The Fall of Qasala: Part Eight by danama
"Let me get this straight." Amira was happy, happier than
she had ever been in a long time. "The Kyrii we captured has magic, and is willing
to use it for us."
"Not quite," Nabile replied slyly. "He is willing
to use it for me. Unfortunately, my wishes are not quite the same as yours."
Amira looked only slightly less happy. "Fine.
But remember, you can't conquer the city without my help. One Kyrii's magic
is not going to be enough against a hundred's."
Nabile nodded. "Right now, let's concentrate
on getting that city out of the way. We can move on to other matters after that."
At dawn, the Sakhmetians attacked, fording the
moat with some difficulty.
"You say that you would pay me well to get you
back to the city?" As usual, Nabile was concerned only about the fees she would
be paid.
"Anything you want," Jazan replied absent-mindedly.
He could still not believe his good fortune.
"Then we should hurry back now, while Amira and
Atro are busy."
"What about Nightsteed?"
"We can send out troops for him later from Qasala.
We can't miss such a good opportunity to escape. Come on." Taking his paw in
hers, Nabile sneaked out of the camp.
"Tell about the Neopets in Qasala," Nabile said
as they moved. "What are they like?"
Jazan had warmed very much to this friendly
pink Ixi. "Well," he said, subconsciously dropping his guard, "they're the only
people I know, so I wouldn't be able to compare them to anyone else. Ra- the
King, I mean, is pretty cool - he's a good king, very powerful in sword fighting
and magic too."
"Is he the most powerful being in your city?"
Nabile felt that one of the most important pieces of information she could gain
from Jazan was the real ones with power in the city. Cut off the head of
the wadjet, she thought, and it can't do anything, as the old saying
goes. That, she knew, not this pointless, endless fighting, would be what
would give her the throne of Qasala.
"In a way, yes," Jazan replied. "But there's
one who's even more powerful magically than the King - Vinifae, a pink Kau.
Magically, she's probably the most powerful in all Neopia."
"Hmmm... " Nabile thought for a moment. If she
could get the king to turn against this Vinifae, then she knew that the city
would be greatly weakened.
"She was the one who made the great pits and
the moat around the city," Jazan explained with some distaste in his voice,
"and those fire traps."
"You sound," Nabile said carefully, "as if you
don't like her."
Jazan shrugged. "I don't, really. She's very
loyal to R- the King. I asked her for help a couple of times, but she wouldn't
Ah, thought Nabile. So our little Kyrii does
have some power in the city after all. How else would he be able to appeal to
this great mage for help?
Razul looked down from his place on the walltops.
He had got out of bed long before dawn, and was exhausted. Daysteed was there
too, and they commanded the troops together.
"Where's Vinifae?" Daysteed asked Razul. Razul
"Some of the guards told me she's in her chambers,
Daysteed nodded and turned back to the troops.
Razul looked down at the sand again. Somewhere down there, he thought, were
Jazan and Nightsteed. He looked at the mass of tents a long way away. Somewhere...
"Cover us with an illusion," Nabile whispered.
"We don't want to be seen. Magic tires the user, right?" Nabile asked innocently.
Jazan nodded. "So this Vinifae would be so very tired after all the magic she
performed yesterday... "
"She would be."
"And that means that she'd probably be in the
big palace resting. The other powerful ones, like Razul, would probably be commanding
the troops, and could be anywhere. I think that as soon as we get into the city,
we should head for the castle. It'd be safest."
Jazan was not happy with the plan; Vinifae was
not the first Neopet he wanted to see right now. But Nabile's words made sense
to him, so he nodded.
"What does she look like? Can you draw up an
illusion for me? If we're looking for her, I need to know what she looks like."
Jazan focused, bringing up a picture of Vinifae
in his mind. Within moments a pink Kau was standing in front of them, on the
"Ah," Nabile said, smiling at her victory. Before
she had asked she had glanced at the walltops, just to be sure, and sure enough,
another Kyrii that looked very much like the King Jazan had described had been
there, watching them. Her plan was working.
Razul blinked again. Vinifae was still there,
standing in the sand. Then she disappeared. His mind was racing. Could it be
possible - no, of course not. Vinifae was loyal to him, and always had been.
She wouldn't be working for the enemy, would she?
As they entered the city with the help of Nabile's
lock picks, Nabile turned to run up to the walltops.
"Where are you going?" Jazan asked.
"I think I saw your King standing up on the
walltops. I'll go tell him that you're here. You head on to the palace - you
need some rest."
"Okay," Jazan replied. "Wait - take this, so
that he knows who you are." He handed Nabile a ring that appeared to be made
of dark silver strands twisted together. Nabile flashed him a smile of gratitude,
then continued to run up the walltops to where Razul was.
"Your Majesty! I come as a messenger from Jazan."
She showed him the ring. "He has made it safely inside the city walls. He has
also told me to tell you something: at the Sakhmetian camp, he saw Lady Vinifae
conspiring with the Princess of Sakhmet, Amira."
"Vinifae?" Razul was struck dumb. "How - what
- that's impossible!"
"My orders were merely to convey the information,
my Lord. I assure you that my news is true - I myself was a prisoner of their
plotting, and I helped him escape."
Razul looked at the ring. He himself had given
that ring to Jazan - it had been the finest, one of a kind. He sighed, his initial
elation being pushed aside by the bitterness of betrayal. Besides, the messenger
had to be speaking the truth - how else could he have seen Vinifae outside the
"Very well. Tell Prince Jazan to send Vinifae
to me."
"My Lord Prince!" I exclaimed. I was incredibly
weary, but somehow I found the strength to embrace Jazan and greet him. "It
is good to see you again. Where is Nightsteed?"
"Nightsteed is fine, but he was... left behind."
I was a little surprised, but did not question
him further. "Go to your chambers, Jazan, and get some rest. You look as though
you need it."
He left my chambers without another word. That
was when the Ixi rushed in.
As soon as I set eyes upon her I did not like
her. Something about her sneaky, shifty manner caught my attention immediately.
"And you would be?"
"Nabile, m'lady. I came with Jazan, and it was
I who helped him escape." I opened my mouth to tell her off for entering my
rooms without permission, but she kept talking. "The King requests your presence
on the walltops, m'lady." And with that, she was gone.
I sighed and left my chambers. I was tired,
but if my King wanted me to be by his side, I would be there.
"Why did you do it?" he asked as soon as I came
into his sight. "Why did you betray me, and our city? Why?"
"What?" I was confused. "What are you talking
Razul look at me, hatred burning quietly but
steadily in his eyes. "You know what I'm talking about, Vinifae. Get out of
the city, now, or else I swear I will draw my sword and slay you where you stand!"
I was completely and utterly confused, and had
no idea what to do. "I-"
"GO!" The command shook me. Forced to carry
out his orders by my loyalty to him, I nodded and left. But I had one more thing
to say to him.
"Don't trust the pink Ixi."
And then I was gone.
Razul stood staring after her. Could he have
been wrong? But no. Jazan had trusted the pink Ixi, and he trusted Jazan. Vinifae,
he realised, had been very well placed as a spy. She had been in charge of the
city's defenses and was extremely powerful. She had found it easy to fill the
Qasalans with over confidence, making it seem as if they were winning the battle.
He watched the battle raging on below. And then...
The great abyss that had been protecting the
front gates closed, the moat vanished. With a shock, Razul realised that when
he and Qasala had abandoned Vinifae, her magic that had been protecting Qasala
had disappeared. He gasped - she must have let go of the enchantments, so that
she could leave the city, for without the magic of the city her magic was not
even a tenth as powerful as it was with it, and obviously it had been too much
effort to hold in the enchantments. Besides, she had no need to continue doing
so, now that her cover was blown. He cursed her again and again, but the Sakhmetians
were already charging the front gate, entering the city...
I watched the city as it lost the battle. It
was cool, calm and majestic as ever. Suddenly I couldn't stand it any longer.
I couldn't stand by and let all those who I held dear in my mind be killed and
taken as slaves. I couldn't watch my city be looted, plundered by those unworthy
to even step inside its gates.
I summoned up the last of my energy, much of
which had been returned to me after my spells had collapsed, and talked to the
city. I put all my will into it, ordering the city to obey me. It eventually
relented, and I pushed as hard as I could.
I watched as Amira and her entourage fled the
scene, right after they realised what was happening. I watched, with some disappointment,
as the pink Ixi fled the scene. At least she had had the compassion to pull
Jazan out with her. Soon, though, I realised that she could use him. I sighed.
Then I turned my attention back to Qasala. It
was collapsing fast - Amira's panicked troops were attempting to flee, but it
was too late - stone by stone the city came down. I watched it all, and did
not look away until long after it ended.
Thus ended the tale of a city that broke before
it would bend.
So there you have it. This was my account of
the Fall of Qasala. Believe what you want. If my message has gone through to
just one reader, than my purpose in writing the true tale will have been fulfilled.
Do I feel guilt over destroying my own city?
No. I feel nothing now but sadness, and loss. But I feel that its own eventual
fate was far better than what could have been. What would have been, if Amira
and her troops had had what they wanted.
My life's journey is over, its purpose fulfilled.
There is nothing more on this world for me to do. And so I end this tale, hoping
desperately that someone will read this.
It is done.
The End
Author's Note: This was my first ever entry into the Neopian Times, and
I really really hope that I got through. If you're reading this, well, then
I have, I guess. I'll go through all the normal stuff now. All the characters
here that did not appear in the plot are purely fictional. Questions/comments/constructive
criticism are all accepted, as long as it's understandable and helpful.
Now for my thank yous. Thanks to Steph, who, although had no hand in the
making/editing of this story, was kinda my inspiration, since you love the Lost
Desert so much.
Thanks to Sara, who made me the lookup that was also another bit of inspiration
to me.
Thanks to you, for reading this. I hope you enjoyed this story. :)