Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 0 Issue: 1011 | 28th day of Relaxing, Y26
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Breaking News: Meridell Turns Grey!

by thronewarden


The Grey Curse. The mysterious pandemic that has been striking Neopians helpless across the world. You’ve seen the victims. The Grey colour, the miserable expressions, the droopy ears. (If they even have ears.) And now, the curse has infected neither a shopkeeper nor a daily: it’s taken Meridell itself.

      Alright, I admit it, when I first heard that King Skarl had been infected, I party-danced around my Neohome, throwing confetti into the air in celebration. I’m an avid Darigan Citadel supporter and saw this as a wonderful opportunity for both kingdoms. (With that tyrannical slob out of the way, the Citadel can get justice at last, and Meridell can finally throw free the shackles that had bound it for so long!!!) But then I learned that the curse had taken Jeran, Tormund, and Lisha. WHAT KIND OF TWISTED CURSE INFECTS THE AWESOME, SELFLESS HEROES ALONGSIDE THE TYRANT?!? Sorry, I lost my temper there. Thankfully, the Citadel has been spared. (My owner has a Darigan Aisha. He’s even more relieved than I am.) You may be wondering: “When did this all start?”

      The first hint that something was wrong came when the shopkeeper of Uni’s Clothing mysteriously turned Grey. No Paint Brush, healing item, or Faerie’s spell could cure her. A week later the Grooming Parlour was infected as well. The Breadmaster and Hubert’s Hot Dogs soon followed. Then Kari the Negg Faerie herself suddenly turned Grey just days before the Festival of Neggs, nearly derailing the festivities! The proprietor of the Super Happy Icy Fun Snow Shop fell to the curse next, then the Bank Manager, Coltzan, and (gasp) the Discarded Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity! I know. I’m grieving too. The Giant Omelette came next (how do you depress food?), then the Wheel of Knowledge, the Money Tree, and Trudy’s Surprise each turned Grey and miserable. And then, just the other night, all of Meridell was cursed with depression and Greyness.

      Everyone’s wondering what caused this calamity, so I decided to do some digging. It wasn’t easy, but after reluctantly dismissing Mutant Kadoaties (I’m onto you!), I managed to uncover a few tantalising hints about the curse...and what caused it. First off, there have been multiple sightings of a mysterious Grey Paint Brush decorated with a small skull and curved horns. The Paint Brush has been seen in the hands of a mysterious Yurble that was sighted near Meridell Castle mere hours before it turned Grey. Coincidence? I think not. There have also been whispers of a hideous Acara called Vira plotting alongside an unknown Dark Faerie. During the Advent Calendar, a young Ogrin named Orion showed up and shared a strange vision with those watching. I was there, happily enjoying some hot Borovan, and saw the whole thing myself. The vision showed a Blue Aisha and a Faellie getting attacked by a monster in some kind of void. There was another Yurble/Paint Brush sighting, as well as a very familiar sword thrust through a floating rock.

      Recognising it, I quickly called my old friend and fellow Shoyru Torshac and asked for help. He promptly launched an investigation and found some extremely interesting information about Lord Kass. He was thought to have been destroyed over twenty years ago, but now his sword shows up in a vision, and Torshac’s informants say his death was unconfirmed. Is it possible Kass is still alive, and in the same place as the Aisha and Faellie? My Aisha friend practically tore the walls down with excitement when I told him. There have also been rumours of (could it be?) Xandra playing a part in this. However, I heard this last rumour from a deranged lunatic saying he’s from Jelly World, and everyone knows that place doesn’t exist. Take my Xandra theory with a grain of salt.

      From there, our curiosity was piqued. Torshac did some hunting while I took a trip to Faerieland to question Fyora. He discovered several tourist posters plastered across message boards in the centre of large towns and cities. Each one displayed a different land, but each was also heavily graffitied on. You may be wondering what this has to do with the curse. Get this: almost every single one had a drawing of a Yurble holding a balloon in them. The only one that didn’t was Faerieland, which displayed both New Faerieland and the one before it came crashing down out of the sky. (Hence the Xandra rumours. I told you it wasn’t much.) Each one also had the lands looking miserable and/or plain evil. A drooling Food Shop, cracks in Brightvale Castle’s walls, and smoke coming out of the ground in Altador. But here’s the important thing-the Meridell poster appeared first. Do the posters tell the order that lands will be greyed in? If so, Brightvale’d better watch out!

      Meanwhile, I travelled to Faerieland to question Fyora. I’d seen her at the Advent Calendar, speaking with Orion about his visions. I managed to bribe-I mean, talk-some guards into getting me an audience. Our conversation is recorded below.

      Me: This Grey Curse is very serious. Do you know anything about it?

      Fyora: You’re a reporter.

      Me: Um, yes?

      Fyora: I cannot reveal anything to you without it being plastered in the newspapers.

      Me: *crosses fingers behind back* Don’t worry, your Majesty. I won’t tell a soul.

      Fyora: I can see your hand, you know.

      Me: Uh...

      Fyora: I understand your concern, but I don’t want to start a panic! This is an incredibly delicate matter. I need time to deal with it, alone. If you want a story, there are some very cute Poogles that-

      Me: *slams door*

      Fyora: How rude.

      Well, apparently whatever's going on is so bad that Fyora isn’t willing to tell me for fear of causing a panic. That doesn’t bode well.

      I then met up with Torshac to compare findings. Turns out he was a lot more productive than I was. We compared notes, cross checked sources, and made plans to meet up the next day to keep investigating. Unfortunately, I woke up to find Meridell Grey and listless, a gaping hole in the sky, and Torshac infected along with everyone else. I composed this report of all the information me and Torshac gathered. Make of it what you will, but you can’t deny that something sinister is spreading through Neopia. If Fyora’s reaction is anything to judge by, it appears the peace we’ve enjoyed for so long is rapidly coming to an end. My best friend was taken by this curse. Please, heed my warning. Sharpen your blades. Gather your allies. There’s a storm coming, and I’m not sure we can survive it.

     Signing off, Namyka the Candy Shoyru

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