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Neoquest 2 Insane Difficulty Survival Guide

by wltrwang


TERROR MOUNTAIN – So, you’ve made it through NeoQuest II on Normal and Evil modes. It wasn’t all that difficult; how much worse can Insane be? You start the game, there’s Trestin and Mother, you go out and fight. Holy meepits, these Plains Lupes have 20 hitpoints? No fair, Mr. Insane!

You sigh and spend some time moping, but eventually decide that that shiny gold trophy, 50k, and multi-million Neopoint prize are worth it. You battle your way through Meridell, defeating the Miner Foreman, Zombom, Ramtor... the works. Maybe you even used the Neoquest 2 Insane Difficulty Survival Guide found in NT Issue #162. Either way, you manage to get through Meridell. Congratulations, go step outside and take a breath of fresh air, well done!

Then, however, comes Terror Mountain. Thankfully, Terror Mountain, you remember, was much shorter than Meridell. But wait, that plethora of guides out there for Neoquest II... most of them were beginners guides, with skill suggestions and a walkthrough built for Normal and maybe Evil, that quite frankly didn’t cover InSaNe mode.

Well, this guide is here to aid you on your journey throughout Terror Mountain, and the subsequent guides will hopefully help you through the Lost Desert, Haunted Woods, and finally Faerieland, as well. Happy Neoquesting!


Firstly, though, we need to take a look at skills. By now you probably already know (or at least should know!) the basics of what each skill does, so I won’t bother summarizing those again. There remains, however, the issue of what skills to prioritize on this time around – each level is an accomplishment within itself; each skill point is a scarcity.

Everyone has their own favored skill build, but there are a few basics to remember when spending your points on InSaNe mode. Namely, what skills will you need and use when fighting King Terask in Faerieland? Also, since monsters have twice the HP they originally had in Normal mode, it takes that much longer to kill them – in other words, they have twice as much time to do damage to you, as well. Innate Melee/Magic Defense for all your characters is much more important in InSaNe mode than it ever was in Normal or Evil.

Rohane is your tank type character, possessing both the most hitpoints out of your entire party, and a trusty sword to boot. Accordingly, you need to prioritize his skill points to do the most damage, while balancing his defense and speed. Raise Damage Increase and Innate Melee Haste at about the same rate; I ended Meridell with 8 and 7 in each, respectively. Critical Attacks and Stunning Strikes can be a lifesaver, so I would prioritize those next. (Spend some points in each sparingly as you raise Damage Increase and Innate Melee Haste.) Hopefully you ended Meridell with a couple points in Innate Magic Resistance, as well, but Rohane’s main priority is dealing out damage. This early on in the game, most monsters from random encounters don’t use magic, anyways, so that can be of a somewhat low priority for now.

Mipsy, your mage, can deal out tons of damage, plowing through enemies early on, but at the same time takes a lot of damage. She also has the fewest hitpoints in your party. Raise Direct Damage (or Group Direct Damage, if you prefer. One or the other, don’t waste points in both, but I’d recommend Direct Damage as it will be more useful against Terask at the end), but at the same time be increasing her Innate Melee Defense. I ended Meridell with 10 points in Direct Damage, 7 in Innate Melee Defense. Magic takes time to recharge, though, so when your Innate Melee Defense is at a reasonable level, put points into Innate Casting Haste to increase Mipsy’s speed.

Talinia is a secondary damage dealer, who’s also the character you’ll be using most frequently for lobbing potions during boss battles. Increased Bow Damage is her version of Rohane’s Damage Increase; level it up accordingly. Multiple targets is extraordinarily useful for all those random encounter battles, but not really that useful in boss battles. Either take this to level 10 for the fastest 3 arrows (what I generally do), or just level 5 for the fastest 2. Talinia’s next priority is her speed, so increase her Innate Melee Haste to around the same level as Increased Bow Damage. Talinia also needs some magic resistance, however, so at some point stock up a couple points there. (Again, similar to Rohane.)

Personally, I followed catwhisper1’s guide in a previous issue of the Neopian Times, and ended with these skills:


Critical Attacks 3: Decisive Hit

Damage Increase 8: Battle Wrath

Stunning Strikes 1: Confuse

Innate Magic Resistance 2: Magic Resistance II

Innate Melee Haste 7: Lithe Agility I


Direct Damage 10: Puree

Innate Melee Defense 7: Diversion I

Innate Casting Haste 4: Rapid Invocation I


When you start out in Terror Mountain, you’ll see a town directly in front of you. You won’t be able to understand anything they say, however, as the Wordstone (artifact used for translation) has been stolen by the Leximp! (Ironic for a town named Chia Oscuro, eh? Oh, what a witty play on words, TNT!) Meander East, then southeast into the damp smelly cave (again, how witty! :O) nearby. The Leximp is waiting at the end of this one-way cave; walking to him is easy.

The Leximp himself is also a relatively easy boss (and at that, one you can skip, if you’d like. You probably shouldn’t, though, so that you can take advantage of the free resting spot Chia Oscuro will be after his defeat), especially after having beat Ramtor. He only has 225 hitpoints; the monsters you’ve been fighting in random encounters lately have been in the 200, 210, 220 range anyways. He has a tad bit magic resistance to Mipsy, but Rohane’s trusty sword will carry you through what should be a pretty easy victory.

Equip whatever Leximp dropped for you, and head back to Chia Oscuro. The equipment here’s the same as Seaside, so there’s not much as far as upgrades go, but restock your healing potions and such. Grab some Frost Potions, too, for boss battles later. Plus, the house to the far left side of town now serves as a free inn, so take advantage of this by leveling up some. There’s a no encounter area directly around the town, though, so you’ll have to do a bit of walking. (What a surprise.) Stay around here until at least level 23, go to 24 if you can stand it. Mountainside Inn is just on the other side of the Caves of Terror (which are relatively short), so you don’t need to worry too much, but it’s always better to be overleveled than under. Put a point into Damage Increase for Rohane, and Direct Damage for Mipsy. If you go on to level 24, put another point in Damage Increase for Rohane, and a point in Innate Casting Haste for Mipsy.


The Caves of Terror really aren’t quite that terrifying. They’re pretty short, as caves in NQII go, and you’ll be done with them in no time. The one big downer here is that a new monster you’ll encounter, Frozen Skeleton, can use Blizzard. (Group direct damage, 28 damage.) You won’t have Velm and his group healing ability until next chapter, though, so for now just make do with killing your enemies in order of least HP and replenishing your own HP with potions between battles.

The second story of the Mountainside Inn is full of useless NPCs; head on over to the innkeeper if you need a heal, and go to the kitchen for potions. Remember how in Normal you could defeat King Terask II using just the Faerieland damage/haste/slowing potions? And how in Evil you could if you wanted, but might use a few Haunted Woods or Lost Desert Potions, as well? Guess what? In InSaNe, that’s not the case. When you get to the final battle against Terask II, unless you’re extraordinarily lucky, you’re going to get down to the potions you’re purchasing now. Pick up 20 each of the Frost and Chill Potions, but don’t bother with the haste/slowing potions yet. (Start picking those up in the Lost Desert.)

Invite Talinia to join your party, and spend her ~24 or so skill points (you leveled up on the walk here, didn’t you?), keeping in mind which ones you’re really need at the end. For example, being able to hit 3 targets at once with Multiple Targets would be nice, but it won’t come in handy at all against King Terask II. Of course, there are always still those random encounters in between – I’d recommend putting 5 points here for now (fastest 2 arrows) to pour more points into Innate Melee Haste.


Increased Bow Damage 10: Strong Bow

Multiple Targets 5: Double Shot

Innate Melee Haste 9: Lithe Agility III


When you’re ready to continue (your entire party is at or around level 25), start heading northwest towards Kolvars. You probably want to hunt out a map at this point, as the trail branches off in many different directions (though most of them eventually re-diverge). As you fight your way through the 230-280 HP monsters, try and gain another 2 levels before facing Kolvars. At that point your characters should all be around level 27, and skills should be as follows -


Critical Attacks 5: Ruthless Blow

Damage Increase 10: Matchless Agility

Stunning Strikes 2: Startle

Innate Magic Resistance 2: Magic Resistance II

Innate Melee Haste 7: Lithe Agility I


Direct Damage 11: Vaporize

Innate Melee Defense 7: Diversion I

Innate Casting Haste 8: Swift Summoning II


Increased Bow Damage 10: Strong Bow

Multiple Targets 5: Double Shot

Innate Melee Haste 11: Flowing Steps II

Kolvars has 337 HP, can use Quick Feet (28% Haste), Dormancy (44% Slow), critical hits. Even so, the monsters you’ve been fighting lately have had nearly as much HP as he has; leveled as your party is you should be fine. Use some slowing potions if you have them and want to, but with Mipsy’s Vaporize, Rohane’s sword, and Talinia’s bow, this battle should be fairly straightforward. Heal as necessary.

After Kolvars, you’ll soon stumble upon Happy Valley. Enter the city from the south side of town, and go visit Jualie in the second house on your right. Her son, Niacha, has gone missing! :O Walk West across the lake, then south around the trees to find him, then go back to talk to his mother. The shopkeepers are very grateful, and are happily willing to provide you with a discount. (And a much needed one at that, with a new sword for Rohane alone costing around 2000 gold.) Upgrade your equipment if necessary (you may have picked up better weapons and armor from your random encounters), restock damage potions if you’ve used any, and pick up 20 Lethargy Potions to use in boss battles from here to Faerieland. When you’re done, it’s time to keep winding your way around Terror Mountain to the peak.


When you make your way to the Adventurer’s Camp, rejoice! One of the NPCs, Allden, serves as a free healing spot! Take advantage of this, as the path ahead is not easy – though each level may be relatively short, your random encounter monsters will now have up to 300 HP. (Take that, Kolvars.) Level up just inside the mouth of the cave, heading back to Allden to heal as necessary. Alternatively, you could also head south (there’s a no encounter area immediately around the camp) and work with the monster set there.

When you’re at level 29 or 30, spend your skill points and make your way in to the cave. Put a point into Damage Increase for Rohane, raising it to 11 (where it will stay until just before your final battle), and the other point or two in Critical Attacks. Raise Mipsy’s Innate Melee Defense to 11. For Talinia, it’s time to start raising either Ranged or Shockwave (I prefer Ranged).

After spending your skill points, it’s time to go through the Lost Caves. Yay walking (on Hunting mode, no less!) through 4 levels of maps! Each level is relatively short, though, and in no time you’ll find yourself on the Mountain Top.

Before fighting Scuzzy, however, you probably want to have your entire party at level 32 or so. Keep pouring points into Critical Attacks (or Stunning Strikes) for Rohane, and begin the process of raising Mipsy’s Innate Melee Defense to 11. For Talinia you have the same choice of Ranged or Shockwave.

When you’re done spending skill points, follow the path and approach Scuzzy to fight him and finished Chapter 2. On InSaNe Mode, Scuzzy has 600 HP. He can cast Indifference (32% slow) as well as Tornado (36 group damage). Thankfully he himself is not very fast. Slow him down with a potion lobbed by Talinia if you like, and take him out with Rohane and Mipsy. Heal when needed.


Ending Skills:


Critical Attacks 9: Savage Force

Damage Increase 11: Flawless Balance

Stunning Strikes 2: Startle

Innate Magic Resistance 2: Magic Resistance II

Innate Melee Haste 7: Lithe Agility I


Direct Damage 11: Vaporize

Innate Melee Defense 9: Diversion III

Innate Casting Haste 11: Agile Conjuration II


Increased Bow Damage 10: Strong Bow

Multiple Targets 5: Double Shot

Ranged 5: Distant Strike ~OR~ Shockwave 5: Terrible Message

Innate Melee Haste 11: Flowing Steps II

After battling your way through Chapter II, you’ve started to regain that grasp on NQII you’d thought you had throughout Evil Mode. Congratulations! You’ve now finished 2 of the 5 Chapters in NeoQuest II, and on InSaNe Mode, nonetheless! You’re now 20% closer to that 50k, shiny golden trophy, and, of course, that potential multi-million neopoint prize. :o


Many thanks to catwhisper1 for giving me permission to continue his NQII Guide, and for writing Part 1 of the Neoquest 2 Insane Difficulty Survival Guide! I would not have been able to make it through Neoquest 2 without the head start your guide provided.

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