is very feminine, and any female pet will love to look like a super model. A little red lipstick and some pink blush, you’re as gorgeous and rosy like the field of roses! Currently, this is just a grooming item, but maybe, you’ll actually be able to see some tie-dye lipstick on that pale Aisha of yours! Still, in many peoples’ opinions, it just might be another small thing. Yet, I still recommend stocking up on it.

Last, but not least, The Earth Faerie
Oh, the little expensive pixies that fly in the sights of trees, and have the power to make food in an instant, these little creatures MAY be your big Neopoint maker, but it depends… but first of all, WHY the Earth Faerie? Why not the beautiful Air Faerie? Or what about the kind Water Faerie? It’s obvious: The Earth Faerie's ability for alchemy. Sure, it MAY not work yet, but the classic Earth Faerie may be the most expensive Faerie out there, and MIGHT make you millions. Some consider this true.

First of all, this is just a wild guess. It might not be the most popular thing out there, because we don’t even know what the ability alchemy does yet! It might be just a regular Battledome move, but it might turn out to be a regular option that will help Neopians make money. We will never know, until we wait for the answer on this alchemy ability that the Earth Faerie can bless only herself. Just stock up ‘til time runs out.

So, in conclusion, these four things might be the next great things to hit Neopia in the popularity rating. These are all just guesses that just might help YOU make the most out of your pets’ lives, or make you richer. What I said might not be true, but it is to prepare us for another upcoming wave of the “what-used-to-be-cheap-is-now-so-darn-expensive” disease.

Just to be safe, I suggest to stock up on a lot of these if you can afford it (it should be affordable at this time). Well, thanks for reading, and I hope you learned a lesson on predicting what will b hit next by our surroundings.