Hannah Meets Hannah: Part Two by alicia_jewel
The four Neopets walked north to the docks. They still had
about an hour until the ferry came, so they paced themselves.
"So, about how much longer should it be before
we reach the docks?" asked Hannah Jewel.
Hannah thought for a minute. "About forty-five
minutes, at the most," she replied. "That gives us fifteen minutes for a snack
once we get there."
"Good," said Armin. "I'll be hungry by then."
"Same here," said Slushie Jewel. "I get really
hungry really fast."
"There's a word for that, but I forgot what it
was…" said Hannah Jewel. "I learned it the other day at Neoschool, but it's
slipped my mind since then."
"I always knew that your memory would slip some
day, Hannah Jewel," said Slushie Jewel. "Especially when you forgot hw to spell
'Chokato.' You spelled it 'C-H-O-C-A-T-O' when it should've been 'C-H-O-K-A-T-O.'"
"Don't remind me," said Hannah Jewel. "If I had
spelled that word right, then I would've been the school's spelling champion!"
She sighed. "I always get so close, then something bad happens. That's the way
it's been ever since I was only a few months old." She shook her head and sighed
again. "But that's not the way it's going to be this time! This time, I actually
get to do something without anything bad happening!"
Hannah laughed softly. "Well, don't get your
hopes up just yet," she said. "We still need to get to the docks, you know."
"Yeah, I know…" Hannah Jewel looked up at the
clear, blue sky. Looking to her left, she saw the Rainbow Pool. It looked so
pretty whenever the sun was beaming down on its waters. She looked around some
more. She wouldn't see Neopia Central for a while. She'd be seeing more of Terror
Mountain for a little while now. She sighed and continued walking.
"Something on your mind, Hannah Jewel?" asked
Slushie Jewel. "Whenever you sigh like that, you're thinking about something…"
"Oh, it's nothing," replied Hannah Jewel. "I'm
just thinking that's it's a beautiful day."
"Well, it won't be as beautiful on Terror Mountain,"
said Hannah. "It's always freezing up there!"
"No problem," said Slushie Jewel. "We Bori folk,
such as Armin and I, have learned to withstand those cruel, winter winds on
Terror Mountain. Right, Armin?"
"Right…" said Armin hesitantly. "I… guess you're
right." He sighed.
"What's wrong with him?" whispered Hannah Jewel.
"Beats me," replied Hannah. "We'll worry about
that later. I think we only have half an hour to go until we reach the docks."
Hannah Jewel looked at the ground. She watched
her feet appearing and disappearing before her eyes. Left foot, right foot,
left foot, right foot. She looked up and saw a beautiful rainbow above their
heads. She smiled and followed the rainbow with her eyes. It led straight to
the Rainbow Pool. So, that's why there's always a rainbow over Neopia, she thought.
That's why it was always so beautiful.
"Admiring your surroundings?" asked Slushie Jewel,
causing Hannah Jewel to yelp softly in surprise.
"Yeah, you could put it that way," she replied.
"I can't believe I didn't notice all this before."
"Well, you ARE always hiding in your room playing
with your Usuki Dolls," said Slushie Jewel. He laughed softly, thinking of the
time whenever he snuck into Hannah Jewel's room…
Slushie Jewel walked along the edge of the wall, trying not to make a sound.
It was 1:00 in the morning, and Slushie Jewel could've sworn that he heard Hannah
Jewel giggling. He peeked around the corner to make sure nobody had heard them.
The floor would squeak every once in a while, and Slushie Jewel knew how light
of a sleeper his sisters were. He turned the corner and put his ear up to his
oldest sister's bedroom door. Her voice could be easily heard.
"Oh, William, you're so funny," Hannah Jewel
had said in a high-pitched voice. "Why, thank you, Lisa," she said in a deeper
Slushie Jewel whispered to himself. "What is
she doing?" He cracked the door to see his sister's back turned to him. He made
a crack just big enough for him to slip in, and just small enough to close without
making a sound. He crept in, closed the door softly, and slipped under the bed.
He was glad he had such a sly sister who taught him this. "Thank you, Lisha
Jewel," he mouthed to himself.
"So, William," Hannah Jewel said in that high-pitched
voice again, "I was thinking we could get married in The Month of Hunting. Summer
weddings are so beautiful!"
"Yes, but I was hoping we could get married in
The Month of Gathering," came the deep voice. "Fall weddings are so colorful!"
"Yes, let's get married then. We can invite all
our friends and have the most colorful wedding of all!"
Slushie Jewel smiled. It was good to see his
big sister playing something other than video games. He crawled out from under
the bed, crept out the door, and went back to his room…
Slushie Jewel laughed at that memory. He reminded
himself to ask Hannah Jewel is he could play with her once they got home. He's
always wanted to play with her Usuki dolls. He made a mental note of that.
"Having a flashback?" asked Hannah Jewel.
"How'd you know?" asked Slushie Jewel.
"It's just the way your eyes twinkle," replied
Hannah Jewel. "It's the way I look whenever I have a flashback. Speaking of
which…" Her eyes began to twinkle the way Slushie Jewel's had…
Hannah Jewel peeked around the corner. She could've sworn she'd heard an explosion.
She peeked around the corner to see that Slushie Jewel's bedroom door was cracked
open. She slowly opened it, and there was Slushie Jewel, sitting in the floor,
holding a controller. He was playing video games, the number one thing Alicia
had told him not to do after 10:00 p.m. He was so busted. She was about to walk
into Alicia's room, but stopped. She would at least let him know he was in trouble.
She opened the door to Slushie Jewel's room.
"Slushie Jewel?" she whispered.
Slushie Jewel gasped. He knew he was in trouble
for playing video games. He could tell by the look in his oldest sister's eyes.
Tears swelled up in his eyes.
Hannah Jewel sighed. She couldn't do this. Slushie
Jewel was only a child, a little more than a month old. She thought of something
to say. "Can… can I play video games with you?" she whispered.
Slushie Jewel smiled. He wiped the tears from
his eyes and said, "Sure, you can play video games with me."
"Remember that, Slushie Jewel?" she asked after
reciting her story. "You thought I was going to get you in trouble."
"Yeah, I remember that," replied Slushie Jewel.
"Sounds like you two have had a lot of good times
together," said Hannah. "Come on, the docks are just ahead!"
The group picked up the pace. The ferry had come
early, and they wanted to get on as soon as possible. They watched as it slowly
moved away from the dock…
"Wait for us!" screamed Hannah. She picked up
the pace, followed by Hannah Jewel then Slushie Jewel, then Armin. Just a few
feet away from the edge of the dock, she grabbed Hannah Jewel and Slushie Jewel's
wrists. Slushie Jewel grabbed Armin's wrist, knowing just what Hannah was about
to do. She jumped off the edge of the dock and skillfully landed the group on
the ferry.
"That was close!" said Armin. "We almost missed
the ferry!"
"Yeah, I kind of noticed that," said Hannah,
panting. "This ferry will take us straight to Terror Mountain. It's going to
take a few hours, so let's just hang out on the main deck and relax. There are
a lot of chairs to lay down in, so let's go!" Hannah walked to the main deck,
followed by Hannah Jewel, Slushie Jewel, and Armin.
"So, about how many hours should this take?"
asked Slushie Jewel as he sat down on a chair.
"We should be there in three hours at the most,"
replied Hannah. "This is a pretty fast ferry. Normally, it'd take about five
hours on a different boat." She lay down in a long chair and sighed. Hannah
Jewel, Slushie Jewel, and Armin did the same. Hannah began thinking about the
treasure they would find and how they would split it if there were an uneven
number. She was so deep in thought that she didn't notice her eyes fluttering
The next thing Hannah knew, Armin was shaking
her awake. She sat up and looked around. Armin told her to get in her winter
clothing, for the weather was getting colder. Indeed, Hannah was shivering.
She put on her big coat and looked around. There were small ice blocks in the
water. Bories were digging around on the shore, which was just a few miles away.
Bruces were ice-skating on the frozen ponds nearby. Hannah looked behind her
to see Hannah Jewel staring in wonder. She had obviously never seen Terror Mountain
"Wow!" exclaimed Hannah Jewel. "This is awesome!
I've never seen anything like it in my life!"
"It's pretty cool, isn't it?" asked Hannah. She
laughed, realizing what she had just said. It was cool around here, usually
much colder than cool.
"I've seen pictures of this in my book, but I
never thought I'd see it up close!" exclaimed Slushie Jewel. He sighed in wonder
as he joined his oldest sister in sightseeing.
About ten minutes later, the ferry arrived at
the docks of Terror Mountain. The four got off, all dressed in heavy clothing,
with the exception of Slushie Jewel. The snow crunched beneath their feet, making
footprints in the fresh snow. Slushie Jewel took a deep breath of winter air.
"Man, this fells so good!" said the Ice Bori.
"I can't believe I didn't come here earlier!"
"Same here," said Hannah Jewel. "After this is
done, we should ask Alicia if we could vacation here sometime."
Hannah laughed and shook her head. Man, these
guys are crazy, she thought. Vacationing here of all places? She
dropped the thought and continued walking.
"How far are the Ice Caves from here?" asked
Armin. Hannah Jewel looked at him in confusion. Of all Neopets, Armin should
know how far away from the Ice Caves were.
"Let me check the map," replied Hannah as she
pulled out the folded up piece of paper from one of her coat pockets. She looked
at the map, and then looked up. "If we go north from here, we should be there
in twenty minutes, at the most."
"Well, then north it is!" said Hannah Jewel.
"The quicker we get there, the more treasure we can collect. Isn't that right,
Hannah nodded and walked north. The others followed
close behind. Just as Hannah said, they got to the entrance of the Ice Caves
in twenty minutes. Hannah climbed up a rock and said, "Wait here a second. I'm
going to make sure this is a safe entrance." She jumped in and landed on the
soft snow below. The entrance was pretty high up. She'd have to have somebody
throw down a rope from above to get back up. She looked behind her. It was a
clear path, and Hannah could see some treasure chests nearby. She walked along
and made sure that they would at least get fifty feet before there were any
obstacles. There was nothing except for some slopes for over fifty feet. This
would be the perfect place to start. She ran back to the entrance.
"Hey, you guys!" she shouted. "I found a good
entrance! Throw me a rope, I can't reach the entrance!"
"OK!" Slushie Jewel shouted back. "Here it comes!"
A rope came from the top. Hannah grabbed onto it and tugged on it a few times.
She was pulled back up to the entrance.
"OK, this looks like a good entrance," she said
once more. "Make sure we have everything before we go down. It's really hard
to get back up without the proper equipment."
Everybody, including Hannah, dug through their
bags to make sure they didn't leave anything behind. They had everything for
a basic cave. They all stood on the edge, then jumped inside all at once.
To be continued…