A Study of Valentine's Day by charmedhorses
It’s February in Neopia and you know what that means- Valentine’s Day is just
around the corner. There are various thoughts on this holiday of romance, some
believe it to be a commercial creation, while others revel in its sincerity.
Friends and neighbors alike clash in opinions, but despite much the much hyped
controversy, Valentine’s Day is still very much celebrated and businesses seem
to be doing just fine.
For this very special occasion, I hastened over to Neopia Central, where users
and Neopets alike were busy picking up last minute items. At the local Neomarket
I found a blue Kacheek piling down his basket with sweets, obviously not concerned
about anything else going on around him.
“Excuse me,” I tapped him on the shoulder. “Would you mind a brief interview?”
He eyed me suspiciously, holding his basket of candy close, but consented.
“Do you know what holiday is coming up?” I asked him.
The Kacheek, who introduced himself as Jacob, looked at me as if I had suddenly
lost all my hair and turned bright green. “Duh. It’s Valentine’s Day. Can’t
you read the signs?” He pointed to those posted around the grocery store.
I shook it off. “Of course I can read. Do you have any special feelings toward
Valentine’s Day?”
The Kacheek furrowed his brow in hurried thought. “I like to eat candy and
there sure is a lot available during February.”
“Do you do anything special for your owner on Valentine’s Day?” I prodded.
“What do you mean? Like buy him flowers or something?”
“Yeah, something like that.”
“Nothing special?”
“Well, we normally pig out on candy.”
I was sensing a theme in Jacob’s opinion of Valentine’s Day. Candy. “Alright,
well thanks for your input,” I said, leaving the Kacheek to his shopping in
search of another Neopet.
I spotted just the subject across the market. She was pawing through the stacks
of cards and as I approached her she looked up.
“Hello,” the red Kougra said pleasantly. She was young with a blushing red
coat of fur. “May I help you?”
“I was wondering if I could ask you your opinion of Valentine’s Day for an
article I’m writing.”
“Sure,” she agreed readily. “What would you like to know?”
“What do you do to celebrate Valentine’s Day?”
“Well, it’s really fun to give my fellow students cards and candy,” she said.
“It’s a ball to give all the boys cards and watch their gross expressions.”
I laughed, unable to help myself. She was just so young. We talked for a few
more moments before parting ways and hoping to find further insights into this
debatable holiday, I continued on my quest to find suitable interviewees.
To my satisfaction, I found just what I was looking for down the frozen food
aisle. What was I doing there? Well, I figured some anti-Valentine folks might
be hanging out where the temperature was cold enough to freeze anyone’s heart
over. I noticed a green Lupe browsing around the ice cream boxes and decided
to ask him his opinion.
“What do you think of Valentine’s Day?” I asked him.
The Lupe stared at me, his eyes showing no excitement whatsoever. “It’s a
terrible holiday. We should trash it.”
“Trash it?” I repeated in amazement. “Why in Neopia would you want to trash
a holiday about love?”
“Love?” Now it was the Lupe’s turn to look at me in amazement. “Since when
has Valentine’s Day every been about love? All it is, is a marketing phenomena.
Whoever thought of it is a genius, but this is just another excuse for Neopets
to buy worthless junk.”
“So you don’t buy into all the chocolates and flowers?” I asked him. “You
don’t buy cards or teddy bears?”
“Nope. What would I do with chocolates anyway?” he asked. “Get fat?”
Try as I might, though I must admit I didn’t try very hard, the Lupe would
not relent. He maintained his view that Valentine’s Day was a hoax with lots
of Neopets falling victim to it.
Nevertheless, two Neopets was not enough, so after bidding good-bye to the
anti-love Lupe, I went out to find another Neopet to share their views on Valentine’s
Day. This time I tried the flower market and was successful in finding a happily
browsing pink Lenny, a bunch of red roses in her talons.
“Do you mind if I interrupt you a moment?” I inquired.
“No, not at all,” she replied, introducing herself as Gloria.
“Who are those roses for?” I didn’t mean to be nosy, but it was important
to the authenticity of my article.
“Oh,” she chuckled, “They’re just for myself, a little bouquet to lift my
“Do you believe in Valentine’s Day?” I asked Gloria.
“Believe in it? Why I think it’s wonderful! A time for spending with loved
one’s and spoiling one’s diet on chocolates. I can’t imagine anyone not liking
Valentine’s Day.
“Then apparently you haven’t met a certain Lupe I ran into down the frozen
foods aisle,” I replied. “But anyway, what do you normally do on this special
“Well, it’s sort of a tradition I have to go out to dinner at some fancy place
and buy the best mean I can afford. I love to place flowers all over the Neohome,
too. As you can see, I suppose.”
Gloria was quite a Lenny, a true Valentine’s Day supporter. An extremist to
the max. When she had finished telling me about what it meant to her and how
she celebrated Valentine’s Day, I headed back to my Neohome to see if I could
come to any conclusions of my own.
I thought about all the different opinions I had encountered: those of two
youngsters, naive and interested in cards and candy, compared to a Valentine
diehard and a true antagonist to the whole holiday. What was my opinion? I wasn’t
sure. I had never had anyone to share Valentine’s Day with, yet I liked the
idea of such a holiday. I was confused and not sure what to think, but ended
up realizing something very important.
We all have different opinions. We have different opinions on everything,
so why should this vary in regards to Valentine’s Day? And just because someone
doesn’t care to celebrate Valentine’s Day doesn’t mean that they’re any less
off. Thus, it’s to each his own, as is everything and no amount of research
is going to bring an answer to the ever revolving question: Is Valentine’s Day
another marketing ploy or a true reason to celebrate? But either way it doesn’t
matter, for what we make of the world is up to us and how we celebrate life
is likewise up to us.