The Meepit War: Part One by twenty161
It was a bright morning in the month of Gathering. Jenn,
a pretty much normal Neopian, was just getting up. She was enjoying the quiet
in front of her window with her elbows on the window sill, watching the baby
Weewoos open their eyes for the first time. Suddenly, a scream broke the silence.
Startled, Jenn tore herself away from the window, hastily putting on a bathrobe
as she ran down the stairs. She was just tying the sash when Aaeeli, a silver
Kougra, crashed into her at the bottom.
"Mom!" she cried. "Look what Xurokai and Kinii
did to Gigi!" She held up the normally blue Greeble, now brown with mud. Two
circles of green covered its eyes. Its feet were bandaged in pink, which on
closer inspection turned out to be pieces from a pink table cloth. On its head
a small hand towel was glued. Jenn reached up and pulled off one of the green
circles, wiped the mud off, and popped it in her mouth.
"It's cucumber!" She giggled. Then, putting
on a more sober face, she comforted Aaeeli. "It's alright honey, I'll deal with
it. If we need to, we'll get her a paint brush." Aaeeli smiled a little at the
prospect, wiping tears from her silver fur. Jenn picked up the poor Greeble,
thinking as she did so, "And I know who will be paying for it."
A checkered Kau ran into the kitchen, where there
was placed a red bucket, filled with mud. Beside the bucket were slices of cucumbers,
scissors, and a bottle of glue. A green Kougra stepped into the kitchen beside
him, carrying his sister's bag of make-up. He and the Kau looked at each other
in surprise. Where was their patient? "KINII!! XUROKAI!! COME HERE THIS INSTANT!"
A few seconds later, the two mischievous Neopets peeked around the doorframe
leading to the dining room. "What do you gentlepets have to say for yourselves?"
"Uh, we were grooming it as a surprise for Aaeeli!
She said mud is good for the skin, and that cucumbers will make your eyes soft!
Why you would want that, I don't know." The checkered Kau smiled sheepishly.
"It's for the skin AROUND your eyes, not for your
eyes, Kinii!" Aaeeli said.
"The point is, you did this without her permission,"
said Jenn.
"But it was a surprise! And she was surprised alright,
right, Xurokai?" The two pets giggled.
"Maybe, but would you like it if she did this to
"No... but she wouldn't do that!"
"You never know!" Aaeeli put in.
"I'll take care of this, Aaeeli," said Jenn. "Now,
I want you two to say you're sorry to Aaeeli."
"Sorry." Kinii and Xurokai looked at the floor, still
"You don't look sorry." Jenn smiled inwardly.
"We are, but the look on her face was so funny! She
was like this:" Xurokai proceeded to show them. Kinii, Aaeeli, and even Jenn
burst out laughing.
"I do not!" Aaeeli pounced on Xurokai, who was pretending
to be an Aaeeli-zombie.
"Ooogh! My poor Gigi! Ooobleaurgh - Hey!" Aaeeli
and Xurokai rolled on the floor, silver and green twisted together. Jenn put
a hand over her face, moaning. Kinii stood by, laughing as he helped Xurokai
chase the silver Kougra throughout the house. Five other Neopets, who were playing
a board game, joined in, not even knowing what was going on. Soon a game of
"capture the flag" was going on. Then it was girls against boys, racing through
the house, sneaking along corridors, hiding under beds.
Jenn sat at the kitchen table, enjoying a cup of
hot Borovan. A blue Shoyru flew into the room, narrowly avoiding a purple Eyrie,
who had just crashed into the wall.
"Yes, Maritoma?"
"I was wondering if you could help me with this History
thing I have to do for school. I'm good at Math, but not History."
"Sure, what's the problem?"
"Well, I keep forgetting what year it was that Sloth
attacked Neopia."
"Let's see, did you bring your History book?" The
Shoyru handed her a blue book.
"Thanks. Ok, page 28... ah, yes, here we are! It
was year - OW!!" A blue Gelert crashed into her from behind, knocking her from
her chair.
"Sorry, Mom. You'll pay for that, you evil green
Kougra!" the Gelert yelled over her shoulder. Snickers were heard coming from
another room.
"That's okay, Myyki. What were you doing? Oh, never
mind. Go play, but remember you're supposed to help me make breakfast."
"But - "
"I'll do breakfast!" Maritoma piped up. "That way
you can help me with my History."
"Thanks, Maritoma. I'll do laundry for you later!"
Myyki bounded after Xurokai without waiting for Jenn's answer.
"Oh, well. Come on, Maritoma. You can make the pancakes
while I read to you."
"Ok, can we have Chokato pancakes today?"
"Sure. Ok, now let's see... alright. Sloth attacked
Neopia just before..." She trailed off, as she sniffed the air. "Oh, yuck! Don't
tell me Kinii hasn't had his bath again. Well, I'll deal with that later." She
opened the book again, as the Shoyru chopped and stirred, and finally the pancakes
were ready. Jenn finished reading, went to the refrigerator, and got out a container
of Kau Kau Milk, as well as a bowl of fresh Juppie fruit. Suddenly Brightmoon
the Uni skidded in, hurtling toward the counter.
"Sorry I took so long, Mom! I'll set the table now."
"Thanks, Brightmoon. Don't forget, put out bowls
for the fruit."
"Yes, thanks for reminding me. Hey, Maritoma, did
you get that History figured out?" Brightmoon set a pile of silverware on the
table, and started placing them around the table.
"Yeah, I did. Now I'll be ready for that test. I
forgot to ask you, where did you get that cool binder for school?"
"That? The Shop Wizard helped me out. Ok, Mom, I'm
done! Come on, Maritoma! Let's go!"
"Hold it, you two. It's breakfast time, and I want
everyone here. Go call the others." The two Neopets ran off in different directions.
The good thing about having such a big household was that when you needed something
done, there was always someone around. Ten Neopets came running into the room,
skidding and sliding into chairs. After order was restored, Jenn was just about
to give thanks when there was a knock on the door.
"I'll get it!" Kaedakaeda the purple Eyrie ran
to the door. He fumbled with the latch, and then opened the door. He looked
about, but no one was to be seen. "Uh, hello?" he called. He heard a snicker
close to his feet. "What?"
The rest of the family heard a scream coming from
the doorway then a crash, and all ran to investigate. There was Kaedakaeda,
with his back to the wall beside the door, which had been slammed shut. The
Eyrie just stared, quivering all over. Brightmoon walked slowly over. "Kaeda?
What's the matter? Who was at the door?"
"From the look on his face, it must have been the
Shadow Usul."
"No! Mee-" Kaedakaeda spoke.
"What?" Jenn looked at him closely.
"No! No! Meepits!! Help!"
"Meepits? There were Meepits at the door? Are you
okay, Kaeda?" She put her hand on his shoulder, looking into his eyes. He didn't
"We had best take him to his room. Kinii, would you
see if whoever it is is still there?" Xurokai, Aaeeli, and Maritoma helped Jenn
carry the frozen Eyrie up to his room. Kinii cautiously opened the door, then
drew back quickly, putting his hooves over his nose. "What's the matter, Kinii?"
A blue Kougra stepped forward, then also stepped back. "Oh, what's that smell?"
"I don't know, Alohaalo. I'm going to find out. Hey,
Xurokai, come here." Xurokai came bounding down the stairs.
"Come help me - you too, Prince!" He beckoned to
the yellow Uni, who nodded. He stepped out carefully, the others behind him,
holding their noses. He walked out onto the sidewalk, looking this way and that.
Nothing was in sight. They stalked into the back yard, being careful not to
make any noise. As they came to the rear of the house, beside the passage that
led to the courtyard, and Kaedakaeda's garden. As they rounded the corner, the
stench grew stronger. They heard maniacal laughter, accompanied by loud snorting
noises. They peeked around the corner of the building, and what they saw astonished
them. Two hundred or so Meepits gathered around a chair, in which was seated
a large Meepit, with a crown on his head. The Neopets tried to get closer, being
very quiet.
Just then, Xurokai slipped. He had stepped on
one of the many banana peels scattered around the area, seemingly to trip up
intruders. The green Kougra fell flat on his face. The noise stopped, as all
the pink petpets turned to look.
"MEEEP!!" The Meepit with the crown on his head, who
seemed to be in charge, pointed at the strangers. A surge of pink fur came to
greet them. Bared teeth and pink furriness scrambled over the Neopets, biting
them in various places.
"RUUUNN!!" Kinii yelled. "I'll hold them off! Xurokai,
go!!" Kinii stepped in front of them, sweeping his head to and fro. His horns
scattered many of them, but it was too much, and he went under, as the pink
creatures piled on top of him.
"Kinii, I'm coming!" Prince bounded into the fray, alongside Xurokai. Claws
and hooves battered pink paws and fur. Prince was clearing an escape path, as
Xurokai grabbed Kinii.
"Let's go!" he shouted. Xurokai and Kinii fought their way to Prince, and
out alongside the wall. "Prince, come on!" Kinii looked back. There was no Prince.
A Meepit appeared where he had stood. "Meep!!" It pointed a paw at them, and
there appeared behind him at least fifty Meepits. Though they hated to, Kinii
and Xurokai turned tail.
"Jenn! The Meepits got Prince!" The battered Neopets
hurtled through the door. Jenn was just coming down the stairs, dressed in blue.
"What are you talking about? Where's Prince?"
"The Meepits got him!" Xurokai panted.
"You mean the Meepits that Kaedakaeda was talking
"What other Meepits are there around here?"
"But they're just petpets. They wouldn't be attacking
us." Jenn sat down on the bottom stair, staring into space. Suddenly she gasped.
"Meepits!" Kinii and Xurokai turned to look at where Jenn was staring. She was
staring at a window, through which they could see about a dozen Meepit heads.
They looked to the other windows. The same thing - pink glaring Meepit faces.
They ran around the house, checking the windows. Not one window, not even the
upstairs windows, was not blocked by staring Meepit faces.
Kinii was just rounding a corner into the kitchen,
when he saw them - the Meepits had gotten in through an opened window. He rushed
in, bawling his war cry.
Brightmoon rushed into the room. "What's wrong?
What are those pink things!?"
Kinii stopped just long enough to reply. "They're
Meepits! Help me out here!" A Meepit bit him on his tail, and he retaliated
by stomping on the Meepit's tail.
Brightmoon hesitated. "Uh, I don't battle very
much... and besides, I might mess up my mane. I just brushed it!"
Kinii was getting buried. "You can brush it later!
I'm getting bitten!"
"Oh, fine. But if I mess up my hair, you're
paying for an appointment at the Grooming Parlor." She jumped in, hooves flying.
Within five minutes, all the Meepits had been stuffed back through the window.
Brightmoon shook her rich brown coat. "Whooh! I haven't had that much fun since,
well, since the last time I battled, which was a while ago. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's check on the others."
He trotted off to find Jenn.
"Wait!" She hurried after him. "You haven't
told me what happened yet! Why are there Meepits attacking our house?"
"We don't know yet. But we have to find out."
To be continued...
Author's Note: Neomails are appreciated! Also, many of the Neopets mentioned
here are on my spare accounts. ~ Jenn