Adventures in Petpetsitting by broadwaybaby986
Author's Note: Thanks to chi_is_awesome for letting me use her pets (and petpets,
of course!) in my story!
I'll never forget the first time I laid eyes on a Mazzew.
And to think, I once thought Noils were cute! They weren't. Well, at least they
weren't compared to those adorable Mazzews. I had to get a Mazzew... but, alas,
my owner Cocoa (I call her Momma though) said that they were too expensive.
"We're on a budget," she told me. "If you really want a Mazzew you have to save
up your Neopoints and buy it yourself."
I, a blue Xweetok named AvaGirl101 (or Ava for
short), groaned. "How am I supposed to get Neopoints?" I asked.
"There are ways, Ava. There are ways."
"Oh... " I said, sitting down in my bean bag
chair. I thought for a moment, but I couldn't think of any way for a Xweetok
like myself to make Neopoints.
About a week passed. I found out that my Momma's
friend Viv was going to vacation in Mystery Island with her pets for a few days.
Momma told me that Viv was worried because she didn't know who would take care
of her petpets. That's when I had my brilliant idea. "Momma, can't I take care
of Viv's petpets?" I asked. "And maybe... Viv would pay me!"
Momma smiled. "Well... I guess," she said. "That's
not a bad idea, Ava. You might get that Mazzew after all." I was sure I would.
And so Viv decided to let me take care of the
petpets. Viv had three pets- Applebuddy, Flangy, and Kip- and each one of them
had a petpet. The petpets' names were Mype, Lunch, and... well, there was one
other petpet but I could never remember his name. Lunch, a lab petpet, was a
pile of soot, Mype was a chocolate Mazzew- yes, a MAZZEW (I really looked forward
to taking care of him!), and that other petpet whose name I can't remember was
a chocolate Kookith. I got sort of tempted to nibble on the chocolate Kookith.
One sunny morning Viv dropped the three petpets
off at my Neohome. "You're going to take care of them, right?" Viv asked me.
"Of course," I said. Viv patted my head and
walked out the door. I was alone with the petpets. I was a real petpetsitter!
This was going to be fun.
But soon the fun wore off. The petpets didn't
really do anything... they just sat there. "Jefsy!" I screamed. "Where are you?"
My adopted older sister ILoveJeffAlot (or Jefsy for short) came bouncing out
of her room.
"I'm right here," she said. "What do you need,
I nodded at the petpets. "Are petpets usually
this boring?" I asked.
Jefsy, who had a Wuzzer named Bumble, shook
her head. "No," she said. "Well, at least Bumble isn't."
"Do you wanna watch these petpets?" I asked.
"I'm kinda bored."
"I was playing with Lealonde and Little," Jefsy
replied. Lealonde, a blue Blumaroo, was my little sister and SweetLittleLion
(or Little for short), a red Yurble, was my younger brother.
"Oh," I said. "Well, never mind." I looked at
the petpets again. "You know, I don't think these little guys will cause any
trouble if I go off and play with you and Lealonde and Little. But... I might
take that chocolate Kookith back there with me, in case I get hungry."
Jefsy shook her head at me. "No way, Ava," she
said. "You are not eating that petpet. But you can come back and play with us
if you want."
I grinned. "Oh, I want."
So I left the three petpets by themselves in
the living room. Little did I know that they would be more trouble then I thought
could possibly be. And so while I was playing with my siblings, I heard a loud
crash. "What was that?" asked Little, jumping to his feet.
"I don't know... " I said. "Wait... THE PETPETS!"
I rushed into the kitchen with Jefsy, Little,
and Lealonde following in my wake. To my horror, I found that Mype and that
chocolate Kookith had somehow gotten into the cookie jar.
"Oh no!" cried Jefsy. "I made those cookies
yesterday, and those two petpets have eaten them all. You guys didn't even get
to try one." Well, at least the petpets had saved me from tasting Jefsy's cookies.
Everyone knew Jefsy was a terrible cook.
"Oh... that's too bad... " I lied, picking up
Mype and the Kookith. Then I remembered something. "Hey... where's Lunch?"
"Don't you remember, Ava?" Lealonde said. "We
already ate lunch."
I was horrified. "WHAT?" I screamed. "You ATE
"Yeah," Lealonde said, smiling. "Remember? Momma
us bought pizza."
I heaved a sigh of relief. "Oh... that kind
of lunch. I'm talking about Applebuddy's petpet. His name is Lunch."
"Oh, that little pile of soot?" asked Little.
"Yeah, that," I replied. "Wait a minute... Little,
you're STANDING on Lunch!"
Little looked at his feet. Sure enough, they
were covered in soot. "Oh no... I think I broke him."
I rushed over to Little and dusted off his feet.
"No... he can't be broken... petpets don't break... hey Jefsy, do you have a
bowl? I could put Lunch... or at least what's left of him... in it."
"Good idea," said Jefsy.
From that moment on I knew that I couldn't let
these petpets out of my sight. They were pretty rambunctious, unlike my siblings'
petpets. It would be a real chore to look after them. "Hey... do you guys want
to take the petpets on a walk?" I suggested. "You can bring yours."
Jefsy smiled. "I'll go get Bumble," she said.
"And I'm going to get Ona!" cried Little. Ona
was his Snarhook.
"Can Kristin come too?" Lealonde asked, talking
about her Feepit.
"Of course," said Jefsy.
"Then it's decided," I said. "We go take the
petpets on a walk."
A few minutes later we found ourselves outside
with our petpets. Sadly, I had to leave Lunch behind. I mean, how exactly do
you take a pile of soot on a walk? But I could take Mype and that Kookith. They'd
be easy to walk... or so I thought. Once we had been outside for about five
minutes, I noticed that something was leaving a sticky brown trail behind us.
"Umm... Ava..." Little said softly. "I think Mype and the Kookith are melting."
Ava laughed. "That's ridiculous. It's not like
they're made of ice or chocolate... oh no. They're made of chocolate."
Lealonde screamed. "THE PETPETS ARE MELTING!"
she wailed. "What should we do, Ava?"
I picked up Mype and the Kookith. They got me
all sticky, but I didn't care. All I cared about was getting them home. "You
guys can go on," I said. "I'm going to take these two guys home."
"Bye, Ava!" cried Lealonde, waving at me.
As I ran home with the two sticky critters,
I began wishing that I hadn't taken this job. I didn't want a Mazzew anymore...
I didn't even want a petpet! They were way too much trouble to look after. The
fact that I'd have to watch Mype, Lunch, and that Kookith whose name I really
wished I could remember for two more days gave me chills. Two days! Two terribly
slow days... two days of pure torture!
That night at about one am NST I heard a strange
noise. I listened to it, wondering what it could be. Then I remembered the petpets.
"Mype! Little Kookith guy! Lunch!" I cried,
hopping out of bed. "WHAT are you doing?"
Apparently the Kookith was hungry. He had once
again tried to get in the cookie jar. I wagged my finger at him disapprovingly.
"Why can't you be like Lunch?" I said, picking the Kookith up. "He doesn't do
anything bad. And where's Mype?" The Kookith looked at me pathetically. "Oh
yeah... petpets can't talk."
Thankfully, Mype was still sleeping beside Lunch
and my siblings' petpets in their little bed. I sighed, incredibly relieved.
"You're being so good, Mype," I said, picking him up. Mype bit my finger- hard.
The second day with the petpets wasn't too terrible.
They didn't cause too much trouble. But then again, there was that time that
Mype tried to chew up Lealonde's I Love Fyora shirt. And the time that the Kookith
got chocolate all over Lealonde's white snowball bean bag chair (well, at least
it used to be white until the Kookith messed it up). Lunch wasn't any trouble
at all... although Little did have a tendency to step in him. But all in all,
the day went well. I even thought I might sort of miss those little petpets
once they were gone. And when Viv and her pets came to pick them up, I felt
sort of sad, although I did feel much better when Viv handed me a sack full
of Neopoints. "Did those petpets behave?" she asked me.
I put on a fake smile. "Uh... yeah," I lied.
"They were... great!"
After she said goodbye to Viv, Momma walked
up to me. "I guess you don't want a Mazzew now," she said.
I watched as Mype walked out the door behind
his owner Flangy. "Hmmm... even though they're hard to take care of, I still
might want one. I still might."
The End