Battle of the Brushes by evilfaerie3400
"Shh! If we ever want to get past the Snowager, we have
to be quiet!" whispered Jenny the red Kacheek. She and her best friend NeoJapanAvnitia
the red Meerca had heard many tales of the Snowager's hoard, but had never actually
been inside. One early morning, curiosity overcame fear and she and NeoJapanAvnitia
(better known as NJ) set out from their homes in Happy Valley for the Snowager's
cave. As they rounded the last turn in the tunnel, Jenny began to regret her reckless
decision. But her regret shriveled away to nothing as she took in the Snowager's
lair, with the Snowager nowhere in sight.
"He must be out somewhere!" exclaimed NJ excitedly.
"Let's look around!" Although slightly disappointed that she hadn't gotten to
see the Snowager, Jenny couldn't resist digging through the enormous pile of
stuff that filled the cavern.
"Ugh," she said to herself as she stumbled upon
a Disco Fever Paintbrush. "Why do they even have these anymore? Hey, NJ! Think
fast!" she called and tossed the Paintbrush to her friend. Jenny laughed as
NJ was painted Disco. "Nice new look, NJ! Who does your hair?" NJ grinned conspiratorially
as she slowly picked up a Tyrranian Paintbrush and hurled it at Jenny.
"I don't know, Jen! Who does your fur?" she
cried hysterically as Jenny grew long, coarse fur all over her body, her teeth
became crooked, and a blissfully stupid look crossed her face.
"NJ!" Jenny said angrily. NJ ignored Jenny and
continued to roll around laughing, a big ball of flower power. Jenny grabbed
a Maraquan Paintbrush and threw it at NJ, who immediately started gasping for
breath. She fumbled around, grabbed the nearest paintbrush and quickly painted
herself with it.
"Jenny! Dat's not funny! Wiw yew quit waughing?
I could haf died! Wat's so hiwawious, anyways?" NJ scolded before looking down
and realizing she had painted herself with a Baby Paintbrush! "Oh, so its warw,
is it?!" she exclaimed, trying her best to drag what seemed to be a huge Skunk
Paintbrush to her over to her friend. She poked Jenny in her still-hairy Tyrranian
leg, and the rest of her body followed along. NJ smiled as Jenny was turned
skunk. Then she frowned. "Oh, wat is dat smew?!?" she exclaimed in disgust.
"It must be the skunk!" replied Jenny. "I'm
getting a different paintbrush!" Jenny grabbed a Mystery Island Paintbrush and
used it on herself.
"Ooh, it's a good wook fo' yew, Jen!" NJ said
truthfully. "Oh, I can't stand dis Baby no mowe! Gimme a Paintbwush!" she said,
grabbing a Faerie Paintbrush and painting herself with it. "Ahh," she sighed.
"That's better. Now, let's get out of here before the Snowager comes back."
The earth began to rumble. Suddenly, in roared the Snowager. NJ screamed and
tried to run, but Jenny grabbed her wing and pulled her back.
"Stand still. Don't make any sounds or sudden
movements," she whispered.
"How are we going to get out of this?" NJ whispered.
"I'm thinking... Got it! There are two Invisible
Paintbrushes behind you. Get them," she whispered urgently, her paw clasping
onto a Paintbrush herself.
"But I'm a Meerca! I can't be painted Invisible!"
NJ whispered back.
"Get Uni and Red Meerca Morphing Potions." NJ
fumbled around behind her back and finally her paws closed on two Invisible
Paintbrushes and a Green Uni Morphing Potion. She passed a Paintbrush to Jenny
and felt around for a Red Meerca Morphing Potion. She felt a Morphing bottle.
'That must be it' she thought to herself and, still holding it behind her back,
she slowly brought the Uni Potion to her lips. She took a gulp, and, in a hurricane
of light, she was transformed into a Green Uni!
"Oh, my goodness. I'm a Uni. I'm a Uni. I'm
a..." She was cut off by Jenny's voice shouting from nowhere,
"Paint yourself! Paint!" NJ hurriedly obeyed,
doing the best she could with Uni hooves. It worked. She was invisible. "Run!"
Jenny shouted. And they did. They ran for their lives. When they were finally
safe, in the daylight, where the Snowager did not dare to go, they stopped.
Panting hard, Jenny got out her Paintbrush and painted herself before bothering
to see what paintbrush she had picked up. "Gweat. I'm a Baby," she muttered,
turning back to NJ. "NJ, no! Dat's not a Meewca Potion!" But it was too late.
NJ had taken a drink, and was in the middle of another hurricane of light, before
coming back down to the ground.
"Wahahaha! You picked up a Baby Paintbrush!
...What, Jen?" she asked. "What is it?" she said more anxiously. She looked
down at herself. She slowly reached up behind her and felt a pair of wings.
She reached up to her head and slowly reached for the back of it. A horn. She
had a dull horn at the back of her head. "Oh...OH!! I'm a Shoyru! Ohhhh..."
she moaned, looking down at her claws. "I'm a Red Shoyru. Now what are we going
to do?"
"We only have one choice. We have to go home
and face our parents," Jenny said sadly.
"I wonder what it feels like to be a grounded
Shoyru?" NJ mused, stretching her wings.
"Well," said Jenny, "You'll have a long time
to find out." And so, the two friends went home, never again to venture into
the Snowager's lair.
1) Be very careful when you are in the Snowager's
lair, especially when he IS in it.
2) Never just assume in important situations,
like Jenny and NJ did. If they had checked the things they grabbed instead of
just grabbing, running, and using, everything would possibly have worked out.
3) Try not to steal, especially if the person
you are stealing from happens to be an 800 pound ice worm with an attitude.
If you do take from the Snowager, I'd advise you make only one trip a day.
"What do you mean, you went to the Snowager's
lair?!?" Jenny's mom cried that evening. "And why are you a Baby?"
"Wew, Mommy, you betta sit down, 'cuz it's a
wooong stowy..." and they sat down and Jenny told her mother the entire story.
Meanwhile, NJ was not having much luck with her mother, either (which sort of
rhymes :) ). She refused to believe that NJ was her child.
"Mom, get over it! I am NeoJapanAvnitia, and
nothing you say can change that! Go ask Jenny if you don't believe me." So NJ's
mom went next door and rang Jenny's doorbell. Jenny answered the door.
"Jenny?" NJ's mom asked with wide eyes.
"Hewo. How a' yew?" Jenny grinned, trying not
to laugh at NJ's mom's hilarious face.
"I'm... just fine. I came because of the appearance
of my 'daughter'?" she replied slowly.
"Yes, dat's youw dawta, da Shoywu," Jenny grinned
even larger at her face.
"O...OK. Thank you..." she said, dazed.
"Good night. And tew NJ I said good wuck."
"I... I'll do that. Good night, Jenny."
"Good night," Jenny replied, and slammed the
door, barely closing it before bursting out in laughter.
"What was that all about?" asked Jenny's mom.
"Wew, Mommy," Jenny gasped in reply, "Wet's
just say be wucky I'm a Baby Kacheek!"
The End