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Usuki Usuki: Ms. Usuki Tells All

by starlight372

Usuki Dolls are all the rage nowadays. They are the greatest dolls in history, like forever and ever. You could play for hours and hours without getting bored. What is the secret behind these great dolls? Today, we meet Ms. Usulydia Usuki, creator of the Usuki Dolls! This is starlight372 the Gelert of the Neopian news.

That's that for introduction, and now I'm ready to visit Ms. Usuki. She lives in her nice cottage near shop lane, which is the little house you see right now. Hmm, maybe I should knock first...

Starlight: Ms. Usuki? Are you in now? This is starlight372 from the Neopian news, will you mind if we interview you?

Usuki: It's my pleasure. Come on in!

Starlight: Thank you.. Ms. Usuki, how did you come up with the Usuki Doll idea?

Usuki: Oh, that. When I was little my favorite thing to do was sculpting, drawing and making things. I was good at it, too. And as you know, Usul are brave little treefolk, or so that everyone calls us. Well, everyday when we wanted to play dolls, there were no dolls, so we had to make some with leaves. Leaf dolls weren't very lifelike and wasn't that fun to play with. So I decided to make a lifelike and fun Usul doll for everyone to play with. Then I started to learn art, sculpting, photography... Everything. I needed a lot of knowledge to make real life dolls. So after like 3 years of learning, I finally made the first Usuki Doll... The Fun In The Sun Usuki. That's how they were made.

Starlight: Wow, that sounds like a lot of work.

Usuki: Sure was. *sigh*

Starlight: What do you make the dolls with?

Usuki: The Usuki Dolls? Oh 100% Cotton, and with some high-quality fake fur to cover them. The playsets are plastic, and the clothes are made by the Uni that owns the clothes shop. It's her secret type of cloth. High-quality of course.

Starlight: Cool, I know the dolls are really good since I own some too. How many workers do you have?

Usuki: None. Oh, you want a number? Zero.

Starlight: But due to the popularity of the dolls, I thought you'd need many of them. You know, like a factory.

Usuki: A factory? Oh I don't need that. I make them by myself. I don't want the secret to be heard...

Starlight: Pardon?

Usuki: I don't want the secret to be heard. I have secret ingredients other than the cotton. That's what makes them great.

Starlight: Oh, would you tell us the secrets?

Usuki: No, It's a secret and because it's a secret, I can't tell it to anybody. Sorry, though.

Starlight: Okay then, that's all right. Are you planning to make more Usuki Dolls? Are you still going to make 'em yourself?

Usuki: Well, yes I am planning more kinds of Usuki Dolls and some limited edition ones for special occasions. And again, yes I am going to do it myself.

Starlight: Okay. One last question. Here's a question everyone's just dying to ask.

Usuki: And what is it?

Starlight: Why are Usuki Dolls so fun? Why can you play with it for hours and hours without getting bored? Did you use magic?

Usuki: No I didn't use magic. If anybody wants to know, here's the scoop; The fun is coming from your heart. There's no magic in the dolls, there's magic in YOU, and Usuki Dolls are just tools to bring some fun and laughter to everyone.

Starlight: So that was the secret of Usuki Dolls. Ms. Usuki, erm, Thank you very much for participating in this interview. Meet you again!

So, Do you have an Usuki Doll yet? If you don't you might as well hurry, because some laughter and fun may be just the thing to cheer you up after a bad day. Quick, hurry up and get some....They sell out fast!