Kougra's Secret by tigerstripe172
Lavy Melody put her nose against the window pane. "Bored,
bored, bored," the blue Kougra said. "It's been raining hard for days, Mom. Will
it ever stop?"
Della Melody looked up from her knitting. "Hard
to say, Lavy, dear." She put her project in her knitting basket. "Well," she
said, "I think that I'll go take a nap now. Are you going to stay down here?"
Lavy turned her face from the depressing rain
to face her mother. "Sure. I think I'll read a book in front of the fire."
"Okay, honey. See you later." Della walked upstairs,
and Lavy heard the bedroom door close behind her. She got to her feet and picked
up her favorite book, 'Tales of the Midnight Kougra', and plopped into the big
easy chair in front of the fireplace, in which a roaring fire was going. Though
her eyes rested on the book's pages, Lavy's eyelids drooped, and she was soon
* * * * *
When her eyes slowly opened, Lavy noticed that
the rain had stopped. She jumped to her feet, basking in the warm sunlight that
streamed through the window, a feeling that had been forgotten.
"Yes!" Lavy cried, then started to yell for
her mother. But before she could, a fierce knock brought her attention to the
front door. She cocked her head, and walked towards the door. When she opened
it, a terrifying sight met her eyes.
An Eyrie, dressed in pirate captain's garb,
glowered down at her. Behind him, stood three others.
"Yes?" Lavy asked, trembling.
"Me and me buckos here are looking for a little
miss Lava'ia Melody! We hear that she lives in this 'ere town."
"I-I am Lavy Melody. Wh-what do you want with
"Then yer coming with us!" the captain said,
suddenly swooping down and picking her up off the ground as if she were only
a delicate flower.
"Hey!" Lavy cried, kicking her feet. "What do
you want with me?!"
"I'll tell ye later, wench," her captor sneered.
A boom of thunder ripped the air.
"Oh, great," Lavy thought. "On top of being
kidnapped by pirates, it's going to rain again. Here it comes now," she added,
as a big, fat, drop of rain fell on her nose.
The group were headed towards a large ship.
Lavy had read enough books to know that it was their pirate ship.
By the time they reached their destination,
the rain was pouring down, like it had been that afternoon.
When the pirates stormed onto the boat, two
other pirates joined the band.
"Hey, now, what 'ave ye got there?" one asked,
pointing to Lavy.
"Oh, this is..." The pirate captain leaned over
and whispered something in his ear. Whatever it was, the other pirate's eyes
lighted up, and he did a little dance.
"You mean you finally got 'er?" he said. "You
mean it? I knew ye would, Cap'n Longbeak. I knew ye would!"
The pirate was so funny looking, dancing around
on one foot, that Lavy could barely keep from laughing.
"Yep, I sure did," Captain Longbeak said triumphantly.
"Take her to the best cell we have. Make sure you bring little Duchess up for
dinner tonight."
Lavy was taken through a couple hallways, then
down a long, long, long staircase. But the room was worse than that. It was
so filled with dust that Lavy sneezed again and again.
"Sorry," one pirate said apologetically, handing
her a hankie. "But it's been a while since we had a luxury traveler."
The rest of the room wasn't any better. Lavy
was used to downy quilts and a soft mattress, and the bedding was anything but.
The mattress was hard and lumpy, the pillow was as flat as a pancake (Well,
maybe not that flat), and the thin sheet that lay over the mattress was as dingy
as could be. There were no adequate lights, only a window - but that didn't
work, because it was under the ocean.
I wonder if the Captain would take orders
for new rooms, Lavy thought, looking at the dingy sheet. She couldn't imagine
sleeping in that.
A pirate's voice cut through her reverie. "Uh,
excuse me miss, but we'll be back in an hour to pick you up for dinner. I'm
John, by the way. Would you like a new mattress or anything?"
Lavy couldn't believe her good luck.
* *
* * *
When John came by to pick her up for dinner,
Lavy was spread out on her fluffy mattress, propping her head on her new pillows,
reading Mysteries of Neopia. She was reluctant to be pulled away from the excitement
of Leorna the Wocky while she was being chased through the Haunted Woods by
a ghost Hissi, but she realized she was hungry, so she put it down, and came
with John, who was a Lupe.
The meal was fine, but it was after the dessert
plates had been taken away that the mystery unraveled.
Captain Longbeak leaned back, licking his lips
from Neoberry pie.
"Ah, mighty fine stuff, that was," he said contentedly.
"But let's get down to business. Do you know who yer parents are?"
Lavy blinked at the obvious question. Doesn't
that birdbrain think I know who my own parents are? she thought.
"Of course; Koena and Della Melody."
Captain Longbeak shook his head. "No, no, no,"
he said. "You are the daughter of Duke Shavalia Catune and Duchess Corlay Catune
of the island Osnia."
When Lavy blinked again, it wasn't because she
knew the statement so well, but because she was understandably shocked.
"What?" Lavy said, shaking so much that she
thought the table would tip over.
"Yep. When the overthrow of the island happened,
the Duke and Duchess decided that you would be safer living in Neopia. So they
sent you over to the Melody's humble abode, and left ya there. They obviously
kept the secret well."
Obviously! Lavy thought. Kept the
secret well, what an understatement! I didn't even know there was an island
called Osnia.
"Then the Duke and Duchess made a law that whoever
could find their baby could have whatever they wanted. They must not have counted
on me," Captain Longbeak added, smiling evilly. "Now, I'll be ruler of all Neopia!!!"
His voice had risen into a yell, and the dishes rattled.
Captain Longbeak looked around at everybody
staring at him, silent.
"Well, what are ye all standin' around for?"
he barked. "Sailors, get the ship started towards Osnia. John, take Little Duchess
'ere up to her room. On the double!"
"Better go quick, Lavy," John whispered. "When
he's in a mood like this, don't stand in his way."
When John had Lavy plopped back on her mattress,
she sighed, settled in a comfortable way, and picked up her book.
* *
* * *
About three hours later, Lavy's reading was
interrupted by a huge jolt. When she stopped rolling, Lavy got to her feet.
It was a bad decision, however, because she was knocked over again by another
jolt. Lavy then noticed that the portholes in the wall of the ship were being
pushed by the water. Lavy wished fervently that someone would come and rescue
She didn't have to wish long. John came rushing
"Lavy! Hurry!" And without another word, he
picked her up and dashed out the door.
When they were halfway up the stairs, Lavy heard
water rush into her room. She let out a sigh of relief as it splashed up the
first couple stairs, but didn't come any closer.
For the moment.
When Lavy and John reached the top of the stairway,
and the latter put Lavy down.
"Okay," Lavy asked, taking a gulp of air. "What
is this all... about?!"
But she didn't need to ask, for at that moment
she noticed the large ship, larger than her captive's ship, looming above her
head. Some Skeith pirates were scuttling about the deck, and a red Grarrl stood
at the edge of the boat nearest Lavy, glaring defiantly down at her and the
other pirates on the inferior boat.
Amidst the noise of the ocean, and the sound
of worried pirates, Captain Longbeak yelled, "Don't back down, ye cowards! Fight
them like pirates, and not petpets!!"
Despite their leader's 'encouraging' words,
the shipmates began lowering the lifeboats, until only John, Captain Longbeak,
and Lavy were left.
Longbeak gazed at the retreating pirates, and
then noticed the last lifeboat. Before the two others could move, he dashed
towards the boat, let it down, and was on his way to land quicker than you could
say 'chicken'. :)
John dashed to the side, staring at his deserting
captain. With a terrified jolt, he noticed in horror that a cannon ball was
sailing through the air... right at Lavy!
John lunged at Lavy, taking her over the side
of the boat just as the cannon ball struck the floor with a sickening crash!
As Lavy paddled violently towards the surface,
the water vanished, and she was suddenly back in her living room in front of
the fire that was now just a few live coals. The rain had been reduced to a
light sprinkle, Lavy observed joyfully. Her book was on her lap, and Della was
walking down the stairs.
"How was... *yawn*... your afternoon, sweetie?"
Lavy hesitated before replying. "Fine, Mom,
but... is there a secret about me?"
Della cocked her head, then said, "Now that
you mention it, I guess it is time I told you..."
The End