Why the Deserted Fairground is Deserted by 124456789xxzc
HAUNTED WOODS - Have you ever seriously wondered why the Deserted Fairground is
deserted? Have you ever wondered what that *something* was that drove everyone
away? Have you noticed that ghosts fly around the stands? That might not seem
odd for a deserted fairground, but who were those ghosts? Were they possibly guests
of the fairground, driven away, only to return to haunt the place they used to
know and love? Why are there huge, pointed gates? Are they to keep guests away
from whatever invaded? Were they built by someone who wished to protect guests,
or were they built by what was inside? I wonder about these things, and I took
the chance and decided to go on a little trip to the grounds. As I walk through
the Haunted Woods to the fairground, I have come up with my first reason. Please
take note that these, except for number one, are in no particular order based
on best reason; number one, however, is what I think is the best reason.
The Fairground is in the Haunted Woods
Who wants to go all the way through the Haunted Woods just to go to some Fairground?
The Haunted Woods, in my opinion, is not worth it, and right now, I am about
to turn back, but for the sake of all you Neopians who would like to know what
happened, I will continue, no matter how much Nala, my baby Peophin from my
other article *hint hint*, cries. As I walk up the cobblestone path through
the gates, I found another reason.
Those Gates are SCARY
Yes, my friends, those gates are scary, with black paint and sharp points and
a big bat shape on top. Young children may not like to go through the gates,
forcing families to turn around, and the population of the fairground to go
down, for many little kids like fairs. I look around, and notice another thing
that concerns young children.
Skulls and Pumpkins
Yes, there are skulls on every sign, and menacing looking pumpkins are everywhere.
If any children make it past the gates, they will certainly be scared away by
those skulls and pumpkins. And there is a shop featuring something with an axe
in its head! That would scare ME away... so, all looking done, I decided to
try the shops.
Oh, man, those costumes are freaky. Don't go in the shops; you will be scared
away from the fair by the shopkeepers. The merchandise is scary, too, very evil
looking. And now we come to another thing.
The Wheel of Misfortune
A wheel of MISFORTUNE? I mean, come on, that is horrible, and maybe people
got so fed up that they left. I would just not spin it at all, with a name like
that. If you would like to spin the wheel, make sure there is nothing you really
care about in your inventory, because something could get turned to sludge,
or the Pant Devil could steal it. On to another game.
Cork Gun Gallery
Arrgh, you stupid cork, you better hit something or I will- hey, Aisha, stop
laughing! I will- Oh, sorry. Ahem. The Cork gun frustrates many people (not
me, though, why would you ever think me?) so they may also leave the fairground
because of loss of Neopoints or frustration. To the scratchcards!
Ssssidney isss ssso annoying with hisss way of talking! I can't stand it, and
I'm sure other people can't, either. Nala certainly can't, because I'm not sure
where she is now... NALA! Well, uh, people will be frustrated by the scratchcards,
had to cut that short, sorry. NALA! That brings another problem.
So Many Places to Wander Off
Yes, parents may not come to the fairground because they are worried that they
will lose their children, like I lost Nala. Maybe she is at Test Your Strength...
Test Your Strength
Many will get frustrated at this game, and, since it is 100 Neopoints and all
you will probably win is 19 Neopoints or a pumpkin pie, it's a point drainer
also, even though you can only play every 6 hours. Oh there's Nala, at the food
shop, my next stop. I better go get her.
Food Shop
Tongue with veggies? Blumaroo steak? Jellied Eyeballs? How can you call this
food? Nala got a spooky shake, so I guess her intelligence of 96 paid off- a
spooky shake is the only thing I would call edible. Who would want to come to
a fairground with no decent food? I began to leave, my search concluded, when
I noticed the Coconut Shy and Carnival of Terror games.
Coconut Shy
I tried the Coconut Shy, and that was the last of the Neopoints I brought.
It was addicting, yet I never got one down. One more Neopoint wasting/frustrating
game to drive people away. Next and last was the Carnival of Terror.
Carnival of Terror
A fun, colorful and exciting carnival used to move around Neopia, thrilling
its residents with their amazing shows... until THEY came... Moving to the Haunted
Woods may not have been the best idea.
Wait a minute- that's why the grounds are deserted? Because of Chia Clowns?
I played the game; it was frustrating. I was mad. I went on a search in a deserted
fairground for nothing? Just as I was stomping out, I noticed a large eye staring
at me from the shadows. It hurried away. I froze. That was why the grounds were
1. THE MEEPITS!!!!!!!!
It was the Meepits! It wasn't the scary decorations, or the frustrating games,
or the Neopoint wasting, or the gross food, IT WAS THE MEEPITS!!! It was them!
Just then, something grabbed me and began to pull me towards the haunted weaponry
NOOOOO! YOU CAN'T TAKE ME! IT WAS THE MEEPITS! It was no use. They locked me
in a back room of the shop, promising to release me when I could be good. Whatever.
I am now writing these words in a dusty room with no one to talk to but a little
beetle, for Nala won't speak to me. As I begin to go crazy, for I want to leave,
I leave you with these words: Fear the Meepits.
Author's note: Oh, no! Thirteen reasons! Bad luck! The Meepits will get
me in my cell! :)