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Motes... The Real Story

by fire_of_ice

How did motes come to be formed, did you say? This article explains how each mote came to be created, as narrated by its creator. Enjoy!

FROST MOTE: by the Snow Faerie
Well, I wasn't TRYING to make the frost mote. I was in a snowball fight with one of the Grundos and somehow my gloves got knocked off. While yelling at the responsible Grundo, I was making one WHOPPER of a snowball to hit him with. Without my gloves. The touch of my angelically soft, perfectly manicured Faerie hands must have given the snowball life, making it the frost mote it is today! *author's note* The Snow Faerie's hands are cold and rather hard since she loses gloves a lot, but don't tell HER. Sshhh.

WATER MOTE: by Prankstah the Lupe
Yeehee, I remember that one. I was trying to make a giant water balloon to throw out my window at a passerby. I uncorked a bottle of pressurised water and quickly put the balloon over the mouth of the bottle. That balloon must have stretched 5 feet into the air, straight up. The water just kept pouring into it and I remember thinking "maybe this was a rather stupid idea" just as the balloon burst and there was a water mote hovering in the air. My owner lets me play with it every now and then, but mostly we keep it on display at his shop.

LAVA MOTE: by the Lava Ghoul
Oh yes, the Lava Mote. Yechh. *author's note: Yechh?!* I was terrorising a Quiggle, which had been painted a most unusual colour by a Strawberry Fields Forever Paintbrush. I scooped him up in my mouth but he tasted really VILE. Maybe the strawberries weren't ripe yet? I spat him out and stuck my head in a nearby river to get the taste out of my mouth. There was all this steam and then there was this happy little blob of lava sitting in the water smiling at me. I scooped him out and gave him to the Battle Faerie as an apology for trying to eat Legacy, her trusty horse.

BUBBLE MOTE: by the Air Faerie
Well, let's see. That day I had a hard time giving out quests and doing Faerie stuff. I ended up getting really tired and decided a bath would be the perfect thing to relieve my stress. Of course when the Air Faerie takes a bath, she does it with style. I had all the bath stuff, lots of bubble bath, bath gel, bath salts, etc. Pouring in the bubble bath, I noticed this one bubble getting bigger and bigger. I picked it up and it didn't pop, that was kind of surprising. Then suddenly it....sort of turned around in my hand, and it had a happy little face, it was so cute!! And that's how the bubble mote was made.

MUD MOTE: by Kauvara
Well, that day I was experimenting with Transmogrification Potions, trying to make one that turned the pet into dirt. This one potion was a real failure so I dumped it into a stream nearby. It floated on the water like a scum and then a lump of mud struggled out of the mess and crawled onto land, smiling at me. It was so cute, I named it Dutty!

FIRE MOTE: by the Fire Faerie
I made it on PURPOSE. See, I can't handle snow or it will melt, and I was in a snowball fight with the Snow Faerie So I made a ball out of fire and was going to throw it when it said, "Hi there." I was so surprised I almost dropped it. I had to forfeit the snowball fight to learn more about it. I ended up giving it to the Lava Ghoul as a little pet.

SALT MOTE: by the Maraquan Chef
I remember I was serving Kauvara that day. She sent back a piece of meat she had ordered, saying it was bland and tasteless. What an insult! I spiced it up a bit and sent it back, and she sent it right back into the kitchen, saying her Transmogrification Potions tasted better than it. I must say I lost my temper. Seizing a large salt shaker, I started to salt the meat heavily but the cap, having been unscrewed by some prankster or other *Prankstaaah.....* fell off, heaping salt on the dish. I was really worried and was pacing the kitchen worriedly when suddenly something rather heavy leaped on my shoulder and something rough was rubbing itself against my cheek. It was the heap of salt, alive! It's very affectionate, and rather cute.

ROCK MOTE: This mote was discovered by an archaeologist, maybe Chesterpot, looking for Neosaurus bones. He realised it was no ordinary piece of stone when it asked him whether he had seen the Monoceraptor lately, and if he could hide out at the archaeologist's place for awhile.

ASH MOTE: by Pango Pango
Pango Pango was feeling mad that day so me made a volcano blow up to blow off some steam. Pango Pango was a bit surprised when a lil' pile of dust landed at his godly feet, going: "THIS IS THE BEST RIDE EVERRRRRRRR......THUMP!" When Pango Pango realised the lil' pile of ash could talk, him much excited. He talk to Ash Mote long time. Ash mote funny little guy. Pango Pango has promised not to make any volcanoes erupt.

DUST MOTE by Time Machine Dude
Yes, well while I was flying through space I developed compulsive neat-freak behaviour. I dusted everything madly. You can imagine my distress when I crash-landed in a great pile of the hated material--DUST *shudder* I began the dusting of my beloved ship with a worn feather duster, sweeping the dust into a neat little pile so I could brush it away in one nice swoop. Suddenly something, I think it was a rare Tyrannian mosquito, flew up my nose. I sneezed and the dust pile exploded into a little cloud of the stuff, which began talking. It wanted me to dust it, because being dusted produced a ticking sensation.

There are many other motes, but those are the ones whose creation was mostly accidental. The others were made by the Battle Faerie