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The Neo-Market Report

By stereolab

Let us once more pay a visit to Neopia's top market forecasters. Visiting our hosts this week will be Bob the Blumaroo, Founder and President of Bob's Big Bonus Bingo, who'll be here to discuss his chain of bingo parlours. And now, here are our hosts…

KAUVUTO: Hello and welcome to another installment of The Neo-Market Report. I am your host Neil Kauvuto, and as always I'm joined by my lovely co-host, former Portfolio Manager of the Eyrie High Flyer Fund, Miss Maria Blumaroono. Maria, how do things look from over there at The News Desk?

BLUMAROONO: Well Neil, after a bullish run that lasted nearly ten days, a sudden crash was brought on by rumours that NSEC Chairman Lupevitt was about to extend the scope of his investigations into insider trading. Once word of renewed investigations leaked out, there was a panic throughout the market that has sent share values plummeting ever since.

In looking at this week's biggest losers, it's not surprising that many of the companies hurt by these latest allegations are those who were implicated in the Chairman's first findings. As the names of The Presidential Palace, Techrobatics Fitness Videos, Cybun Electromatics, and Unis Beauty Salon continue to spring up in the leaks coming from well-placed NSEC sources, it's no wonder that their stock prices keep plummeting. When asked about the ongoing scandals that surround them, the CEO's of these companies have echoed the sentiment expressed by Fabiana Kotzencraft on last week's Neo-Market Report; namely, that their companies should not be penalized for the irresponsible activities of a few reckless shareholders.

KAUVUTO: Interestingly enough however, there were a handful of stocks that actually managed to turn a profit in the chaos of this week's turmoil. One such company was PD Secure Storage, whose quarterly report showed higher returns than expected. Another company posting gains this week was Kacheek and Sons Landscaping, whose business has been boosted by the upcoming arrival of NeoHome Gardens. When asked about the Gardens' impending arrival, Kacheek and Sons President Bentolo the Kacheek said, "I am thrilled about the possibility of NeoHome Gardens, because they will bring the beauty and joy that comes with gardening to everyday Neopians."

Well, joining us today on The Neo-Market Report is a guest whose company, Bob's Big Bonus Bingo, has also fared quite well in recent times. We're proud to have Bob the Blumaroo stopping by today… Bob, thanks for being here.

BOB: Oh hey Neil, it's my pleasure. I've got a ribbon cutting ceremony here in town this week, so it worked out really well scheduling-wise.

BLUMAROONO: Now, a lot has been made about your rivalry with King Roo and the competition between your company and Dice-A-Roo Industries. Would you care to discuss the current state of this relationship?

BOB: Well Maria, I'd be lying to you if I said that things between King Roo and I had always been rosy…after all, it was his decision to impose a massive tax on every gaming organisation on Roo Island, with the exception of Dice-A-Roo Industries, of course, that caused me to move my company to the mainland. But hey, I've gone my way and he's gone his, and now I can honestly say that our relationship is much more cordial.

KAUVUTO: We've heard recent rumblings that your negations with The Bingo Callers Union haven't been going very smoothly. Would you care to give us an update as to how that's going?

BOB: In regards to the Bingo Callers, I think the problem is that the Union leadership isn't accurately reflecting the demands of the rank and file. Whereas the members of the union would be satisfied with an upgrade in working conditions and health benefits, their leadership has taken a hard stance on frivolities such as paid holidays and cost of living increases. So, I think that once the members have taken a long hard look at what's actually on the table, then I think we'll be in business.

BLUMAROONO: Well, that's about all the time that we have for today. For Neil Kauvuto and Bob the Blumaroo, this is Maria Blumaroono saying thank you and so long…