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The Snowager, Can You Trust Him?

by ddlongerlegs

Last week's Neopian Times front page story "Interview with the Snowager" was really quite a read, however I doubt the Snowager told the complete truth. You see, I can find no better way for someone to lay low than to give away free treasure, and make people feel sorry for them.

What?! You don't know what I'm talking about? Why, I'm saying the Snowager works for Dr. Sloth himself, and if you don't believe me read on and I will prove it.

The Snowager doesn't eat may pets, instead he blasts them with ice, leaves them with one hit point, and probably enjoys it. Meanwhile helping the evil Doctor by leaving the pets with little options, but to go to the already overcrowded Healing Springs, and work the Water Faerie half to death. (When she could be preparing for a possible Invasion.)

If you look in the Neopedia under Terror Mountain you can read the "chilling" tale of how Terror Mountain got its name. However though it never says who the culprit really is, it leaves me with little doubt that it is the Snowager. What better way to get the ski resort built than get all the wealthy Neopians out, and leave those others trying to find money so they can leave also? The ski lodge must have been a golden opportunity to bring people into their garage sales. I'll leave you to figure out why Sloth wanted the ski lodge there.

It's pretty much legitimate that Dr. Sloth programmed the fake Maverick to go rampaging around the ski lodge killing off the NeoPets Staff one by one, but I thought it a little odd that a mysterious blizzard just appeared form thin air and trapped them all inside. Coincidence... maybe. Snowager... probably.

I'm not saying that the Snowager was lying completely, he very well could have grown the Neggs, most grow in a freezing climate and the Snowager has a built in climate control. He could have made enough to but all those scratch cards in the stock market, but to make millions, you have to start out with quite a bit, right now the name Frank comes to mind. And though I don't like to admit it, because of certain events, the Snowager might even have a heart.

So it's up to you now, is the Snowager just an average monster who just so happens to have a heart, and want to lead his peaceful life? Or is he a monster who works for evil himself?