Trouble in Faerieland? by buttafromdaghetto
FAERIELAND - Floating in the clouds miles above Neopia is Faerieland. It is home
to Fyora, the Faerie Queen, the Fountain Faerie, and the five elemental uber Faeries.
Faerieland is also the location of Neopia's one and only Employment Agency, the
Healing Springs and the Hidden Tower. Faerieland was once one of the most popular
places in the whole of Neopia. It seems, however, that Neopians have become disillusioned
and disgruntled with Faerieland and its winged inhabitants. In days gone by the
citizens of Neopia could always turn to the Faeries for help and protection. The
Faeries were much beloved by Neopians far and wide. Pets and owners were eager
to complete quests in order to please the Faeries and there were festivals to
celebrate them in all their splendor and glory.
However, in present day Neopia unemployment rates have skyrocketed and Faerie
Queen and Fountain Faerie quests are unbelievably rare (at best). More pets
and owners have been turning to the Mad Scientist to boost stats and gain color
changes. It is rumored that Neopians plan to hold a grand festival in the Mad
Scientist's honor!
It has been said that the Faeries have just become complacent, while others
believe that they have lost their love for Neopians. What are we to believe?
The Employment Agency is not offering new job coupons, the cost to purchase
job coupons is completely unreasonable and basic jobs are at a premium. Fyora
and the Fountain Faerie have become recluses. Players report having played Neopets
for up to 4 years without ever getting a Faerie Queen or Fountain Faerie quest.
Faerieland has become stagnant and Neopians are unhappy about it.
There are a few Neopian citizens who aren't fussed by this. Sydney from the
Haunted Fairgrounds thinks that this is a good sign. Yesterday he was quoted
saying, "The less there is going on up there, the more happens around here.
It has made business in the Haunted Woods boom. It's much easier to get up to
no good if you don't have those blasted Faeries buzzing around." Edna the witch
just gave us a snaggletoothed smile and cackled when we asked for her opinion.
We were granted an interview with the gracious and wise King Hagan, who is
appalled at the Faeries' behavior. This is what he had to say: "When you are
entrusted to look after people, you should put their welfare before everything
else, including your own wants and needs. Neopians need the Faeries and look
to them in times of trouble. It is heartbreaking to see how lax they have become.
However, I don't think that it's too late. If they were to show the people that
they do care and that they are still there for them, I'm sure they could regain
the love and respect of Neopia."
We spoke with both the Island Mystic and the Haiku Kougra. The Island Mystic
seems to think that clawmatoes and dancing with a felf in a bowl of jelly may
be the answer to all our problems. The Haiku Kougra gave us what appeared to
be a neutral response:
"Rising sun
eats falling flower
Well, at least we think that it was a neutral answer.
We were also able to speak with Kauvara. This is what the magical heifer had
to say: "Magic is the cohesive element that binds and animates Neopia. If the
Faeries fail, I fear that we shall all in time fail." It was quite disheartening
to see how dismal the mood in her shop has become.
The Kiosk Wocky is very angry with the Faeries and says, "Living in the clouds
has gone to their heads! I've written letter after letter to Fyora and the Fountain
Faerie regarding my concerns. I haven't heard back from either one. I tell you
if I get one more of my letters returned unopened, I'm gonna take a snowcone
and........" The rest of this conversation has been edited. We think the Kiosk
Wocky may need a nice cup of chamomile tea and a short vacation to Mystery Island.
We would like to say that not all of Neopia's Faeries have turned their backs
on its citizens. The Space Faerie has been seen with increasing frequency; perhaps
she is attempting to make up for the rest of the Faerie Sisterhood? With the
help of a few magic potions and lots of luck, our best reporter was able to
speak with Jhudora. She simply waved her hand and cackled, but nothing happened.
Of course, we really didn’t expect anything more from her. While her behavior
was not surprising, our reporter was dumbfounded by the way he was treated by
the Book Faerie and the Food Faerie. He reports that the Book Faerie shushed
him and caused his pet's intelligence to decrease! The Food Faerie was kind
enough not to harm our reporter's pet but she did throw a flaming pizza at him.
What has caused this hostile behavior in the normally pleasant and docile Faeries?
We consulted licensed Faerie behaviorist, Dr. Pinkie Scorchio, to find our answers.
The good doctor thinks that there could be two possible reasons. The first,
and most likely, theory is that they are feeling an extreme amount of subconscious
guilt that is causing them to display this passive aggressive behavior. The
second possible theory is that there is some sort of pollution or contamination
in the Faerie city that is having a negative effect on the Faeries. Dr. Scorchio
has strongly suggested that the air and water in Faerieland be tested just to
be on the safe side.
What will the outcome be? Will the Faeries fall completely out of favor? Will
they leave us to look out for ourselves? Perhaps this is why the discarded blue
grundo of prosperity wears such a forlorn expression. Does he know something
that we don't?
In the meantime, look out for yourself and each other, stock up on magical
protection and you may want to avoid the Kiosk Wocky for a while. She's really