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The Snowager Caves Exploit: Part One

by foreverme_88

It was a very sunny and fine school day at Neopian Village School, that Spell the Red Zafara caught the latest news about Rymes, the Yellow Blumaroo, who was in her class at school.

“Do you know, Spell,” said Hearts the Faerie Cybunny to Spell at break, in the cafeteria, “Do you know, they say Ryme’s brother went off into the Ice Caves and fell into the crevasse and got lost. They say they went into Tyrannia to look for him, but he was nowhere to be found. Do you know what this means, Spell? It means that Rymes’s brother is probably finished!”

“And you’re very happy about that, aren’t you?” said Spell, who did not like Hearts very much.

“Of course not,” said Hearts, looking shocked. “Why should I think such a thing? Anyway, Spell, didn’t you see Rymes during class? He had blotchy, red eyes, like he had been crying. Oh, don’t you feel sorry for Rymes, Spell? He’s lost a brother to Tyrannia. I always said that Tyrannia was never the greatest place to roam in. Nor the Ice Caves either.”

“What are the pair of you gossiping about?” Milkie the very inquisitive Kau came over and sat next to Hearts.

“She says Rymes’s brother has passed,” Spell said dryly. “Don’t you just believe that?”

“No, I don’t,” Milkie replied. “Are you sure Rymes’s brother is a goner, Hearts? Just like you, always spreading wild gossip around that’s stretched a little bit too far. Rymes’s brother was just lost, that’s all. He couldn’t be.”

Hearts looked rather ruffled. “For your information, Cow,” Hearts said coldly, “I don’t ever say anything that is not true.” She got up and left.

“What a brat!” Milkie cried. “She called me a Cow!” We Kaus are so much more intelligent! What an insult!”

“Thank goodness she’s gone, then,” said Spell. “I can’t stand her either. By the way, Milkie, is it really true that Rymes’s brother has gone missing?”

“Oh yes, it’s true,” Milkie said, nodding. “My brother, Keith, went to visit Yorick the Techo – that’s Rymes’s brother – last night. Rymes answered the door and said no, Yorick was not in. He appeared to be really distressed.”

“And is it true that Yorick fell into the crevasse and got lost in Tyrannia?” Spell.

“What?” said Milkie. “You mean that’s what the brat told you? Ugh, she’s so disgusting.”

“Then what actually happened?” Spell asked eagerly.

“I’m not sure myself,” Milkie said. “My brother couldn’t get Rymes to say anything. Why don’t you ask Rymes yourself?”

“All right,” said Spell. “I’ll ask him myself.” She headed over to a corner of the cafeteria where Rymes was sitting glumly by himself. He did look very distressed, but his eyes weren’t blotchy and red like Hearts had described. Milkie trailed after Spell as she went over to speak to Rymes.

“Hey, Rymes,” Spell said cheerfully.

“Hello,” said Rymes gloomily as he looked up.

“Well, Rymes,” said Spell as she settled down beside him, “what exactly happened to Yorick? Everyone’s dying to know what really happened. He didn’t fall into a crevasse and got lost in Tyrannia, did he?”

“Of course not!” Rymes suddenly looked angry. Then he just sighed and looked sad again. “Of course not,” he sighed. “When I went to the Ice Caves to look for him, I stopped a passer by to ask him if he had seen Yorick. He said he had seen a blue Techo enter the Snowager’s cave, and that was all.”

“The Snowager’s Cave!” Milkie and Spell gasped.

“He went into the Snowager’s cave?” Milkie gasped.

“Yes, he did,” Rymes said, nodding. He sighed and shook his head as he got up and walked away.

“Poor Rymes,” said Milkie.

“Yes, he used to be so cheerful and optimistic about everything,” said Spell as a Gelert walked past and waved to her.

“Hi, G2,” Spell and Milkie chorused.

“Hi, gals,” said G2. “Hey, why’re the pair of you looking so glum? Exams are just over, you know. We should celebrate!”

Milkie sighed heavily. “Don’t you know about Yorick, G2?” she asked.

“I do,” said G2. “But there’s nothing we can do about it, is there? Yeah, I feel sorry for him and everything, but what else can we do, other than helping to cheer Rymes up?”

“You know,” said Spell, “We could go rescue him from the Snowager’s Cave.”

Milkie and G2 stared at her as if she were crazy.

“You know, Spell,” said G2. “It could be a good idea, but… well… the Snowager is someone too dangerous to trifle with. You serious about it?”

Milkie gave a small shriek. “Don’t go!” she cried.

“If he doesn’t return by tomorrow, someone’s got to go get him,” Spell said. “Besides, I don’t think the Snowager eats NeoPets. Yorick can’t possibly be gone. The most is he’s buried under mounds of treasure.”

“Well…I’m not so sure if the Snowager doesn’t eat NeoPets…” G2 mused. “But are you really sure about this, Spell? Are you really going to try bringing Yorick back safely?”

Spell lifted her chin defiantly. “If someone comes with me,” she said, “I will.”

Milkie looked as if she were about to faint. “You can’t!” she cried. “It’s too dangerous!”

“Well, Spell,” G2 said, grinning, “I’ll come with you. After all, I’ve always wanted to explore the Snowager’s cave and have a good adventure.”

“Good!” Spell grinned back and then turned to Milkie. “Do you want to come with us, Milkie?” she asked.

“NEVER!” cried Milkie, who really looked about to faint. “Get someone else. More people. Only two people? It’s too dangerous, it really is.”

G2 just looked at Spell, who grinned. “Tomorrow, okay?” Spell asked. G2 nodded and grinned back, and Milkie slumped onto the floor.

The two did not seem to notice her. They planned for tomorrow’s outing all by themselves. They would bring along their battledome weapons, in case they needed to defend themselves against the Snowager. They would bring along some snowballs as well, and some food in case they needed to spend the night at the cave. Also a few plastic bags, slung over their shoulder, in case there was any chance for them to grab a bit of the legendary treasure the Snowager slept upon. So if Rymes’s brother had not turned up by tomorrow, the two of them would go off into the Snowager’s Cave, to try to rescue Yorick.

And that was how it all began.

To be continued...