Why Do You DO That? An Avatar Collector’s Response by neopian_queen_liana
NEOBOARDS - As an avid avatar collector, I am asked on a regular basis why I bother.
Why collect a hundred or more avatars when you can only use one of at a time?
Why spend a million Neopoints on an avatar that you won’t use on a daily basis?
And why would you WANT the Snotty Meuka beside your name in the first place? Well,
there are a lot of reasons I collect avatars, and here are a few of my favorites.
Self Expression - My mood changes from day to day, sometimes hour to hour.
So does yours, your Neopets, and your dogs. What better way to tell people how
you’re feeling than with an avatar? There are avatars for everything. If you’re
feeling a little low, the Wocky *sigh* avatar can show that perfectly. Hit the
jackpot on Scorchy Slots, a Paint Brush from Test Your Strength, and a map piece
from a passing zombie all in the same day? Let everyone know with the new Lucky
Dice-a-Roo avatar. If you’re feeling a bit wicked, click on your Evil Jhudora
av! Feeling Silly? How about the Caption Competition or the Quiggle April Fool’s
Day avs? Feeling a little snotty? How about Meuka! He’s also great for grossing
out people with delicate stomachs. ;) With almost 150 different avatars, you
can always find one to reflect your mood.
New Experiences - As vast a world as Neopia is, there are tons of places and
things I haven’t tried. Before avatars, I had never attempted Plushie Tycoon.
It just looked too difficult. With the release of the avatar, combined with
my obsession with collecting them, I play daily, and enjoy it a lot. I still
can’t climb over 50,000 NPs, but I’m having a great time trying. I’d never submitted
a Neopian Times article before, but I’ll keep trying and improving my writing
skills until I finish this goal! Shop restocking at the Chocolate Shop was an
impossible mission as well, or so I thought. After four hours a night for a
week straight, I earned myself several hundred thousand Neopoints, AND the Chocolate
avatar! I wouldn’t have made that profit or experienced shop restocking without
the incentive of the avatar.
There are also plenty of things I had done in the past, but gave up on or was
no longer interested in that avatars had me trying again! On my old account,
I’d own Invasion of Meridell, and hadn’t played again since. With the release
of the Invasion of Meridell avatar, I’m relearning a game I loved! The same
is true of the Wheels. I’d quit using most of the wheels, but with new avatars,
my interest is renewed! Avatars has made certain unpopular part of the site
new life with the release of avatars.
Neopian Interests - Avatars can also show what you enjoy on Neopets. If you’ve
played Neoquest and Neoquest II a dozen times, you can proudly display the Bionic
Cybunny, Lupe Weakling, or Devilpuss avatars! Show pride in your writing accomplishments
by sporting the Neopian Times avatar, or your skills at logic puzzles with the
Lenny Conundrum av. If you’re a restocker, maybe the Chocolate or the Uni Faboo
avatars are your cup of borovan. Fill a stamp page? That’s quite the accomplishment.
Let everyone know with one of the great stamp collecting avatars. Battledome
fanatics have opportunities to show off as well with avatars from Kasuki Lu
to the Black Pteri to the Space Faerie! From collectable cards to games to different
species avatars, you can always find one to suit your interests in Neopia.
Friendships - The number of people I’ve met through avatar collecting is ridiculous.
Avatar collectors are a diverse bunch, as you have to be to collect something
that covers such a broad area. Areas of interests are unending, and opportunities
for new topics of discussion are added with each new avatar. Avatar collecting
also helps people share their talents with each other. If you’re great in the
Battledome and I’m great at Invasion of Meridell, we can get together and trade
tips to help each other out!
Hunting for avatar solutions as a group is enormous fun too! :) It also takes
away a lot of the costs of trying dozens of approaches to a new avatar! Not
to mention sharing of avatar items has gotten extremely popular. It takes a
group of people you trust implicitly to work out avatars together. It’s not
often you can find people that you’d trust that much on Neopets, but avatar
collecting has introduced me to some great and trustworthy people. :)
Discipline - If you’ve taken a look at my user lookup, you'll notice that I
have a hard time finishing things. I have a lot of stamps and a lot of collectable
cards, but not enough of either to brag about. My problem is I have no discipline
with Neopoints. If I have them, I’ll spend them. Collecting avatars is helping
with this problem, as well! I set a goal, and I stick to it until I’ve accomplished
it. I needed 700,000 NPs for the Orange Paint Brush for the Orange Grundo avatar,
which would have been almost impossible in my early days in this game. Now I’m
learning to focus on one thing, and keep at it until I get it. Avatar collecting
has helped me learn how to save.
Fun - Last but not least, avatar collecting is incredibly fun! :D The anticipation
of a new avatar has me checking the news time and time again. The thrill of
the hunt when a new avatar is released has me trying every combination of items/shops/games/Neopedia
articles/etc. until the solution to an avatar is found. Ever been one of the
first people in Neopia to figure out an avatar? Now THAT is a great feeling.
Try it sometime! ;)
Avatar collecting has brought a new life to Neopets for me. I am able to set
new goals for myself around the site, and I’m given the incentive to try to
learn new things! I’m still waiting on my Avatar Collector avatar, and a lovely
gold trophy for my collection, but I’ll keep at it until I get them. Avatars
are a matter of self expression, and a load of fun.