The Return of Celia Synoptics: Part One by appaloosa500
"Starship Fantastico VII arriving in spaceport 3C. Repeat.
Starship Fantastico VII arriving in spaceport 3C," announced the Virtupets Space
Station loudspeaker.
A sponge Grundo jumped to his feet excitedly.
"That's the ship! The Alien Aisha ambassador has arrived!"
The Space Faerie stood from her circular throne
and examined the sphere-like central operating room of the Space Station. "This
is a wonderful day indeed, officers. The Alien Aishas have sent a representative
to readjust the trade agreements to allow for greater freedom and less prejudice.
Lieutenant Coreily and Commander Grayson, please go to meet Ambassador Sonix.
She's a yellow Alien Aisha and should be accompanied by her husband, Chief Engineer
Sonix, also a yellow Alien Aisha. Escort them to the prepared Emissary's Suite."
The two officers bowed from their positions and
left the room by way of a downward descending circular platform. The Space Faerie
sat again and pressed a hidden gray button on the armrest of her throne. Queen
Fyora's face appeared as a hologram in front of her.
"Your majesty," the Space Faerie bowed her head.
"The emissaries and parents of the escapee under our protection have arrived."
"Indeed, my dear. Take good care to not discuss
or reveal any information pertaining to the escapee. You are to act as if you
know nothing-as they will undoubtedly ask questions."
"Yes, your highness." The Space Faerie bowed
her head again and ended the connection. "It shall be done," she whispered to
There was a matter they didn't consider. What
some may call a wrench in the works. Namely, a stowaway. Specifically, an old
nemesis of their escapee, and one with inside-intelligence information.
An astoundingly beautiful red Alien Aisha with
long, thick red hair kicked a sleeping giant Green Alien Aisha. "Get up, you
dolt!" she hissed. "We're here!"
The giant sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Yes, Miss
The red Alien Aisha smiled wickedly. "Celia Synoptics
is back! And I'm going to get that Sonix brat if it's the last thing I do!"
She clenched her fists determinedly.
"It may be the last thing you ever do," mumbled
the large green Alien Aisha. "I can't believe I've sunken as low as hired help
to settle a childhood dispute! And against someone under the Faerie Protection
The 'Sonix' in question was lazing in his Fix-It
shop with his new best friend. The yellow Alien Aisha looked absolutely nothing
like an alien. He only had two earstalks to a normal Alien Aisha's four. He
was dressed in an old stained T-shirt and ripped jeans. The only thing that
drew attention was his extreme shortness and his lack of an "A" collar. His
name was DeSoni-his birth name was Derek Sonix.
"Question six," DeSoni said, reading from a magazine.
"If he/she was kidnapped by aliens right before your eyes, would you (a) run
away screaming, (b) stand still screaming, (c) run and get help, or (d) stupidly
try to save your friend and get vaporized for your idiocy."
His best friend, a tall red Ruki named Rickster_Rocker,
shook his head. "D, of course. And I definitely think whoever wrote this quiz
is anti-alien."
DeSoni laughed. "Undoubtedly, Rocky. But a quiz
is a quiz is a quiz. Besides, I'm procrastinating." He gestured to several broken
items on worktables and scattered throughout the shop.
Rocky sighed. "Whatever, Soni. What'd I score?"
"Negative 30. According to this, you value your
friend too highly and need to rethink your ideas of aliens. See page 15." The
small yellow Alien Aisha flipped to page 15. He read the title impassively,
then passed the magazine to Rocky.
The tall Ruki scanned the page before exclaiming,
"Another anti-Alien Aisha agreement article! These people make us Neopians look
"Us Neopians?" queried DeSoni with a small
"You know what I mean," responded Rocky. "Just
because Alien Aisha technology is so advanced, these nutters go crazy! I blame
the NT for over-dramatizing Alien Aisha attacks on Neopia." The Ruki walked
over to a large wastebasket and tore the magazine in half, then quarters, over
"Speaking of our Neopian Times," began DeSoni,
sitting up and pulling the newspaper from under the table they'd been slouching
against. "Here's today's issue." The tiny Aisha tossed it to the tall Ruki.
Rocky read aloud: "Revision of Alien Aisha trading
agreement. Emissaries Ambassador Deanna Sonix and Chief Engineer Daniel Sonix
arrived this morning at Virtupets Orbital Space Station #4 at 0800 hours, ready
to pave the way to a glorious future of-" He paused, suddenly remember something.
"Hey, isn't Sonix your family name?"
DeSoni smirked. "Would you like to help me do
some more procrastinating? I'm in the mood for an adventure!"
Rocky shook his head. "No. No way. I may not
be anti-alien, but I'm not gonna help you drown yourself. Traitors don't get
off light, even if they are geniuses!"
"Nothing like that," sighed the tiny yellow Aisha.
"It's just been so long since I've last seen my parents." He shook his head
sadly. "You're right, it's foolish."
Curious despite himself, Rocky asked the question.
"I'm not agreeing to anything, but what did you have in mind?"
DeSoni smirked. "Sneaking into the Space Station
to try glimpse my parents. No real point, I guess, but wouldn't it be fun?"
"Whenever you say that something goes horribly
wrong," groaned the Ruki. "And shouldn't you tell the faeries before you do
something rash?"
DeSoni laughed. "What could go wrong?"
Rocky grimaced. "I hate it when you say that
even more."
The little Aisha continued. "Seriously, now.
I got an invitation to lecture a class at the Space Station Technological Institute-you
know, the one where Khargana made her memo-briefcase. Anyway, I've got two first
class tickets…"
The lanky Ruki blinked his enormous eyes. "Okay,
I got the invite part, but you can't go dressed as you are anyway! Quite honestly,
Soni, you're a slob when you work. And what in the world would you lecture on?!"
"Elementary particles interaction and fusion
between advanced chemical compositions. It generates a rather spectacular effect
on the-"
"Okay, whatever. And your clothes?" said Rocky,
grasping at excuses.
DeSoni frowned and thought. "You know, I think
I've got some brown slacks and a tan blazer in the back of my closet at appaloosa500's
"And the FPP?"
"The Space Faerie signed the invite, so I'm sure
it will be fine. And you'll be coming?"
Rocky reluctantly gave in. "Okay, I'll go-but
only to watch your back!"
The emissaries sat on hoverchairs around a circular
table as the two officers from earlier escorted the royal Space Faerie into
the suite. Gracefully, the Space Faerie took a seat in a hoverchair across from
the couple and dismissed the officers.
The two yellow Alien Aishas nervously held paws
and kept silent. They were dressed in the standard silver uniform of most Alien
Aishas and both seemed unusually depressed. There was an uncomfortable silence
for a moment or two, then the Ambassador spoke up.
But the voice that spoke was not one of a governmental
representative, but of a worried mother. "Please, madam Space Faerie. I say
this in the uppermost confidence. Our-our son, Derek? I plead with you for information
of him!"
A confused look came over the faerie's face.
"My dear ambassador. I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you're talking about.
I'm sure your government has contact numbers and listings of all assigned agents."
"But he… he…" she didn't finish.
Her husband squeezed her paw comfortingly. "Don't
play dumb, Madam Space Faerie. We know as well as you that he's gone AWAL and
turned to you faeries. He looks for all the world like a Neopian Aisha, but
if need be I can prove beyond doubt that he's our son and a full-blooded Alien
"I'm sorry, emissaries," continued the Space
Faerie. "I really cannot help you here."
The Ambassador jumped on it. "So you do know!
Please, please help! We just want to see him, maybe talk with him!"
The Engineer continued for her. "This is strictly
personal, but I've said and done so many things I regret! I'd just like to apologize."
The level of emotion was escalating out of the
Space Faerie's control. Even under Queen Fyora's orders, her natural inclination
was to tell the parents their son was perfectly all right-the proprietor of
his own shop, in fact. She would've liked-no, she couldn't. Even if the Sonixes
were truthful, she had no way of knowing if they had high-tech recording, listening,
or transmitting devices secreted on them.
She stood up. "I'm sorry, but it seems now is
not a good time for our treaty discussion. You two probably have a lot to talk
about, so I'll leave you be. I'll see you tomorrow, 0900 hours. Good night."
With that, the Space Faerie left.
"She knows something!" whispered Deanna Sonix,
almost jealously.
"Don't worry, my dear. We'll find information
of Derek-I'm sure of that!"
As soon as the faerie exited the suite, a red
Grundo jogged up to her with a slip of printed paper.
"Neomail quick-message, madam!" he said, handing
it to her. "First class, grade A privacy."
Since it sounded important, the faerie reached
over and took the slip. She glanced it over, then abruptly backtracked and read
it a second time more carefully, her face draining of color meanwhile. "By Fyora's
crown!" she gasped, and, still gripping the paper tightly, she dashed down the
corridor toward the bridge.
"Did someone die or something?" asked the Grundo,
staring in shock at his departing leader.
"Fyora!" gasped the Space Faerie in her private
"What is it, dear? You look horrified!"
"The-the fool! DeSoni!"
"What? You're not making any sense," kindly responded
the Queen.
"An S.S.T.I. teacher sent him an invitation to
lecture, and he accepted!"
"No danger-he's lectured before, hasn't he?"
"Yes, but the memo said he's coming now!"
said the Space Faerie in exasperation.
"Now! As in, on his way?! With his parents as
emissaries! How can he possibly expect us to keep him safe if he keeps going
off on these crazy ideas?"
"He'll arrive at 1500 hours, Fyora. I intend
to keep him at S.S.T.I. the entire time, but you know how he can be. They have
a new landing port, so even though he's on public transport I'll reroute the
Space Bus's traveling instructions. We'll say we had to close up the public
landing port for maintenance."
"That would be fine. Keep me posted and the cameras
on DeSoni 24/7. He mustn't be allowed to come across his parents!"
"Yes, my queen."
To be continued...
Author's Note: As always, let me know what you think! Questions, comments,
whatever--throw them my way. This story doesn't move quite as fast as my usuals,
but I'm pretty sure you'll like it anyway. Thanks to everyone who wrote to say
they wanted more DeSoni and Rocky stories!