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How Mystery Island Got Its Name

by Auby85

Hasn't everyone always wondered where Mystery Island got its name? One day I asked an old Gelert, who told me the story. Here is my interview with him:

Auby85(ME!): Hello Gelert. How are you? May I ask you a few questions?

Gelert: Of course. I am great, thank you.

Auby85: How old exactly are you? Never mind, let's get to the point. How DID Mystery Island get its name?

Gelert: 506 years old. About the name, well I will tell you. One day a tribe of Lupes met a tribe of Gelerts. The Gelerts had migrated from another island, and wanted to claim the island as their own. But the Lupes claimed they owned it....

Auby85: Go on....

Gelert: Yes...and a terrible war broke out between the Lupes and the Gelerts They despised each other for years and years. Eventually, they worked out a plan....

y85: And what was that plan....?

Gelert: JUST WAIT!

Auby85: Sorry....

Gelert: They decided to split the island in half...

Auby85: What a bunch of goons... you can't SPLIT an island in half--

Gelert: LET ME FINISH! Anyway, they sawed and hacked but they just couldn't split it in half...

Auby85: Figures!

Gelert: So, the said they would settle it over a cup of red wine, like real NeoPets. They talked it over and the Gelerts finally decided to back down. The Lupes were grateful and the Gelerts finally left. Well, the head Lupe had been awake for years without sleep trying to reason with the Gelerts When the Gelerts left, the Lupes decided to name the island. Well, it was up to the Head Lupe to decide on the name. He was so sleepy he was delirious! He started mumbling all these things...

Auby86: WHOA!

Gelert: The other Lupes asked him, "What should we name our island?" Well, the head Lupe was so sleepy he mumbled, "It's a mystery..." but because Lupes don't have very good hearing they heard only "Mystery". They rejoiced in happiness because the island was finally named! That's how it became Mystery Island.

Auby85: Thanks so much, I have to go and take a nap now!(wink) I appreciate all your time! Well there it is folks! The real story on how Mystery Island was named Mystery Island! Thanks, and sleep well! (wink)