Shayret's Adventure: A Mystery in Meridell - Part Two by rc81590
Shayret slowly opened his eyes. It was very dark, but he
could tell it was morning, because he could hear cheese being rolled down the
Cheese Roller hill. The Cheese Roller hill? Shayret thought. I must
still be in Meridell. But...what happened?
A door opened at the other side of the room
and Shayret got his first look at his prison. It was a small room made entirely
of stone with only one door. There wasn't much to it. No windows, no lighting...
just 4 grey walls. Shayret's attention was then drawn to the person who had
opened the door. It was a tall, dark, hooded figure that seemed to tower above
him. Shayret stared in amazement as the figure slowly walked toward him. He
tried to back away, but found that his back was against a wall. He tried to
go another way, but was soon stuck in a corner! He was doomed for sure!
Shayret was terrified. The monster was getting
closer and closer, and Shayret didn't have anywhere to run! Suddenly, the figure
threw off his hood and cloak and revealed his identity. He was a very tall Pirate
Krawk with a deep scar from the bottom of his right eye, to the middle of his
cheek. Shayret screamed, "Who are you?"
"That doesn't matter right now," said the Krawk.
"All you need to know now is that you are completely safe. I have no intention
of harming you."
"Well, that's nice to know," said Shayret, "but
I still don't know who you are, or where I am."
"I'm sorry, I can't tell you anything right
now," said the Krawk, "but you'll just have to trust me.
"But why are you keeping me here?"
"My orders are to keep you here until I get further
"Your orders?"
"Nevermind…I'll be back later with some food."
He turned around and left the room.
Shayret was exhausted. He closed his eyes and
allowed himself to fall asleep on the cold cement floor.
When Shayret woke up, a dim light was shining
in his cell. He looked down and saw a plate of food before him. It looked like
a rotten omelette mixed with a very rotten tomato, but Shayret was starving
so he tasted it anyway. One bite was enough for Shayret. The meal tasted as
bad as it looked. Not even the hungriest Skeith would've eaten the horrid concoction.
Shayret pushed the plate aside as his captor walked in. Before the Krawk could
say anything, Shayret proclaimed, "I want some answers."
"I told you, you will have your answers soon
enough. Here," said the Krawk as he threw Shayret a change of clothes, "you
can change into these if you like. I'll be back in a few minutes. I hope you
got some rest, you'll need some energy."
The Krawk opened the door and was about to leave
when Shayret said, "Wait! Just answer one question."
"Fine," said the Krawk, "what is it?"
"What is your name?"
The Krawk replied, "I-do not have a name, but
you can call me Zeke," and then left the room.
Shayret changed into the clothes 'Zeke' had
given him and waited for him to return. About five minutes later, Zeke reappeared.
Hurry up," he said, "we're behind schedule."
Zeke blindfolded Shayret and they made their
way out of the building. It seemed like forever, but it wasn't long before Shayret
felt a small breeze of fresh air and felt soft soil beneath his feet. Shayret
started to ask Zeke a question, but Zeke interrupted him. "Okay," he said, "I
don't want any trouble from you. Just cooperate and everything will work out
"They'll be looking for me," said Shayret, "King
Skarl hired me specifically for a special task, and if I don't produce some
results in a few days he'll come searching."
"Don't flatter yourself, Shayret," said Zeke.
"You may be a great detective, but-"
"Wait!" interjected Shayret. "How did you know
my name?"
"Hush!" said Zeke, and the walked on.
A few moments later, the pair stopped and Shayret
could feel himself being lifted into some kind of cart. He heard Zeke cover
him with some kind of blanket and then the cart started moving. Shayret decided
to go along with Zeke's orders and cooperate. He stayed very still and very
silent. It wasn't long before he began to hear and smell familiar things. First,
he heard Turmaculus moaning in his sleep, then the Cheese Roller hill for a
second time. Then everything was quiet. Every couple of seconds the cart's wheels
would squeak, but that was the only thing Shayret could hear. Suddenly the cart
stopped. Zeke uncovered Shayret, and, to Shayret's surprise, removed his blindfold.
Shayret sat up and looked around. He couldn't believe his eyes! They were in
Meri Acres Farm!
Shayret stepped out of the cart. "Why did you
go to all this trouble just to bring me here?" Shayret asked Zeke.
"I was just following orders."
"What orders?!"
"I can't tell you that now…just be patient."
"Why can't you just tell me now?" asked Shayret.
"You're not being patient."
"Fine," said Shayret. "Let's hurry up and go
then. Wait. Where are we going?"
"Meri Acres Farm."
"This just keeps getting weirder and weirder."
It took Zeke and Shayret 45 minutes to get to
the Rubbish Dump. When they arrived, Shayret immediately began asking more questions.
"Why did you bring me here? What could possibly be here that is so important?
It's just a pile of discarded items!"
"I KNOW!" interrupted Zeke.
"Well, then how does this dump concern me?"
"It doesn't. It's one of the items IN the dump
that concerns you."
"And which item would that be?"
Zeke walked over to the pile and began to rummage
"This," said Zeke as he picked up something
wrapped in brown paper, "I found it 2 days ago when I came to discard some bits
of barbed wire."
"Okay, well, what is it?" Shayret asked. Zeke
handed him the parcel and Shayret began to unwrap it. When all the paper was
off Shayret was astonished. He looked down at the golden crown and found himself
speechless. Why would King Hagan's crown be in the Rubbish Dump? "Where'd you
get this?!" he asked.
"I told you," said Zeke, "I found it here 2
days ago."
"Who would just toss a crown into the Rubbish
Dump?" Shayret wondered aloud.
Zeke said that they should get moving. There
wasn't any time to lose. When Shayret asked where they were going, Zeke simply
said that he needed to be patient.
Shayret and Zeke walked to the edge of Meri
Acres farm and entered the old shack at the top of the hill. It was very dark
and musty, and Shayret smelled something that made him sick to his stomach.
Zeke must have sensed it, because he said, "That's dung. I collect it."
"You collect dung?" Shayret asked.
"Hey," replied Zeke, "people collect weirder
things than dung."
As the two walked farther into the shack it
became darker. Zeke snapped his fingers and the whole building was filled with
light. Shayret looked around and saw Zeke standing by a lightswitch. "I always
wondered what was up here," said Shayret.
"Nothing that the naked eye can see," said Zeke.
Zeke walked over to the other side of the room
and lifted a board from the floor. He felt around underneath it for a while
before he removed his hand and produced a small remote control. It only had
one button. Zeke pushed it and slowly a staircase descended from the ceiling.
By this time, Shayret wasn't even surprised.
They made their way through a series of hallways
and entered an empty room. Zeke walked over to the south wall and pushed on
a board. In a matter of seconds the empty roomed was transformed into some kind
of research center with all sorts of files. "You are really starting to freak me out Zeke,"
Shayret said.
"I scare a lot of people," said Zeke. He paused
for a few moments before he continued. "I'm sorry about this whole kidnapping
thing," he went on, "but if I had told you the real reason I needed you, you
wouldn't have believed me. You see, I was hired by King Skarl to help you find
King Hagan."
"What?!" Shayret exclaimed, "But the note I
received said that the case was confidential!"
"Yeah," said Dex, "I got a letter from Nigel
Dublin about 2 weeks ago that said the same thing, except he told me that you
were summoned also. Ever since then I've been looking for King Hagan using my
control center. He gave me something else, too."
"What?" Shayret asked.
"This note."
Shayret took the note and began to read it.
"Dear Mr. Zeke,
The king has asked me to inform you that he has
formulated a plan to help you find King Hagan…"…As Shayret read on, he discovered
that it was the king's idea to stage the kidnapping. Apparently, the kidnapping
was essential in order for the king's plan to work. (It didn't say how.) The
note was signed "Nigel Dublin III".
"Wow. This is really strange."
"I know, but I guess what the king wants, the
king gets."
"I guess you're right," said Shayret, "Maybe
he thought that putting our minds together would make a good combination."
"That and this research center."
"Alright then," said Shayret, "let's get started."
To be continued...