Seiged's Guide to Being a Pirate by zeonion
KRAWK ISLAND - So, you want to be a pirate, do you? You want to be the scourge
of the seas? Do you think you have what it takes? Can you plunder day and night?
I'm Seiged; a rather experienced pirate myself, and I am here to help you on your
quest to become a pirate.
To ensure that you become the best pirate that you can be I will guide you
through a series of steps. Not everyone can be a pirate. It takes strength,
determination and strong will, and an eye patch! Some of you will make it through
to become successful pirates. Others... well... won't. I will take you through,
step by step and show you how to be the best pirate you can be.
Step 1-The Lingo
Pirates have a very complex system of speaking. We do not use words that common
Neopians use. Below I have compiled a list of some rather commonly used pirate
words. These are a must in everyday conversation.
Booty-No, no. Not your booty. It's actually something that you seek, whether
it be treasure or anything else your heart desires.
Buccaneer-Another name for a pirate
Mutiny-To rise against authority; especially the captain
Jolly Roger-A black flag bearing drawn white bones; indicates pirates
Arr!-An exclamation
Yarr!-An exclamation
Avast-Meaning stop, or desist
Aye-A pirate's way of saying "yes"
Cutlass-A long, short and heavy sword with a curved blade; used regularly by
Dubloon-Gold coin
Landlubber-A person unfamiliar with a ship or the sea
Plunder-To rob
Scallywag-A villainous person
Shiver me timbers!-An expression of surprise or strong emotion
Step 2-The Apparel
If anything at all defines a pirate, it's his apparel. And one of the most
important things you need if you're a pirate is an eye-patch. You can't be a
pirate without an eye-patch. Even if you have both of your eyes you still need
one. Some pirates have peg-legs. Don't stare at them! They may be distracting,
but it offends the person with the peg-leg. Hats! They provide shade from the
sun and are amazingly stylish! Some even have big fluffy plumes made out of
feathers! Another must-have item for pirates are vests. They are outstandingly
comfortable and provide excellent ventilation! The last thing is an optional
piece of clothing. And that's a bandanna. Some say that you aren't a pirate
without one!
Step 3-Weapons
Every pirate needs a good sword. Without one you are just a Neopet dressed
in a funny outfit. Swords come in a variety of sizes. Some are long and skinny
while others are short and broad. It takes a lot of practice to wield a sword.
You know Cap'n Threelegs, who runs the Swashbuckling Academy? Well he was playing
with a sword when he wasn't experienced enough. Well. Now you know why they
call him Cap'n Threelegs. Sword fighting is a very intricate and challenging
way to battle someone. You have to be fast, but also know how to block and stand
your ground. The best of pirates sometimes lose their battles because they are
not very experienced sword fighters.
Step 4-Knowledge
To be a pirate you have to know a LOT. How to fend for yourself. How to fight
in battle. And know how to work the ship. You learn all of this with time, but
there are some basic parts of the ship that you need to know. The poop deck
is the highest deck on the ship. It doesn't have poop on it at all. Honestly.
The mast is a wheel usually located at the front of a ship and is used to steer.
The bow is the front of the ship and the stern is the back. The mast is where
the sails are located. The sails sometimes have to be lowered or raised depending
on the weather conditions.
I am confident that after reading this guide you will have no problem becoming
a pirate. It may sound like a lot... because it is. It isn't going to be a walk
in the park and becoming a pirate is very challenging. Now being a pirate isn't
all serious like I've been saying. We have a lot of fun. When we aren't at sea,
we live at Krawk Island!!
Krawk Island is Neopia's home for pirates! Most if not all pirates live there
when they aren't at sea. Though it is called Krawk Island... it looks more like
a Kacheek than a Krawk! There is so much to do on Krawk Island! There are EIGHT
games to play on Krawk Island! There is Bilge Dice, Deckball, Dubloon Disaster,
Krawps, Deckswabber, Armada (my favorite), Food Club, and last but certainly
not least, BURIED TREASURE! Buried Treasure is one of the most popular things
on Krawk Island! Once every three hours you can have a chance at winning the
Buried Treasure Jackpot which sometimes is up in the millions! The Golden Dubloon
is a very exclusive restaurant which has the best foods that Krawk Island has
to offer! Krawk Island also has a petpet shop! It's called Little Nippers and
you can buy petpets there, but only with dubloons! There is a very mysterious
and secretive place called Smuggler's Cove. They stock extremely rare and valuable
items, but not very often. You can't visit there too often or they will kick
you out! Our last stop here in Krawk Island will be the Academy. Your pet can
be trained at the Academy by none other than Cap'n Threelegs. He is an excellent
teacher and even lets your pets train for free on their days!
If you don't want to go through all of the hassle of finding the right clothes
to make yourself look like a pirate, an easy alternative is to buy a Pirate
Paint Brush. Once you have one you just swipe it over yourself and WHAMMO you
are decked out (hah DECKED out) in pirate attire! You can also get a Pirate
Petpet Paint Brush so you and your petpet can be scurvy sea dogs together!
Captain Scarblade is an idol for us pirates! He led the fight against Maraqua
and if it weren't for those two traitors, Jacques and Garin he would have succeeded
in his plot to destroy Maraqua. Every pirate wishes to be as great as he is
There are several pirate weapons that you can buy to help you in your quest
to become a pirate! Even the Hidden Tower sells some. The rarest and most expensive
is the Pirate Captain's Cutlass. It's a very cool weapon which I hope to have
myself, some day!
Unfortunately this is the end of my guide. I hope that I have covered every
aspect of being a pirate. I also hope that you, yourself will be a successful
and dominating pirate like me someday.