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Gelerts Aren't So Forgotten or Ignored After All

by Cybunnyluvr7, with Neopian Historical Help from fluffypoodle

In response to foggyday's article, Gelerts: Forgotten or Ignored, there are several other pets that are "forgotten or ignored". As far as paintbrushes are concerned, Gelerts have eight paintbrushes. However, there are pets a lot worse off:

Acaras have seven,
Bruces have six,
Buzzes have seven,
Cybunnys have six,
Elephantes have seven,
Grarrls have six,
Grundos have seven,
Jetsams have six,
Jubjubs have six,
Kaus have six,
Kikos have five,
Kois have four,
Korbats have six,
Kougras have five,
Kyriis have five,
Lennys have four,
Meercas have five,
Moehogs have seven,
Myncis have five,
Peophins have four,
Poogles have five,
Pteris have four,
Quiggles have four,
Scorchios have five,
Skeiths have five,
Techos have seven,
Tuskaninnys have four,
Unis have seven,
Usuls have five,
Wockys have six,
Zafaras have five.

Several pets have eight as well, so Gelerts are pretty well off when it comes to paintbrushes. Now, Gelerts have Kau Korral, but the following pets from the above list have no games at all, including Cheat and Gormball:


These are only the ones with less paintbrushes than Gelerts. Here are the items for each of the pets listed above. Gelerts have eight listed items on the search engine. These are only search engine items:

Item : Milk Chocolate Buzz
Item : White Chocolate Buzz
Item : Magik the Buzz
Item : The beautiful Buzz
Item : Buzzer
Item : Green Buzz Toy
Item : Rainbow Buzz Toy
Item : Red Buzz Toy
Item : Yellow Buzz Toy
Item : Buzz Honey

Item : Reject Cybunny Toy
Item : Blue Cybunny Plushie
Item : Red Cybunny Plushie
Item : Yellow Cybunny Plushie
Item : Green Cybunny Plushie
Item : Rainbow Reject Cybunny Plushie

Item : ArmyElephante
Item : Milk Chocolate Elephante
Item : White Chocolate Elephante
Item : Twinkle the Night Elephante
Item : Cry Baby the Elephante
Item : Green Elephante Doll
Item : Rainbow Elephante Toy
Item : Red Elephante Doll
Item : Yellow Elephante Toy

None really, except for some key chains.

You get the point? I could go on... what, you want me to continue listing? Oh, okay, you don't. You get it now. Good.

The Cybunny, the Koi, the Peophin, the Quiggle, the Uni, the Wocky, and the Zafara all have less than Gelerts in the above categories. Of that number, only Peophins and Cybunnys can be painted Halloween. Gelerts are lucky with the adoption situation. There is a Grundo named \\/τΏτ\\/ that has been in the pound over a year.

By the way, about the Bruce, it was here looooooooooooooong before even the Polypup (the original Gelert). It was a picture of Bruce Forsyth originally, then it became a cartoon guy, then a penguin, then it became the cute little guy we all know and love! Gelerts have several trading cards, the non-limited edition T-shirt and some of the bookmarks and the canvas bag that comes with the limited edition shirts have the Gelert on them. Also, there are quite a few Gelert morphing potions. Chias, Aishas, and Shoyrus are some of the most beloved and oldest pets in Neopia. That's why the Alien Aishas have their machines, the Chias have their ice pops, and the Shoyrus are on so many things. Might I mention that a Gelert is the doctor at the Neopian Hospital? I in no way mean to offend anyone, and I certainly do not dislike Gelerts, I think they are adorable. I just thought some of this information was worth saying. Bye!