Sun vs. Moon by mystie06
To: Lulu From: Abigail The Games Master Challenge is coming up, and Aristotle still hasn't decided on this year's theme (probably because he's been too busy whining about Mom and Dad taking away his game controller until his grades improve), so it's up to me. After that Chadley fiasco during Daily Dare, I'm worried about doing this all on my own (what if it turns into a major diaster again?), so would you be willing to help me? -Abigail ----- To: Abigail From: Lulu
Sure, I'd love to help! Let's see, you guys did pirates vs. ninjas last year; what other great rivalries are there in Neopia?
Are you sure you couldn't put up with Chadley for one more week? AAA vs. Chadley would be amusing. I'll let you know if I come up with any other ideas. ~Lulu ----- To: Abigail From: Chadrick Woolsworth Tuffington IV Dear Abigail, I am honored that you would invite me to star in this year's Games Master Challenge, and while I did enjoyed helping you with Daily Dare last summer, I am afraid I will have to turn down your invitation. You see, I've just been given the starring role in the new soap opera All My Zafaras, so I won't have time to participate in the Games Master Challenge this year. Please enjoy this signed photograph of myself instead. Sincerely, Chadley P.S. How's your brother's big robotics project coming along? I hear Mr. Xarqold's going to flunk AAA if he doesn't turn in his project on time. ----- To: Lulu From: Abigail Chadley says he's too busy to do GMC this year, which is probably a good thing, seeing as Aristotle freaked out when he saw that suggestion in your last letter (or that could have been because I'd used some of his spare robot parts to make cute little Moltaran-themed outfits for my Usukis). Have you come up with any other ideas yet? -Abigail ----- To: Abigail From: Lulu That's it! Technology vs. magic! Dr. Sloth vs. the Space Faerie! Now there's a rivalry that dates from the very earliest days of Neopia! I'm sure it'll attract lots of gamers, too, since they tend to be interested in space and technology. ~Lulu ----- To: Lulu From: Abigail Are you sure it's safe to invite Dr. Sloth down here, even with the Space Faerie? I mean, it's certainly a famous rivalry, and I'm willing to do it, but I think we should come up with another plan, just in case. -Abigail ----- To: Abigail From: Dr. Sloth Pathetic mortal, Do you truly think I, the great Doctor Frank Sloth, would consent to take part in some stupid little games tournament, and one held on Roo Island, of all places? I think not! Do not pester me with such an invitation again, or your happy little island will be the first place I destroy when I take over Neopia. Your future evil overlord, Dr. Frank Sloth ----- To: Abigail From: The Space Faerie Dear Abigail, I am flattered that you would ask me to participate in the Games Master Challenge, but I'm afraid it probably won't be possible for me to accept. I'm very busy right now, and there's a potentially dangerous meteor shower approaching Neopia, so it's really not possible for me to come down to Neopia for any length of time right now. On the other hand, if Sloth does accept your invitation, please let me know, and I'll arrange something; I couldn't leave you and your brother to deal with Sloth on your own. Yours, Mira ----- To: Lulu From: Abigail Both the Space Faerie and Dr. Sloth declined my invitations, so your technology vs. magic idea is out. Anyway, I was working on a current events assignment for my history class, and as I was digging through old issues of the Neopian Times I had an idea: King Jazan of Qasala vs. the oh-so-dreamy Hanso! How does that sound? I mean, Jazan looks like he'd be more into action-type games and games set in the Lost Desert, while Hanso, as a thief, would probably like puzzle-type games and any games involving thieves. Plus, it would give AAA an excuse to use the game The Great Qasalan Caper, which he really likes. What do you think? -Abigail ----- To: Abigail From: Lulu That sounds great! I was going to suggest either Meepits vs. Feepits, King Skarl vs. Lord Darigan, or maybe a couple of those faction leaders from the Obelisk War (Seekers vs. Brute Squad? Order of the Red Erisim vs. Brute Squad?), but I like your idea better. Do you think Jazan and Hanso will accept? ~Lulu ----- To: Abigail From: Hanso Abigail, Thanks for the invitation, sweetie, but I don't think it's going to work out. Brynn and I are being sent out to investigate reports of a powerful ancient artefact in the jungles of Mystery Island, and I just can't pass up the opportunity to get my hands on some shiny Geraptiku treasure. Maybe next year? Hanso Master Thief ----- To: Abigail From: King Jazan of Qasala Miss Avinroo, I absolutely will not compete in anything against that insult-hurling thief! It's bad enough that I keep getting forced to answer Neopian Times Editorial questions with him, but I flat out refuse to do the Games Master Challenge with him. Perhaps in my place you could invite the Krawken that destroyed Krawk Island? Now that I would pay to see! Sincerely, King Jazan ----- To: Lulu From: Abigail Sadly, Hanso is busy, and Jazan refused to do it. Hanso did say he might be willing to do it next year, but that really doesn't help us find a theme for this year's GMC. I'm really not sure any of your other ideas would work very well, either. King Roo really wouldn't like it if the Games Room turned into a giant Meepit vs. Feepit battle, the only Flash game we have that's set on the Darigan Citadel is Darigan Dodgeball, and I just can't imagine it would end well if we invited those faction leaders over here. I mean, Professor Lambert probably wouldn't be interested, Rasala the Bright would no doubt fling fireballs at the game machine the first time she got stuck on that screen with the bouncing Hasee, and Commander Flint might try to play TNT Staff Smasher with a giant war hammer. Please tell me you've come up with something better. -Abigail ----- To: Abigail From: Lulu Well, if you want a famous rivalry, there's always Illusen and Jhudora, but I'm not sure that would be any better. It might be worth a try, though, if we can't think of anything else. ~Lulu ----- To: Abigail From: Jhudora You are really asking me to cooperate with Illusen? Really? Abigail, I don't know if you're altruistic, or just plain stupid. The answer is no, and don't bother asking Fyora to force me to play along with your little scheme, either, because if you do, it won't end well. It never does. Jhudora ----- To: Abigail From: Illusen Dear Abigail, I'm sorry, but it just won't be possible for me to join you for the Games Master Challenge, and not just because I would be playing against Jhudora. The annual Meridell Harvest Festival is the same week as the Games Master Challenge, and everyone in Meridell will expect me to be there, including King Skarl. The Games Master Challenge does sound like fun, but unfortunately my commitment to Meridell must come first. Yours, Illusen ----- To: Lulu From: Abigail Illusen and Jhudora won't do it, either. I suppose it's for the best, really. Aristotle can get rather annoying at times, and Jhudora would probably have turned him into a Slorg before the end of the first day. What about ice vs. fire? Maybe Taelia the Snow Faerie and Igneot of Moltara would be willing to participate? I know it's a bit of a stretch, but I'm really running out of ideas. -Abigail ----- To: Abigail From: Lulu You might have something there. AAA would probably think it's a bit too poetic for a games tournament, but I like it. I'll try to think of some other famous Neopians we could ask while I work on my homework. ~Lulu ----- To: Abigail From: The Snow Faerie Abigail, I'm really busy right now, trying to get all the Advent Calendar prizes and animations sorted out, so no, I don't have time to participate in your brother's games tourney. Sorry. Taelia ----- To: Abigail From: Igneot My dear child, My deepest regrets, but it would not be possible for me to leave Moltara at this time. Besides, I have not visited the surface world for many years, and I would not want to embarrass you with my lack of skill in your games. Please accept my apologies, and my blessing. Best wishes, Igneot ----- To: Lulu From: Abigail And I am entirely out of ideas. Who knew the Snow Faerie was in charge of the Advent Calendar? I hope Aristotle doesn't get too mad at me for not coming up with a theme in time. -Abigail ----- To: Abigail From: Lulu I've got it! I was working on my astronomy homework, and I came across this: "The ancient Shenkuuvian word for moon was 'luna,' from which we get the modern word 'lunar,' meaning 'of or relating to the moon.' " That made me think of Princess Lunara of Shenkuu, from that game The Search for Princess Lunara. And what is the opposite of the moon? The sun! So I started thinking about Altador, since their crest is a sun, and then I remembered the report I had to write last month on the Altadorian constellations, and that led me to Siyana of Altador! She's known as the First to Rise, and her constellation is supposed to look like her standing in front of the rising sun. You could do a sun vs. moon or night vs. day theme for the Games Master Challenge, and invite Siyana and Princess Lunara. ~Lulu ----- To: Lulu From: Abigail I love it! Lulu, you're a genius! I'll send out the invitations right away! -Abigail ----- To: Abigail From: Lady Siyana of Altador Dear Abigail, I would be happy to participate in the Games Master Challenge. Tell your brother I'll be in Roo Island at the time specified in your invitation. This sounds like fun! Sincerely, Siyana of Altador ----- To: Abigail From: Princess Lunara of Shenkuu Abigail, Yes, yes, yes! I definitely want to be a part of the Games Master Challenge! My father's a bit nervous about letting me out of his sight, though. Do you think maybe you could get King Roo to assure him that I'll be perfectly safe in Roo Island? Hoping to see you soon, Lunara ----- To: The Emperor of Shenkuu From: King Roo Your Excellency, I would like to cordially invite your eldest daughter, Princess Lunara, to participate in the Year 15 Games Master Challenge, to be held in the Games Room on Roo Island, during the week of the 25th Day of Storing, Y15. I understand you have some concerns about the safety of your daughter, and I can assure you that she will be perfectly safe here. I will set aside the most well-guarded suite of rooms in my palace for her use during her stay, and I will personally escort her to and from the Games Room. As to the games themselves, they are played on our state-of-the-art games machines, and merely require the player to sit on a stool in front of the machine, and push some buttons or move a small lever. The very worst injuries that could result from this would be eye strain or perhaps a sprained thumb, though both of those can easily be avoided with proper care, and I will personally see to it that your daughter is properly instructed in the use of the games machines. I should also mention that Princess Lunara would be playing against Lady Siyana of Altador, a well-known light faerie and member of King Altador's council. Lady Siyana has assured me that she is willing to place some magical protective wards on your daughter and/or her rooms, should you wish, and she also has some talent at healing magic, though I very much doubt that will be needed. In conclusion, I hope you will allow your daughter, Princess Lunara, to participate in what promises to be a fun and exciting Games Master Challenge. Yours faithfully, King Roo ----- To: King Roo From: The Emperor of Shenkuu Your Highness, My advisors, and my ambassador to your court, have all assured me that there is very little chance of my daughter coming to any harm during this game tournament you mentioned, and as Lunara herself is very eager to attend, I will consent, and give my permission for her to participate in the Games Master Challenge. My concerns for her safety stem from the fact that she is not only my eldest daughter, but also my heir, and as such I feel she must be protected at all costs. Still, perhaps I have been too protective of her, and I think it is perhaps time for me to allow her to experience the world outside of my palace. I trust that you will take good care of her, and that she will return home safely after the end of the tournament. Cordially yours, Emperor of Shenkuu ----- To: Lulu From: Aristotle A. Avinroo Lulu, how could you? I finally finished my big robotics project, only to find that you and Abigail are about to force me to spend a week with a frilly light faerie and a foreign princess. If you wanted to ruin my Games Master Challenge, why didn't you just bring back Chadley? I'm going to be spending the whole week with two girls, who won't want to talk about anything other than clothes and makeup! I am never leaving any decisions up to you two again! Your angry cousin, The Games Master ----- To: Aristotle A. Avinroo From: Lulu Relax, cousin, it won't be so bad. Most of the time they'll be busy playing games, and Abigail and I can take care of entertaining when they're not. It'll be fine, you'll see. ~Lulu ----- To: Lulu From: Abigail Lulu, I wish you could have been there this morning when Lady Siyana arrived! Okay, so Aristotle, King Roo, and I were all waiting on the pier for Siyana and Lunara to arrive, and just as we spotted a Shenkuuvian flying ship in the sky, there's a flash of light in front of us, and Siyana appeared in a puff of yellow smoke. She greeted King Roo, then turned to Aristotle and said, "And you must be the famed Games Master. I am so pleased to meet you." Oh, Lulu, it was priceless! Aristotle went all tongue-tied and googly-eyed, and I had to jump in and apologize for him (I told her it was the first time he'd ever met a light faerie, so he was, of course, a bit dazzled). He didn't take his eyes off her the entire time, and King Roo and I had to make up for his lack of conversation. This was a brilliant idea, if only because I now have something to tease Aristotle about, the next time he makes fun of my Usukis. -Abigail ----- To: Abigail From: Lulu Ha ha ha! I wish I'd been there to see that! Try to get me in to talk to Siyana at some point; I would love to feature some Siyana-inspired face paint in my shop at the NC Mall. ~Lulu
The End