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Do Gelerts Really Deserve That Much Better?

by Bunnybaby1991

I read the Article, "Gelerts: Forgotten or Ignored?" And I can't say I agree with the author. The Article was pretty well written, but I think that the author is exaggerating a bit. No offense to the Author or the people he/she interviewed, but do Gelerts really deserve THAT much more credit? Are Gelerts really ignored way too much? Do Gelerts rule in every way? Maybe, to some people.

Sure, the Aisha's have a vending machine, there's a Shoyru on the Treasure Hunt page. But Aishas and Shoyrus are more popular! And there's nothing the NeoPets Staff, me or other Neopians can do about it!

Although now Aishas aren't more popular than Gelerts, they used to be, and dontcha think "Alien Gelert Vending Machine" would sound weird? Although they DO have a point, Gelerts don't have Plushies, Key chains and so on. Shoyru's don't have anything that the Gelerts don't. Almost.

Shoyru's have wings and they look like little Dragons, they cool pretty cool! Okay, the person who wrote the article said that Gelerts are being neglected. She kept looking on the dark side of things, only pointing out what the Gelerts DON'T have, never mentioning what they DO.

Gelerts can be painted Gold Cybunnies, Poogles and so many other Pets can't! Gelerts can be painted FAERIE, too. Wockys, Jetsams, Flotsams, Tuskaninnys, Bruces and if I listed down every pet that can't be painted Faerie this article would never end. The only game where there is a Gelert is Kau Korrall. But are there ANY games featuring Cybunnies???? Are Gelerts being Ignored or Forgotten???? My answer is no.

Gelerts may have very little things, but so do many other pets. Bruces, Jetsams, Flotsams, Poogles, Cybunnies are those pets that are REALLY being ignored. Now I ask everyone who read this article. Are Gelerts Really being forgotten, Ignored and neglected? No offence, but I think not.