Cold Neocolas by christinetran
The day dawned bright and clear near the beginning of Year
7. Hours after the fireworks flew and the Grarrls growled, my two oldest pets,
Tiger (the dashing Spotted Eyrie) and Hopper (the lovely Faerie Kacheek), accompanied
me upon my trip to Faerieland.
It was Half-Price Day, and I was ready to kick,
scream, and claw my way through the Faerie Furniture Store in order to attain
a Faerie Fridge. My Neocolas at home weren't cold, and that's just not cool.
Before the trip, I planned to take the Uni Taxi
up there, but Tiger, being an extremely proud Eyrie, insisted on the usage of
the Eyrie Taxi instead. Stingy me retaliated by stating that the Eyrie fare
was a few Neopoints higher than the Uni one.
And so we verbalized each other for hours (no
name-calling, of course; Tiger knows my self-esteem is smaller than a Skidget).
Eventually, Tiger ended up flying towards Faerieland by himself while Hopper
and I paid a gorgeous Rainbow Uni to take us there.
The moment we landed (and after I paid that gorgeous
Rainbow Uni), we met up with Tiger, who was waiting for us impatiently while
clicking his claws against the fluffy white clouds. His face, annoyed: his eyes,
like fire. So I stopped by Jhudora's Cloud and got the little guy a poisonous
Needless to say, he attacked me and we ended
up at the Healing Springs minutes later.
"What in the world happened to your face?" were
the first words the healing Faerie said when she saw me.
Of course, I did not want to place the blame
upon Tiger (I may be the owner, but he runs the family), and Hopper (who was
eating that poisonous lollipop, by the way) couldn't even hurt a Lady Blurg,
so I ended up doing what I do best. I lied.
"I fell down."
She stared at me perplexedly. "Fell down....
on the ground?"
I nodded.
Her eyes widened in surprise as she gazed upon
the fluffy, white clouds that served as a floor in her home. Still quite confused,
she pointed at the clouds and responded, "You... fell on that?"
I nodded once again, and she gave me that look
of hers. You know, the one where she turns her head 45 degrees to the right,
her eyes fill with tears, and her ear magically appears at the top of her neck?
Yeah, that look.
"I'm sorry, but I'm not allowed to heal humans,
but I'm willing to heal those lovely Neopet of yours," she said softly. Slowly,
she raised her fingertips and a healing potion appeared in her hands. "Use this
wisely," she said happily with a smile.
"Oh, it's perfect!" Hopper cried joyously and
grabbed it out of the healing Faerie's hand. "Here you go, CT!" she cried and
rested it against my forehead. "Now doesn't that feel nice?"
First off, the Healing Potion wasn't even that
cool to begin with (it actually kind of burned. Ouch), and second of all, my
head didn't ache. My bruises did. But I loved Hopper, so I smiled thankfully
at her and held the burning bottle closer against my forehead.
"Thanks sweetie," I muttered, and her smile grew
even wider. Tiger simply rolled his eyes (teenagers nowadays, huh?) and started
walking off.
"C'mon," he growled. "Let's just go to that furniture
So the three of us walked away from the Healing
Springs, past Jhudora's purple haven, and through the fluffy, white, could-barely-hold-off-wind-yet-are-still-used-as-a-defense-mechanism
gates of Faerieland
Once we were inside, all three of us briskly
walked towards the yellow building topped with what looked to be blue hats.
It was surrounded by other yellow and purple buildings with roofs made of clouds,
numbers, or upside down winged pencils... architects nowadays, huh?
I followed Tiger into the Faerie Furniture store
and the moment we entered, a crazed Lenny came running towards us, eyes flashing
and beak squawking.
"Tiger, get out of the way!" I cried quickly
as the Lenny stampeded towards us, a Fyora Print Bean Bag tugged tightly against
it's left wing.
"It's mine! It's mine! It's all mine!" it cackled
evilly as it rushed out of the store.
"What in the world was that thingamalennie?"
Tiger asked in surprise. I just ignored him, for I was used to the war that
was restocking, and started to browse through the rather crowded shop.
Lupes were howling over Dark Faerie Rugs, and
Buzz's quickly tried to grab the nearest Light Faerie Lamps. Chia's argued over
stoves, Kyrii's quarreled over ovens, and a large, hungry Skeith was standing
guard near a Fyora Print Bed.
"You really want to take that risk?" the Skeith
asked as he licked his lips hungrily at a Meerca that dared to approach his
bed. Needless to say, the Meerca squeaked and dashed off.
I shuddered. Nothing's creepier than a Skeith
in love with a butterfly-imprinted bed.
"You spot a Faerie Fridge yet, Hopper dear?"
I asked as I jumped over two Wocky's squealing over a Fyora Rules Poster.
"Nope, not yet CT!" Hopper yelled back at me
as she quickly jumped out of two racing Poogles' way.
"Hah! I beat you again! That Faerie Kitchen Sink
is mine!" the yellow Poogle cried triumphantly.
"Not yet! 553 out of 555!" the blue Poogle cried
breathlessly, and they both raced back to the other end of the store.
"How about you Tiger?" I cried over to my spotted
Eyrie. He numbly shook his head and rested his head against a Dark Faerie Sofa.
"Hey! You get that snotty head of yours off of
that sofa!" a Snot Ixi cried vainly as it pulled the sofa away from Tiger. She
glared at him and wrapped her snot-covered legs about the sofa. "You still want
it now, punk?!"
Tiger cringed and quickly dashed towards my side.
"It's like a war in here, CT," Tiger muttered
and cowered near my legs.
"It's okay, Tiger. It'll all be over soon," I
said soothingly and stroked his head. Seconds after I did that, the door to
the furniture store burst open once more, and the crazed Lenny from before came
rushing in, head completely soaked in sweat.
"Shops are restocking again!" he cried triumphantly
and rushed towards the nearest shelf. Momentarily, all of the once empty display
cases suddenly became filled with sparkling, new furniture. The stove's steel
sides glimmered like diamonds in the light, and the new wooden cupboards looked
like gold. For a second, all was peaceful as every restocker, shopper, or gallery
owner gazed in admiration at the newly restocked items. Than, the crazed Lenny
cried out hideously and rushed towards the nearest Fyora Print Bean Bag.
"Mine! It's all mine! All mine!" the Lenny cackled
and threw a bag of Neopoints at the Light Faerie, who was the unfortunate shop
keeper of the store.
In seconds, the store became a raging battlefield.
This time, the Skeith was guarding three new Fyora Print Beds, and Aisha's
started bickering over a Dark Faerie Dresser. A red Ruki was making use of it's
many legs by grabbing every single Light Faerie Lamp it could find, and a helmet-wearing
Tuskaninny charged through the crowd while dragging a Fyora Inspired Vanity
Table behind him.
Tiger instinctively crowded closer against my
leg, and I was just about to rush for the door... until I heard Hopper shriek
in excitement.
"Oh CT! Look! Lookie look look!" she cried and
fluttered towards me with her Faerie wings. "It's him! It's him!" she squealed
and continued to point to her left. "Oh, CT, isn't he just gorgeous!"
Tiger and I looked to where she was pointing,
and I heard Tiger scoff to himself. When I spotted the thing that Hopper
was so excited about, II scoffed as well.
It was Kanrik the Magnificent. Kanrik with his
fetching good looks, and sparkling white, sharp teeth. His clothes were shinier
than the furniture around him, and a variety of manly daggers were tied around
his legs and attached to his belt. His eyes shone handsomely as he winked at
nobody in particular, and his muscular arms were wrapped around a-
"Faerie Fridge!" I gasped (and man did it look
beautiful). I heard Hopper cry, "CT! No!" right beside me, and I heard Tiger
shout encouraging words. Ignoring both, though, I lunged at Kanrik, my arms
outstretched, and my eyes filled with images of the Fridg...
Why is Kanrik raising his fist lik-
"Aw, gre-"
"So how you feeling, CT?" Tiger asked me as he
lifted my leg (which was in a cast) and placed it softly on the coffee table
in the lounging area of my Neohome.
"Well.. the bruises on my bruises are gone,"
I replied with a snicker.
Tiger shook his head morosely and gave me a pitiful
look. "What am I going to do with you, CT?" Tiger muttered under his breath.
It was a few days after the incident, and I had
just been allowed to come home from the NeoHospital. Both my left leg and arm
were covered in a stiff cast (why couldn't Kanrik attack my right side?), and
my eyes were just shining in their bruised glory. I couldn't feel my toes, and
my teeth ached whenever I tried to chew something... but boy I never felt better.
"Don't you just love our new Faerie Fridge, Tiger?"
I asked dreamily and rested my head against the back of the luxurious sofa.
"Yeah, I do, but I don't love seeing you in this
condition," Tiger said with a laugh.
"You know what, Tiger? I don't regret what I
did, so don't you try to make me change my mind about it," I said hastily back.
Tiger just smiled at me.
"Is there anything else I can do for you?" he
asked sympathetically.
"As a matter of fact, yeah, there is," I replied.
"Get me a cold Neocola from my new Faerie Fridge."
The End