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Going Undercover in the Neopian Pound

by sexy_frog_chick

Sexy_frog_chick here (a.k.a. Diana) reporting to you live from the Neopian Pound. I'm pretending to be one of the few janitors that clean this place up. Nobody knows my real identity, so shhhh!

I hear sniffles, coughs, sighing. There are three pets cramped into one cage. Grarrls are mixed with Jubjubs, but everything is very unorganized. The pets switch cages every five minutes. Some are relieved to be getting rid of an arch enemy, but others are sobbing because they are leaving a friend.

I've come across a yellow Chia who's crying. I read the name on her cage: jewelz_4ever. "Why are you crying?" I ask her.

He sniffles and looks up. "Who are you?" she asks.

I think it's safe to tell her. "I am an undercover reporter for the Neopian Times. Tell me, what's it like in here?"

"Well, I can tell you. I've been here all my life. Even before I was an hour old, my owner decided I was too ugly to keep, so she abandoned me. Nobody will adopt me because I'm ugly. I watch other pets come and go, but nobody will adopt me."

She starts sobbing again. I want to cry along with her. "So (sniffle) how old are you now?"

"I don't really know. Maybe about two months. It's hard to keep track of time when you're in a cage all your life."

"Listen," I reply. "I want to adopt you. I really do, but I already have four pets at home. I'm sorry. But don't worry, I'm sure somebody will come along and adopt you."

"No they won't!" she screams. "I'll be here until I am wiped from the database!"

I hate to leave her in tears like this, but what else can I do? In the next cage is a Christmas Aisha. She seems to be eagerly awaiting my arrival.

"I heard your conversation in the other cage. Your an undercover reporter? We've never had one of those before."

I smile. "Do you know the yellow Chia in the next cage?"

"So that's what he is! I hear him crying all day, but I can't see him from here. All I can see is the people who come here and pass my cage." Her face turns sad. "My name is prettyfourears.

"I'm Diana," I shake her paw. "So, what's your story?" I ask, taking out my notepad.

"Well, my owner said she couldn't take care of me and my brother colonel_taz_mustard anymore. She took me aside and promised me that I would be adopted in a day or two, but I've been here for over a month. She lied to me." She sighed. "Maybe you should go talk to my brother."

I smile sympathetically and nod. But I don't want to talk to any more pets. I've had enough of my share to know what it's like in the pound.

Writer's note: Colonel_Taz_Mustard, prettyfourears, and jewelz_4ever are all still up for adoption in the pound. Their stories are true, so if you are kind enough to adopt these poor pets, they, not to mention I would greatly appreciate it. They are great pets!