The Adventures of a New Big Sister: Part Two by jeanaet
It's Ailemea again. You know? That gorgeous blue Xweetok
who just got her life ruined by the arrival of a little demon in the shape of
her new baby brother? Well, when I last spoke to you, my lovely little baby brother
had just fallen through the very same spring I had fallen through on My Vacation.
How exciting! Yeah well, I was just starting to think that my life was going to
go back to normal when out came Jhudora through the spring, cradling Trohanex.
I was sure it looked distinctly like when Illusen had carried me up. I ran to
Jeanie and hid behind her. Jhudora was mad.
"Nereid," she yelled, her purple and green hair
flaring. The water faerie straightened up, trying to stare her sister down.
"What is it, Jhudora?" she asked. The dark faerie
handed Trohanex to Jeanie and turned back to her sister.
"There aren't very many things that Illusen and
I agree about - heck there aren't any - but now there's one. That hole is a
death trap! How am I supposed to keep minions when they keep falling through
your springs?" Nereid was trembling. I clung to Jeanie like a leech, staring
with fear at the dark faerie. Trohanex was staring wide-eyed with admiration
at her. Belgarath was chasing a Chia into one of the springs, the Chia's owner
chasing him and screaming.
We left Jhudora screaming at Nereid. I was still
clinging to Jeanie when she whistled for Eyries. She gently stuck me on the
other Eyrie and put Haelee in my lap. Belgarath had finally come to his senses
and climbed up behind me, Gato in his lap. Jeanie turned to me before we took
off, the Yurble in her lap.
"I'm making a stop before we get home. You can
just go home; I won't take long," she said. I tried to question her but her
Eyrie took off and was gone.
We arrived home an hour later. Belgarath and
I entered the kitchen and prepared ourselves lunch. We were just finishing when
we heard the door open and close. Then our petpets came running into the kitchen
and leaped fearfully into our laps. A blue drackonack was close behind them.
I screamed.
Jeanie came running into the kitchen, Trohanex
in her arms. She set him in the new high chair and then snatched up the drackonack
who immediately settled down. She handed the petpet to Trohanex who nuzzled
it with love.
"What. Is. That," I said stiffly.
"He is Aros the Blue Drackonack. He's Trohanex's
petpet," Jeanie said, pulling some Musho Mushy Peas out of the cupboard for
"Do you want to tell me why you got him an evil
petpet - no less painted?" I asked, glaring at Aros.
"To defend him from you and your cousin's crazy
petpets," she said simply, spooning the peas into the Yurble's mouth.
"Nothing is wrong with Haelee OR Gato," I argued.
"They only attacked him while he was sleeping."
"He's not hurt, is he?" I said.
"No, but I am not going to take that chance again."
I rolled my eyes. I retired from the kitchen, dragging my cousin and our petpets
out with me.
Safely back in my room, Haelee leaped into her
petpet basket and curled up. I sat on my bed and looked at Belgarath.
"I need a new plan." He shrugged.
"Sorry, Aile, maybe another time. I've got a
meeting with my guild," my cousin replied, picking up Gato and heading for the
"Please, I think my life is more important than
your Chia-Killer Club," I said, leaping to my feet. Belgarath sighed.
"Sorry, Aile, I'd really stay but this meeting
is really important. We think there is a Chia uprising. Sorry." And then he
was gone, the door closed behind him.
So there we were, a beautiful blue Xweetok who
was suddenly a big sister and a Ditsy who was suddenly the prey of a very evil-looking
drackonack. I found myself suddenly abandoned by my cousin. It didn't matter.
I would find a way to get rid of this nuisance. I would get rid of that pest.
Jeanie called me downstairs the next day for
breakfast. I entered silently and bleakly.
"Aile, you have to take care of Trohanex today,"
she announced, uneasily.
"Okay," I answered blandly. It was then that
we heard him wailing, a signal he had awoken. Speak of the devil, I thought
with a little smirk. Jeanie stood. "No no! I'll get him," I said quickly, leaping
to my feet. She looked suspiciously at me at first but then shrugged.
"Whatever... Aros can take care of him." I hurried
upstairs. Haelee had just groggily stepped out of my room. She followed me with
a yawn into Trohanex's nursery.
The crying stopped abruptly as I approached the
crib. The baby Yurble eyed me curiously as I came closer. He didn't resist when
I reached in and heaved him out. Goodness, he was heavy! Aros leaped out of
the crib and onto the floor, following me. Haelee kept her distance, glaring
at the larger petpet.
I carried 'Nexy' downstairs and sat him in the
highchair. Jeanie was pulling on her jacket and grabbing her purse. She pecked
us both on the foreheads then dashed out the door with a quick good bye. I watched
her go then went to the cupboard that held the baby food. I selected the Strawberries
and Cream Baby Food and carried it over to the highchair with a spoon.
I sat down in front of him, opened the jar, and
scooped out some food. The baby seemed to trust me now for some reason and he
opened his mouth wide. Fool. I felt like feeding him Jeanie's cooking instead.
But come on - I'm not THAT cruel. I slowly and smoothly fed him - like a pro
I might add. Before I realized it I was copying back his goo goo gaa gaas and
blurbing and we were giggling like schoolgirls. Haelee and Aros gaped at us.
I stopped immediately and took the empty jar to the sink.
Once I had picked up the dishes sufficiently
I returned to the baby in his highchair. With a sigh, I hefted him out of the
chair and carried him into the living room. I had no sooner set him down with
one of his evil fuzzles then I heard a knock on the door. I hurried to answer
Soqai the Faerie Wocky stood with her Niptor
in front of me. "Want to get a slushie?" she asked.
"Can't," I replied. "I'm babysitting." She arched
a brow.
"Babysitting who?" she asked. I gestured over
my shoulder at Trohanex. Soqai looked with interest. "That isn't... Jeanie didn't..."
I sighed and nodded.
"Want to come in?" I said hopefully. She nodded.
"Come on, Jeanie," she said, entering, her Niptor
trailing her. I scooped up Trohanex and carried him upstairs, the Wocky following
me. I put him down in his playpen in the nursery along with Aros; then Soqai,
Jeanie (her Niptor), Haelee, and I crossed the hall into my room. I closed the
door and sat down on my bed.
"Help me! I don't know what to do to get rid
of him!" I cried. Soqai sighed.
"Why don't you just tell Jeanie that you don't
want him? You were here first, after all."
"I'd do that but he is so cute! Jeanie has a
weakness for cute things," I said. "It would never work." Soqai's eyes glittered.
"What?" I asked suspiciously.
"Well... I know how we can make him... not cute,"
she said and then smiled wickedly. It was then I understood what she meant.
I grinned back.
Trohanex sat in my lap, Soqai behind me. The
Eyrie beneath us glided smoothly over the ocean. Our petpets were at home. Thankfully
Aros wasn't willing to be a bully around Jeanie. The Eyrie held the Secret Laboratory
Map fully spread out in his talons. He nodded sometimes and then suddenly I
saw the real picture in front of me.
"Wow," I said. "I've never been here before."
"No?" Soqai asked. "The Vizzeh has a couple of
them. I'm sure she won't mind you borrowing it." The Eyrie smoothly landed and
I raised Trohanex off of it. Soqai and I entered the laboratory. Soqai approached
the crazy Doctor and I placed 'Nexy' carefully at the point of the lab ray.
The Wocky and Doctor argued for awhile before the Doctor nodded and went to
the controls. Soqai and I jumped back.
There was a flash and we were temporarily blinded.
When the light faded there stood a large ugly mutated Yurble. I smiled. Perfect.
We led the monster outside and towards the Eyrie.
"This is great," I said. We were just about to climb onto the Eyrie when a baby
Bruce popped out of nowhere. "NO!" I screamed, but it was too late. A ray escaped
the Bruce's gun and overtook Trohanex. The Bruce disappeared and before me stood
a baby Yurble. I picked him up. "We have to do it again!" I said desperately.
Soqai stopped me.
"We can't, Aile, only once a day. And when Vizz
finds out she'll kill me," she said sadly. "Sorry but your luck sucks." She
whistled and another Express Eyrie flew down from the sky. She climbed onto
its' back, waved, and flew off. I sighed and climbed onto the other Eyrie with
Trohanex. The Eyrie lifted up and flew us off.
Back at home I found Aros chasing Haelee around
the house. Obviously Soqai had come to fetch Jeanie. I kicked out at the Drackonack
and he growled, but stopped chasing her. We weren't home for five minutes before
Jeanie (my owner this time) walked through the door. Trohanex started wailing
and Jeanie hurried to scoop him up. To my surprise, the Yurble began to whisper
in her ear. My eyes widened and I dashed up the stairs.
Jeanie screamed my name right as I slammed my
door shut. I sighed.
I woke the next morning at about four am. Trohanex
was crying. I knew Jeanie was pretty much unable to wake up this early so I
climbed out of bed and crossed the hall. I pulled the baby Yurble out of his
crib, the Drackonack still deeply sleeping. Yawning, I carried the Yurble into
my room.
I sat us both on my bed and then stared thoughtfully
at who my owner called Nexy. I shook my head. "Well, if I'm up this early, I
could write something," I said with a sigh. I sat at my desk and pulled out
my pen. I had not written more than a few words when Nexy began to run a paw
over my fur, cooing. I blinked. I hesitated then reached down and patted him
on the head. He gurgled. I put down my pen and picked him up. His long spindly
fur was rather greasy. I knew exactly what to do.
I carried him back to my bed and set him down.
I shook Haelee awake and handed her a comb. She blinked and went for my fur
but I pushed her away and pointed at Trohanex. She approached him curiously
and began to run the comb through his fur. I fetched my Superstar Shampoo. Together
Haelee and I ran the shampoo through the Yurble's fur. He gurgled and wriggled
as we rinsed it out. I towel dried his body and he laughed and squealed. Jeanie
walked in right as I was combing out the last little tangle. She smiled. "Well,
isn't that nice."
The End