Forgotten by czenko28
It wasn't a pleasant day the day Naninhah was born. In fact,
it was pouring outside. The grass on the fields was all muddy and wet, and the
sky was as dark as the night, only it was noon. The air was very cold, and thunder
could be heard from a distance. It was only the middle of autumn. Leaves came
rushing through the wind and attacked whatever came in their path. It wasn't like
today was a bad day. You just wouldn't want to go outside.
Most of the Neopians would stay inside their
comfy neohomes and sit next to the fireplace, sipping hot chocolate. Today Natallie
wasn't inside her warm neohome. She was out to create her fourth pet in the
family. She figured that she would get a red Usul, a boy since there were already
three girls in the family, all Usuls themselves. Natallie thought that the girls
needed a boy to play with.
It was only a few minutes before a red Usul was
created. His eyes were yellow and looked at Natallie's body with much interest
in what kind of person she could be. The Usul's nose twitched and his tail wrapped
around his body because it was cold outside. He only slightly shivered and waited
for Natallie to say something.
"Come on," Natallie ordered, as she grabbed the
Usul's paw. The Usul stumbled forward, hopping on one leg. Natallie stopped
immediately and looked back at the young red Usul. "I forgot to give you a name,"
she said. She stood, lost in thought for a few minutes. Something clicked in
her head, and she said, "Your name is Naninhah," she said. "That's such a cute
name. You're just like a plushie." She grabbed Naninhah's paw and began to drag
him home.
The rain softened on the way back home. The rain
drops fell softly onto Naninhah's face. Once in a while he would shake the drops
of water off of his fur, and continue walking with who he assumed to be his
new owner. In the middle of Happy Valley, Natallie came to a stop.
"Here we are!" she said with enthusiasm. "This
is your new home, enjoy." She walked up to the house that was yellow and seemed
to have a big smiley face drawn on the house. Tons of flowers glowed brilliantly
around the walkway, and vines curled around the white fence that enclosed the
"So, this is home," Naninhah said quietly in
his low but quite young voice. Natallie skipped across the stones to the front
door. Naninhah followed. Even before the door opened, he could hear the sound
of young girls arguing.
"It's time to meet your family," Natallie whispered
to the curious Usul. She placed her hand over the door knob and slowly turned
it so a sound couldn't be made. She then pushed the door open.
A burst of light came shining into Naninhah's
eyes, practically causing him to tumble backwards into the flowers. He covered
his eyes, and rubbed them with pain, moaning. He was still curious however,
so it wasn't long until he took his paws off of his eyes.
A blue and a yellow Usul were tugging on a baby
Usul plushie as the third green Usul sat on the red couch and was crying. Natallie
came darting into the room to comfort the green Usul while trying to convince
the other pets to stop fighting.
Rain drops still were banging on Naninhah's head,
so he closed the door behind him as he entered the room was thankfully warm.
The pets stopped what they were doing, and their heads turned in the direction
of Naninhah. They all became silent.
"Mommy," the blue Usul spoke. "Who's that?" She
pointed at the new pet in the room.
Natallie looked at Naninhah as if she almost
couldn't remember who he was. "Oh, yeah," she said as if she was spacing out.
She got up from the couch where she was comforting the green Usul. "Fellow Usuls,"
Natallie announced, "you have a new brother. Meet-" Natallie became lost. What
was his name again?
"Naninhah," Naninhah finished, surprised that
he even remembered such a name.
"Yeah," Natallie blinked. "This is Naninhah,
our new buddy. You can play with him."
The yellow Usul walked over to Naninhah and gave
him a mean glare. She opened her mouth like she was about to spit something
nasty into his face, but instead she just said, "It's nice to have you in the
family." It was as if she was struggling just to say those words.
Naninhah nodded, "It's nice to meet you too."
He found it easy to lie. He found his voice not the most pleasant either though.
"Now it's time to move you into your room," Natallie
The blue Usul looked confused. "But there are
no more bedrooms left."
Natallie frowned. "Then I guess we will have
to share one, would we?"
Like a horrible orchestra, at the same time the
three Usuls started screaming. Tears came pouring out of their eyes, and a horrible
loud sound came going along with them, all in different pitches. After every
few seconds they would screams words like, "no, please!" or "why!?"
It didn't take long for Natallie to give in.
"Okay, I'll tell you what, Naninhah can sleep in the living room on the couch."
The crying subsided and the yellow Usul sniffed a few times in the middle of
the word "okay."
Natallie glanced at the clock above them. "Look
at the time. It's past lunch. I better make you all something to eat." She left,
leaving the four pets all alone.
Naninhah shook, not wanting his owner to leave
him with the three other pets. Though they were only little girls, he could
see how nasty they really were.
"How stupid of Mommy to get another new pet,"
the green Usul said in a whine.
The blue one sort of had a strange grin on her
face as she said, "That's what we get for having such a stupid owner."
The yellow Usul, who seemed to be in charge of
the whole bunch said, "Yeah, you see, we don't want you here. We are happy with
what we have, so you can just leave us alone."
The green Usul sniffed again. She seemed to be
the youngest. "You shouldn't get any attention. We are the cutest Usuls in Neopia,
and no pet like you is going to fit in."
Naninhah remained silent. He slowly backed up
into the door behind them and shivered as if he was standing outside in the
cold rain. Naninhah wanted to say that he wasn't going to stand in their way,
but he knew he wasn't exactly correct. Any pet needed some attention, and how
much they can stand, Naninhah didn't know.
The yellow Usul walked right up to his face and
gave Naninhah the meanest look she could. "We are the bosses around here. Got
Naninhah nodded in fear.
The blue Usul walked up next to her and said,
"And your job is to not get in our way."
Naninhah was shaking like crazy when Natallie
called the pets for lunch.
The pets came running into the room as happy
as they could be, but Naninhah obviously wasn't as happy. He dragged his feet
on the carpet to a chair, and took his seat gloomily. The thought terrified
him that any move he could make would be bad. How could he avoid his sisters
for the rest of his life?
The green Usul stood behind Naninhah, and in
the sweetest way possible she said, "Naninhah, could you please get out of my
Naninhah jumped, startled by the Usul's statement.
He quickly leaped out of the chair he was sitting in and searched around for
another one, but all of the chairs were taken. All of the Usuls stared at him
as he walked around the dinner table.
"Here," Natallie said, getting up from her chair.
"Let's get a chair from Snuggypie's room.
Naninhah looked up at the three Usuls all still
giving him a frightening look. "Who's Snuggypie?"
The blue Usul's mean look suddenly turned as
cute and cuddly as could be. It would be what some Neopians would call, "the
puppy-dog look." The blue Usul aimed her eyes at Natallie and said, "Mommy,
please don't move my favorite-est chair in the whole word from my room. It needs
to keep Angelpuss company."
Natallie almost fell for it. Naninhah decided
to encourage Natallie not to get the chair. "It's okay... Mommy, I can eat on
the floor." He sat on the ground and curled his tail around him. "See? It's
no problem."
Natallie shook her head. "No dear, you have to
be sitting at the table with all of the civilized pets. I don't want to teach
you to eat on the floor like a petpet." She stuck her tongue out to motion it
was disgusting.
"Wait, Mommy!" Naninhah whined as Natallie started
running up the stairs to Snuggypie's room.
When Natallie appeared back downstairs, dinner
began. Naninhah didn't want to sit in the chair, but he didn't have a choice.
He listened to Natallie and the other Usuls have a conversation while they were
"Mommy, I have been thinking," the yellow Usul
said, the sweetest that Naninhah has ever heard her talk. "What if we didn't
have another pet just yet?"
Natallie looked at Naninhah and back at the yellow
Usul, "But we already have a fourth pet. We can't get another one even-"
"No!" the green Usul broke in. "We're talking
about Naninhah."
It was Snuggypie's turn to talk. "Yeah, we don't
need another pet right now. We have each other, and that's all we need."
Natallie looked confused. "What's wrong with
The green Usul spoke again. "There's nothing
wrong with him. We just think we have to many Usuls to support."
"Yeah," the blue Usul said. "You see, we need
another chair and another room. That's a bit of money and care."
The green Usul started pounding on the table.
"Pound! Pound!" she chanted. Not meaning the pounding that she was doing to
the table, but the unwanted place where unwanted pets would go.
The yellow Usul smirked at Naninhah before he
turned back to Natallie. It was hard for him to believe that they were going
to talk about him right in front of his face. "That's right, Naninhah needs
to go to the pound. You don't want an unhealthy family. Do you, Natallie?"
Natallie frowned. "I would never want an unhealthy
"Then there is only one solution," the yellow
Usul said.
"Yeah, Naninhah has got to go!" Snuggypie shouted.
Naninhah sunk in his chair. "No," he whispered
to himself.
Natallie eyes scanned Naninhah's body. Was he
really worth it? "What do you think?" she asked.
She was unsure. This was Naninhah's chance to
change Natallie's mind for good. Naninhah thought, but there was no stopping
the words that came out of his mouth. "You can't." Naninhah was breathless.
His words came out in almost a whisper, and he was shaking deep at the bottom
of his chair.
Everything stood motionless for a good few seconds.
Then Natallie burst out, "I got it!"
She looked proudly around the dinner table. "We
will have a vote. That is how we will decide. Now who wants Naninhah to leave?"
The three Usul's paws came flying up. They all waved their paws around as if
it was too hard to see if they were still.
"Okay, three," Natallie said. Naninhah frown
at the horrible solution Natallie had come up with. He knew that he wasn't going
to win no matter what, so he covered his face with one paw as he put up the
other when Natallie called who wanted Naninhah to stay.
"Two to three," Natallie announced. The three
Usul sisters jumped for joy in total happiness that Naninhah was going to leave
for good.
"Sorry, Naninhah," Natallie said. She got up
from her chair and took Naninhah by his paw. Tears came rolling down his cheeks
as he left the room. The last words he heard from his sisters were, "Let's have
a party."
Naninhah walked through the garden, out of the
white picket fence, and soon out of Happy Valley, with his owner clutching his
hand tightly. He was going to the pound, and soon he was going to be ownerless.
Rain came pouring down on his fur, making it impossible to tell if he was even
crying. Natallie's face was like stone as she walked her pet down. She was like
she was under the control of three Usul sisters. Naninhah wished to wake up
from his nightmare then, but it was real and he couldn't stop it.
When Naninhah was standing right in front of
the pound, he heard the yelping of many sad pets with their owner being taken
away from them. Crying, whining, howling, barking, and begging came from that
building that they were moving toward. Naninhah didn't want to be one of them.
He didn't want to be an abandoned pet to be picked up by somebody else. He didn't
want to be the pet with no life. He did not want to be alone. With the intense
need of not wanting to go to the pound, Naninhah pulled his arm away from his
owner and on all fours went running into the night.
Natallie didn't stop Naninhah from running. She
just watched him move farther and farther away. The darkness swallowed him,
and she didn't think another thought of the young Usul again, but the Usul still
existed, and even though Natallie had wished she hadn't created Naninhah, he's
still out in Neopia. Naninhah's still living, still breathing. A discarded pet.
Even though he's just a forgotten memory to Natallie. The pet she created is
still out there.
But then, the night Naninhah ran away, he was
alone. He was already forgotten.
The End