The Joys of Basic Coloured Pets by daburro
Have you ever had a basic coloured pet? I can answer that for you. Yes. Yes, you
have. Don’t deny it either. Everyone in Neopia has had a basic coloured pet at
least once. A lot of the time though, rich Neopians will paint their pets to look
cool. But haven’t you ever wondered why sometimes rich Neopians will have four
basic coloured pets? “What?! Are they cheap or something?” you ask yourself as
you pass by a gigantic mansion with a plain blue Kougra staring out at you through
a beautiful stained glass window. Well, most likely, this owner has discovered
the wonders and joys that are basic colours! What are these joys you ask? Simple.
Basic coloured pets keep your everyday life and schedule in order and intact.
Don’t you believe me? Here are some common problems people face with a painted
-Scenario 1: I Can't See You!-
Imagine that you have just adopted a Wocky from the pound. You decide to paint
it with an invisible paint brush. Well, do you know how many problems you could
have? You decide to invite your friend over to celebrate your new coloured pet
and you make a feast to celebrate. Five minutes before your friend arrives,
you get ready and decide to check on the dinner you set up. Horrified at what
you see, you shriek. You see dishes thrown about and all the food has been eaten.
Your invisible pet has ruined your dinner without you even noticing. How typical.
If you had a basic coloured pet, you could have easily spotted it and prevented
that from ever happening.
Do you see what I mean now about painted pets messing with your everyday life?
This next scenario is just plain depressing. *sigh*
-Scenario 2: *sigh*-
*gasp* “I must have that avatar!” you say while looking at someone’s user lookup.
It’s the grey avatar! You go out and buy a Grey Paint Brush from the trading
post. You find your Wocky, who is still invisible from before, and take it to
the Rainbow Pool. “No, no, no! I don’t want to be grey!” the poor Wocky says,
struggling to get away from you. “You just painted me last week! I don’t want
to change!” “Yes you do!” you say back to him. You take the paint brush and
paint him. Suddenly, he’s grey! He looks at with big, sad, empty eyes, and stares
at you. Then he shakes his head back and forth slowly and looks away. Look what
you did! You made him so sad! When you get home, you decide to admire your new
avatar. After a while, you get bored and want to play with your Wocky. He rejects
you. “I just… can’t play… I just don’t see what the point is… *sigh* Nothing
seems or looks fun anymore…” He stares at you again and look away and sighs
deeply. You know why basic coloured pets are great? They are always so happy
and full of energy if you treat them right!
-Scenario 3: Master of Kacheek Seek-
You decide to paint that new Wocky you adopted camouflage to cheer him up.
After you paint him, you decide to go outside to play a little game of Kacheek
Seek to bond. Well, you’re it and the Wocky goes off and hides. You search and
search, but you have no luck. You can’t find your Wocky, who is hiding in a
bush, blending in so nicely. You have to give up and you wind up losing the
game. Can you imagine what this does to your newly adopted pet? When he sees
you, he sees an owner with… bad eyesight and little confidence. What’s great
about coloured pets is that they can’t cheat at Kacheek Seek and they are so
easy to find!
-Scenario 4: Snow Day!-
Many months later, and after many defeats and forfeits at Kacheek Seek, you
saved up enough Neopoints for a Snow Paint Brush! You decide this is what you
want, loving snow. Well, you paint that Wocky yet again, Snow. You go outside
to play and celebrate on a beautiful, warm, sunny day. You look at your pet,
who is slowly shrinking, as if melting. After a minute, there is nothing left
of your poor pet but a puddle of water. It’s off to the Neopian Hospital and
then the Rainbow Pool again! Hey! None of this would have happened if your pet
was a basic colour! They don’t melt in warm weather.
Still not seeing how beneficial basic colours are? Maybe this last scenario
will show you.
-Scenario 5: Adorable, Sweet, and... Evil?-
You decide that what you really want now is to paint your Wocky a colour that
doesn’t have to do with an avatar. You decide that you want a small and cute
pet. A baby pet. So, you go to the trading post and get a Baby Paint Brush.
You take your Wocky, who is still a puddle of water, to the Rainbow Pool. You
paint the puddle and you suddenly have a baby Wocky! Awww… It’s adorable isn’t
it? You take it home and you realize that you will have to buy entirely new
furniture like playpens and you’ll need special food for it. After you rush
to Neopian Furniture and check through the Shop Wizard and Marketplace, you
finally have everything you need. You have just spent about 50K alone on furniture
and about 10K on food for the month. On top of that, your Wocky starts to cry.
You try to calm it down, but you can’t seem to find the problem. And what’s
worse, the Wocky can’t even tell you. It can’t talk. Finally, after hours or
crying and screaming, the Wocky falls asleep around 1:00 AM. Tired, you collapse
on the floor and fall asleep. The next day, your best friend asks you to go
to Mystery Island for the day with her. You reject her. Why? You have a baby
pet. You have to devote all of your attention to it. You have to constantly
look after it and care for it. You know… This would never have happened if you
just kept your Wocky a basic colour! You don’t need special furniture or food
for it. A bed and some ordinary furniture are fine along with omelettes and
jelly. And you can leave them home while you go out because they can watch over
themselves, unlike the ever popular baby pets.
Do you see my point? Basic colours are awesome! There are some colours like
Starry, Orange, Pink and others that don’t affect your or your neopets’ lives
much, but most of the time, they aren’t really popular. Listen, do you really
want to burn yourself and go the Neopian Hospital every time you want to pet
your fire Scorchio? And what happens when you’re at home with your pear Chia
and there’s no food in the neohome?
I hope this article has made you see how wonderful basic coloured pets are.
And I just want to say that basic coloured pets are awesome because everyone
can have them! Rich and poor Neopians alike! Thanks for reading!