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Break Your Bones? An Interview With The Sticks N Stones

by Koskow the Gelert (With help from her owner, blossom468)

A few days ago, I got the opportunity to interview my favourite band, the Sticks N Stones. It was a very fun and interesting few hours. The interview is as follows:

Koskow: Hello, I'm Koskow the Gelert and I'll be interviewing you today.

Axle: All righty then, let's get started.

Koskow: How did you all meet?

Axle: Well, I was singin' a gig one night at the Dance N Dine nightclub, and these guys 'appen to be there. After the show, they came up to me and asked me if I'd like to be in a band, so of course I said 'sure!'.

Sludge: Gruff, Grizley and I had met and made friends at the Tyrannian High School. We were talking about starting a band, but weren't able to until we got a lead singer. When we met Axle, we were finally able to do it.

Koskow: Awesome. So, why did you choose the name "The Sticks N Stones"?

Gruff: Well, we like sticks, and we like stones, so we figured we should name ourselves after them.

Koskow: How interesting. So, do you guys enjoy performing?

Grizley: What kind of a question is that? Of course we enjoy it. We love it! Every time we go on stage, are hearts race. Thousands of screaming fans are waving their arms in the air, and the emotions are running high.

Axle: It is the most exciting moment of performing.

Koskow: That's cool. So, what do you see in the future of The Sticks N Stones?

Gruff: Right now we are working on our fourth album, 'Basic Instincts'. It is a combination of heavy metal/punk rock.

Axle: We really are enjoying making it, and we think are fans will enjoy listening to it.

Sludge: At least we hope they will!

*The band laughs*

Kosow: You probably get this question a lot, but do you write your own songs?

Axle: Of course! I usually write the lyrics, occasionally with the help of the other members, and they write the music for it. But on 'Basic Instincts' there will be a song entirely written by Gruff.

Koskow: That's fantastic.

Gruff: Thanks.

Koskow: How do you feel about boy bands, such as 'M*ynci' and 'Yes Boy Ice Cream'?

Grizley: Those aren't bands, those are marketing tools.

Koskow: Don't you think that is a little harsh?

Axle: Maybe, but I believe bands are about music, not special dance moves and stylish clothing.

Koskow: OK, now for our last question. All of Neopia is dying to know: Peanut Butter or Jelly?

Axle: Peanut butter, creamy.

Sludge: Definitely Jelly.

Gruff: Jelly? Yuck. Chunky peanut butter is the best.

Grizley: Hey, as long as you can put it on a sandwich, I love it!

Koskow: Well, thank you for this interview. I'm glad I was able to meet you.

Gruff: It was our pleasure.