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The Sisters of Triumph: Part One

by Neo61576

It was a dark and windy night… the rain was beating all around. A flash of lightning silhouetted a cloaked figure carrying a wicker basket. The figure was limping and was obviously in pain. What, or whoever the individual was, it walked to a cave where it gently set the wicker basket down into a nook where it was dry. A flash of lighting sounded off dangerously close, but when another lightning bolt impacted somewhere nearby, the figure had disappeared. Sitting in the cave was the wicker basket, left behind.

It just so happened that on that very night the Neopian Battalions were riding in a forest not far from that very cave. They were exhausted and fatigued from riding all day and night in the pouring rain. They had sent Fast_eddy, the infamous clouds Blumaroo scout, ahead by tail to look for a place to camp for the rest of the night. He was just about to give up and wait for the troops to catch up when he saw a faint, yet undeviating light shining ahead. He pressed on, using his last ounce of strength to see what it was.

When he got to the spot of light he realised that it was a lantern in a cave. The lantern was in a wicker basket, and two blankets were also in it. One of the blankets was empty, as if there had been something in it before that had ceased to be now. Eddy wondered what could have happened to that creature, but he soon forgot all about that when he realised something was alive in the other blanket. It was wriggling and shaking. When Eddy opened the bundle, he was more surprised than he ever had been before.

What Eddy had discovered was a tiny red female Cybunny. He nearly fainted for he knew that Cybunnys were royalty and there were few Cybunnys in Neopia because they were "limited edition" so to speak. And not only that, Eddy saw that she had a yellow birthmark in the shape of a star on her paw. This meant that she was blessed. He knew he must show the troops right away because surely someone would know about a missing Cybunny. He waited for about five minutes and then he heard a voice. He knew that voice belonged to Sergeant Porovious Moe, a yellow Moehog with a mind of valiancy and guts of gusto. Eddy yelled that the Sergeant must come quickly! When the Sarge found out what Eddy had discovered he knew they must send out breaking news. The owner of this poor baby Cybunny was probably racking their brains trying to find her, and what more, they were probably rich and would pay a great reward, which the Troops needed badly for new firearms.

Within the hour, the news had been sent out. The Troops were astonished and dumbfounded when no one in all Neopia claimed the poor little Cybunny in a week's time. This meant, by the Constitution of RighteousNeo-ness, the Cybunny would be put up for adoption. The troops set up a review committee, and looked at many candidates who wanted to adopt her. They finally decided on a girl named Rinabeena because not only was she kind, but she had enough NP to satisfy the "extremely demanding" needs of a royal pet like a Cybunny She had no other pets and was able to suffice all the wants of the Cybunny She lived in Faerieland, where the Cybunny could grow up in a safe and protected environment. The Cybunny was named Chesiri, because it meant lost princess, which was what she had been.

This is not the end of the story, but if we go back a little we will discover that we missed a vital part of the story. Let's go back to where Eddy found the basket. The troops left the cave and camped at a field some five or six miles away. The next morning the rain had refrained, and a poor merchant girl was walking by. Her name was Clover, and her parents had been destroyed by a giant pterodactyl in a cave they were spelunking in Tyrannia. They had been explorers for a living, and even though it didn't make much, Clover stayed home in Neopia Central and kept the family store supplied with the vegetables they grew in the backyard. She was terribly lonely and the two family pets, a blue Gelert and a Lupe (named Moon32 and Seastar66) had also been destroyed in that unfortunate accident. She longed once again for the comfort of a pet to play with.

On that particular day, she had been going to the Marketplace to buy some sunflower seeds. She had always been a dreamer and to feed her imagination, she always walked through the Friendly Forest. This day she had decided to take a new path. She hadn't been walking very long when she came upon the cave where the basket was. The troops had left it there and forgotten about it, but Clover didn't know that. She walked up to it and looked inside. She knew no one else lived around these parts so she figured nobody would miss it. She could really use a basket like that. When she lifted it up, the shadow appeared to go Mew! She looked at the shadow and discovered that it wasn't really a shadow at all but a small shadow-painted Aisha kitten. It was a female who was all black except a small yellow star-shaped birthmark on her right paw. Since the forest was deserted of owners she knew there was something special about it. She was so lonely and she knew it couldn't be a crime just to take it in for a few days and feed it. Besides, it she didn't, she knew the wild NeoPets would get to it.

If anyone had come around looking for it, she would gladly return it to the owner she had told herself. She named it Destinyia because she figured it was pure Destiny that had brought her this kitten. After several months she had become firmly attached and fond of Destinyia, and nobody had come around to claim her. Destinyia became the apple of Clover's eye, and her best friend too. They shared many joyous hours together, keeping entertained playing with a reject Poogle toy or a blue ball of yarn. Clover passed her knowledge of battle to Destinyia, who would some day become a great battle feline.

Back in Faerieland, Rinabeena and Chesiri had become as much of a family as could be, given the condition. Chesiri had every plaything and item she could wish for. She was educated to the level of a supergenius, and she was taught technique for the Battledome where she would fight someday. She held the title of owner to the one of the largest collections of rare items in all Neopia. She had a whole room just for her stuffed animals and a whole other room just for her bikes and scooters. She had her library and her own trainer. Every day Chesiri dined on such succulent rarities as Scrambled Rainbow Neggs, Sticky Stacks, and Plum Crunch cereal. And that was just for breakfast! For dinner she had a whole smorgasbord of food laid out just for her. Chesiri always felt bad though, and donated the leftovers to the Money Tree. She tried to convince Rina she didn't need as much food and as many toys, however, Rina played the stocks and was always out of the mansion. That was how she made her money.

Whenever Rina was home, she was just too busy to listen and understand. When Chesiri tried to bring up this point Rina just bought a Ranegg or a Foobug and presented it too Chesiri. Chesiri grew very lonely and absorbed herself in her studies, as she had no real friends. Whenever she tried to make friends the NeoPets would either think she was a brat just because she was rich or they would try to get things from her. Life was sad for Chesiri.

To be continued...