Shad and Saura: A Week in Bogshot - Part Five by ssjelitegirl
The Zafara almost dropped his knife. "Really, would you
stop doing that when I'm cooking? I... " He turned around to face the wooden spoon
Shad had shoved under his nose.
"Whaddaya see here?" the Lupe demanded. "Eh?"
Saura squinted. "A spoon?"
"On the spoon!" Shad growled, throwing it on
the cupboard and sitting down. "I should've thought of that before... Bogshot
is such an old village, they have probably been using these for a long time."
He hopped up again and trotted to the shelf, grabbed a plate, looked under it
and grunted contentedly, then checked a pot and nodded again.
Saura picked the spoon up. It was old and very
smooth - no matter how rough and splintered a wooden object is, enough using
always turns it into an elaborate masterpiece. There was a small sign on its
handle, worn out but still visible, nothing but a triangle with some lines crossing
through it. The Zafara glanced at his big brother.
"It's a house sign," Shad grunted with his ears
drooping. "Huntress has told us about them. People hardly ever use those anymore,
but like I said, Bogshot is an old and isolated village. I bet all families
here have those signs. They were believed to keep evil away from every item
they were cut or drawn on. Wanna bet that Sophie put that sign on the whole
hut, not just the items?"
Saura blinked. "With that green potion, yeah.
Shad, you're a genius. Let's go!"
They grabbed a bowl and two small brushes, took
some of that green liquid from the cauldron and were in Bogshot fifteen minutes
later. The villagers glared at them rather suspiciously but when they heard
of house signs, their faces lit up. Why, of course everyone had them. All items
in the village had them. Not houses, of course, but if they thought that it'd
help against zombies, they would naturally set up the signs.
"Okay then." Saura went to the door of the nearest
house and dipped the brush into the liquid. "What's your sign?"
The Blumaroo who lived in the house gave him
a shovel that had three lines and a dot on the handle and Saura drew it on the
door. The potion glowed for a second and disappeared, leaving the wood as clean
as before.
"I think we're on the right track." Shad grinned,
grabbing the other brush and balancing over a wooden bridge to the next house.
"Your sign, ma'am?"
It didn't take them more than half an hour to
cover the whole village and when they went back to the hut, they were quite
happy with themselves. Even though a small part of them was still worried if
the trick would work out this time. They spent the rest of the day hanging around
the hut, playing with Clopsy and, in Saura's case, writing down some of the
potion recipes. "They might come in handy," he claimed. "You'll never know where
you could need an Instant Bog-pool."
The ghosts came back that night like any other
night. When the sun rose and the Unis left, there was no sudden knocking on
the door, which was obviously a good sign, but as the two got up and headed
towards the kitchen, a loud fierce knock froze them right on the doorway.
"Please don't be the villagers, please don't
be the villagers... " Saura muttered, going to the door. He opened it. It was
the villagers.
Who looked happy.
"You have saved us!" an Elephante declared. "The
house signs worked! The zombies tried to get in but the potion glowed in each
bottle and they couldn't get through!"
Saura loosened up at once. "I'm as happy as you
are, really," he said honestly.
"You are, eh?" The villagers looked around in
confusion and eventually spread out a little to reveal a young green-haired
Ixi carrying a huge bag. "You spread out my valuable potion, use it to repel
some little ghosts just to please that gang of smelly peasants and you're happy
because of that?"
Shad's head had showed up by Saura's side. "Please
don't say I ate some of it... please!" he muttered.
"Don't you have anything better to do?" Sophie
asked the village people who got lost at once. The witch came inside, patted
the Meowclops, looked around and went to the cauldron.
"Stay there, I'll just take a short look," she
ordered, glancing into the cauldron and raised her hands. Shad and Saura exchanged
quick glances when Sophie started chanting. It was indeed a long and complicated
spell, though Saura suspected that half of it was only for the impression.
The two slid closer, close enough to spot moving
images in the cauldron. Sophie was checking the last week. The Sleepyherb, the
Werelupes, all the books they had looked through in order to find the solution
to the villagers' problems... it all whizzed past her eyes within minutes. When
it faded, the witch looked up. The hut was very silent for a moment.
"Well done, you two," she said with a vague smile.
"Not many would've messed around like that for the sake of others. I sometimes
just lock the door and let them take care of themselves when I don't feel like
helping... after all, where would we be if they could come running to me whenever
something's not right?"
"In a better and nicer world?" Shad asked with
a frown. The witch glanced at him, then at the cauldron which instantly showed
the picture of Shad eating from it and the Lupe quickly hid behind Saura's back.
"How was the trip?" the Zafara asked grimly,
trying to step on Shad's paw. "Got everything you needed?"
Sophie sat down on her bed. "Yes, and you have
no idea what the price of a decent Everlasting Apple is these days... I'm starting
to think that Faerieland is going through very hard times when Fyora needs to
charge prices like these." Her eyes narrowed. "I hope you guys will be extra
careful the next time you come around."
Shad's ears twitched. "Dunno, I kinda liked it
here and now that the village people worship us and are eternally thankful...
"We're going home," Saura announced firmly, grabbing
his brother's ear. "Take care, Clopsy!"
The Meowclops purred. Sophie's eyebrow twitched.
"You never gave us his name," Saura grinned,
bowing down to pat the Meowclops.
The swamp witch smiled. "He doesn't have a name.
Sometimes I call him Darkness when someone's visiting me but you know how it
goes... "
Shad nodded. "Gotta keep the reputation, yeah."
He turned around. "Let's go then. Bye bye, you two."
"I still didn't understand why those zombie Unis
plagued the village in the first place," Huntress remarked after hearing the
long story. It had been a few days but she hadn't had the time to sit down and
listen before.
Saura shrugged. "Maybe they were just looking
for the companionship of the living. Ghosts tend to be that way. Sad, actually."
"They didn't look sad when trying to break in,"
Shad grumbled, pricking up his ears. "Was that the Neomailman? S'cuse me!" He
galloped off.
"Shad, would you please... " Huntress couldn't
even finish before the Lupe trotted back inside with a bunch of Neomails and
two packages hanging between his jaws. The screaming mailman flashed by the
window and disappeared down the road.
"Gotta have some personal Lupe pride here," Shad
announced with a grin, spitting the mail out. "What's with these packages? You
don't get these very often."
Huntress picked it up and glanced at it. "I don't.
This one's for you, Saura."
"Interesting," Saura muttered, opening the package.
There was a bottle inside - a bottle of that same green liquid. The note attached
to it was brief: "It liked you, so it will protect. Use it well."
"Nice, I bet Tsuki can figure out what else
it can do besides driving off ghosts," the Zafara grinned.
Huntress looked at the bottle over his shoulder.
"Maybe it's a warning? Bogshot is practically built on water; the zombie Unis
were able to gallop on that as I understand... crossing the ocean and coming
to Mystery Island to seek revenge on the ones who drove them off wouldn't be
that impossible."
"Don't even joke like that!" Saura snarled as
his owner grinned widely. "Did you see that bottle, Shad? Eh... Shad?"
The other package had been for Shad. The paper
was far more dirty and smaller, the note attached to it was nothing but a scribble
and there was only one word, written with a hand that wasn't used to holding
a pencil. Saura picked the message up, read it and then looked at his brother.
Shad was holding a long sharp fang that had been
tied to a thin chain. His eyes were gleaming as he was looking at it without
really seeing it. Old images were flashing through his brain, memories were
coming back... not only his memories but also things each and every Lupe knows
deep down inside.
"'Remember,'" Saura read out loud and looked
up again to glance at Shad who nodded slowly.
"I will," he growled. "I definitely will."
The End