Yooyuball - The Yooyu View by katcrzy559
ALTADOR – What’s the newest sport to fire off into Neopia? Why it’s Yooyuball,
of course! A sport in which a team of five players work together to toss a Yooyu
petpet, in its ball form, into the opponent’s goal. But we aren’t here to talk
about the sport; we are here to talk about the one thing that pulls this wonderful
sport together, the Yooyu!
As you may know, Yooyu train their entire lives to get the chance to participate
in this sport. But what do they do during all of that training? Well, here you
can find out, because I have an exclusive interview with one of the Yooyu participants!
Kat (me): Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to answer some
questions for us! Could you start out by telling the audience your name and
your colour?
Yooyu: No problem, I’m on my break. Well, my name is Minka and I’m a fire Yooyu,
the most common type.
Kat: Alright, Minka. How old were you when you started training to play Yooyuball?
Minka: I’m not quite sure, it has been so long. I think I started the day after
I started walking. They really want you to get an early start on that training!
Kat: Wow! Have you ever wished that you were not chosen to participate
in Yooyuball?
Minka: Sometimes, but mainly only when my muscles are sore from practice, but
normally, no. I love the sport! The trainers are really nice and we Yooyu get
a lot of attention!
Kat: Well that’s good that you get treated well! Do you think the Petpet Protection
League would support the sport?
Minka: Heh, probably not. But what do they know? All they see is a bunch of
Neopets throwing around a Petpet. But what the Yooyu sees is a thrilling, fun-filled
sport which keeps us in great shape and keeps us quite healthy year round!
Kat: If the Petpet Protection League does go behind the scenes to see
the sport in the view of the Yooyu, do you think they would approve then?
Minka: Probably no again. I have a feeling the Petpet Protection League just
thinks of us as small, defenseless creatures. But we can really handle ourselves
quite well! Especially since Yooyu have exceptionally hard shells!
Kat: Alright, moving on! What are the different colours of Yooyu that participate
in the sport?
Minka: There are four colours: fire, snow, faerie, and mutant.
Kat: What is the difference between each of these colours?
Minka: The fire Yooyu, like me, have extremely hot shells. As the players throw
us, we soar through the air at almost the same speed as Dr. Frank Sloth’s ray
gun, or so some say. Snow Yooyu have freezing cold shells, causing them to move
slowly in the air and on the ground. Faerie Yooyu can fly, so they are trained
to fly in random directions while being tossed. And the mutant Yooyu have a
spiked shell, which causes them to bounce in random directions on the ground.
Kat: Alright, so what exactly is it that you do during your training sessions?
Minka: Well, that’s sort of classified.
Kat: Oh, come on! It won’t hurt to tell us just a little! Please!
Minka: Oh, alright! I guess it won’t hurt to tell you a little bit. Well, while
we are young, they mostly just get us used to being handled extensively by Neopets
by holding us all the time. They also teach us to not be afraid of strange Neopets.
As soon as we learn to curl up into a ball and roll around, which comes naturally
about a year after we learn how to walk, they start teaching us to be in a ball
for long periods of time. Then they would throw us while in our ball form to
get us used to the feeling. But don’t worry; it’s not frightening at all for
the youngsters! We Yooyu all think it’s a great thrill! As we get older and
our shells harden, we learn to bounce and roll across the ground in straight
directions, and randomly for faerie and mutant Yooyu. When we have learned all
of these things real well, we start playing games with specialized professionals,
not the teams that you see playing in the Altador Cup, of course. These professional
players play gently and they aren’t as brutal as the real athletes. As
we learn, we progress further and further to harder games until finally we play
in practice games with the professionals!
Kat: Wow! Sounds quite thrilling! I hope you aren’t in any trouble for telling
us all of that classified information!
Minka: Nah, I lied because my break was almost over, but I decided to extend
it for once. The trainers won’t mind.
Kat: Okay, that’s good. How often do you practice and for how long?
Minka: We practice five days a week for about six hours every day with five
minute breaks every hour and an hour for lunch.
Kat: That’s quite a lot of work! Don’t you get tired after all of that exercise?
Minka: Well, of course! But we Yooyu are naturally energetic, so we can last
a lot longer than you may think. Besides, it’s like they say, “No pain, no game!”
After awhile, we get used to the training and our muscles are only sore when
they introduce us to new workouts which work different muscles.
Kat: Amazing how you can stand all that exercise! Are you excited about the
upcoming Altador Cup?
Minka: Definitely! This is the most exciting part of the sport! Neopets from
all around Neopia come to play Yooyuball. It’s also a great time to meet Neopets
from other lands, make new friends, and to enjoy some friendly competition,
or sometimes not so friendly.
Kat: How many Yooyu are participating in the Altador Cup?
Minka: There are 180 Yooyu total participating, 45 of each colour.
Kat: Wow! Why so many?
Minka: Well, there are eight participants in any game, four of each colour.
The colours switch off in between the rounds they need to play in. The other
four Yooyu are understudies just in case some of the Yooyu participants are
injured, sick, or for some other matter. So those 12 are in each game. There
will be 15 total games in the Altador Cup and there will be 12 Yooyu per game,
so that totals up to 180 Yooyu!
Kat: Well, I guess that all makes sense! Are you one of those lucky 180 Yooyu
being able to participate?
Minka: Sadly, no. I still have a bit more training to go through. But hopefully
I will make it into the Altador Cup soon!
Kat: Well good luck with that! Let us end our interview here so you can get
back to your training. Thank you for taking your time to answer these questions,
and I hope to see you in the Altador Cup soon!
Well, this concludes our exclusive interview behind the scenes of Yooyuball
training in the view of the Yooyu! Now the next time you watch a game of Yooyuball,
preferably not while you’re playing though, think about what it’s like for the
Yooyu and all that hard work that goes into training the ‘ball’ of the game,
as well as training the athlete!