A Complex Guide To The Wheel of Extravagance by hydro_thunder001
IMPORTANT NOTE BEFORE THE ACTUAL IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to this being the last Wheel being in a guide, this is the LAST ARTICLE in the "Complex Wheel Guide" series. You can click on my username so you can read all of the articles in the series if you were unaware of this message appearing. Anyways...THE ACTUAL IMPORTANT NOTE: I have not spun this Wheel many times and maybe only once (probably less than the Wheel of Monotony if I'm correct) so I can't bring you the probability of landing on a certain space, and also got some help of other Neopians for some content of this article. So enjoy this article if you read this all (and if you did that, thanks). And anything else in the article may be listed down as my own PERSONAL OPINION just case you didn't notice them the first you were reading this to give you a heads up. So, how did everyone like all of the Wheels so far in Neopia, and do you have a favourite (which I actually don't)? Good. Because in this article (which is the last in the Wheels series), we discuss the last Wheel that I didn't cover yet... *drumroll please* ...the Wheel of Extravagance. Anyways, in order to access this Wheel you have to manage to have an amazing 100,000 NP at hand (which is why you could get some). The location of the Wheel is in Qasala, which is in the Lost Desert, and at the bottom right corner you will see two buildings with a gold pyramid-like structure at the top next to each other. Click on the doorway (the dark square of the bottom of the builing) of the builiding at the top (the one closest to Desert Arms) and you are there. And if you didn't understand all of that, you can just click right over here to magically teleport there. Anyways, before I get more in detail with directions... What We Know From The Neopedia Article
How strange, there isn't a Neopedia article for this Wheel. *le gasp* But we sort of know one thing: the Wheelmaster is a Red Tonu that looks like he could beat you in a Battledome fight...that is, if he actually did fight in the Battledome. So we don't have a Neopedia article for this Wheel. No problem, as least we can get an image for it...
What? Classified? Hang on, let me do some things, and probably I can get an image of it soon...
Okay fine! Let's not go with an image of the Wheel...and instead let's go through the icons before Meepits take over the whole article. Because that would be bad. What You Can Get From The Wheel
On this Wheel, there are 12 spaces. But since that it would be too short of an article to list all of them down, I decided to do them, one by one in a clockwise order (except for the NP bag icons, the flexing arm icons and another group I can't REALLY spoil at this point). Oh yeah, and I almost forgot that this Wheel can be spun only once a day. Now, here we go... Icon #1: The "X" Icon Win or lose: Nothing Descrpition: If you land on this space, you get nothing! You lose! Good day sir!...or madam!...but really, you get nothing. Icons #2, 5, and 9: The NP bags Icons in this catergory: The small, medium, and large NP bags Win or lose: Win up to 100,001 NP (which means you can could get all of your NP back!) Description: If you landed on any of these spaces, congrats! You have got some NP back from the Wheel! You can get 25,000 NP (the small bag), 50,000 NP (the medium bag), or if you get lucky you get all of your NP back and earn 100,001 NP (which is the large bag (if you probably haven't known yet))! Icon #3: The Nerkmid Icon Win or lose: Nerkmids, Lab pieces, or Job Coupons Highest worth of an item on this space: 500,000 NP Description: If you have landed on this space, then you have won one of many items in three catergories. You can get a Nerkmid for the Alien Aisha Vending Machine, a Jop Coupon so you can get better jobs, or a part of the Secret Laboratory Map for free! Icon #4: The Paint Brush Win or lose: Win a random PB Highest worth of an item on this space: Millions of NP (But with my findings, I'd say my personal maximum is 3,000,000 NP, but overall 6,600,000 NP (see Description to see what I'm talking about)) Description: If you landed on this space, then you are the owner of a random Paint Brush! I have heard in the past that some people have won PBs such as the Transparent and Water PBs, so that is why the highest price range goes from 3 to 6.6 million NP (because I included ALL Paint Brushes as a guess, like the rewards that go with the Nerkmid icon) Icons #6, 7, & 10: The icons that give you Wheel of Extravagnace-themed awards Icons in this catergory: The picture frame (well, that's what I think it is) icon, the BG icon, and the stamp icon Win or lose: Wheel of Extravangance-themed items Highest worth of an item on this space: 30,000 NP Description: If you landed on any of the icons list above, you win an appropriately themed item that matches the icon. Landing on the picture frame will earn you the Wheel's avatar, the BG will award you with the Wheel's BG (so it can look like your pet can spin the Wheel without spinning the Wheel), and the stamp gets you the Wheel's...pencil holder. Just kidding, it's a stamp. Icons #8 and 11: The flexing arms Icons in this catergory: The flexing arm(s) Win or lose (well, you can't lose much from this Wheel): Increases a random stat Description: If you landed on any of these spaces, your pet will feel a little bit stronger. Or more sheild like. Or quicker. Whatever, these spaces increases his/her Strength, Defence, or Move stats (I feel like that you can't get Intelligence increased with this space, but I might be wrong) by 5 or 10 on how many flexing arms (1 for 5, and 2 for 10) you landed on! Icon #12: The Scorchstone Icon What you get: A random item with 100 rarity Highest worth of an item in this icon: Tens or hundreds of thousands of NP, even up to a million Description: If you landed on this space, you win a Scorchstone! Just kidding! You actually win an item with 100 rarity!...but I can't really say any of the items or the highest worth of one is, not because it's a secret, it's because I can't really think of any items with 100 rarity or their prices. Sorry guys :( Wait, are we over already? Okay. Thanks for reading this article, and I hope you have read all of the others because unfortunately, this is the last article in my series. If you wanna check out some of my other articles in this series, click on my username at the top before the article begins. SPECIAL thanks go out to ofcabbageandking's Wheel of Extravagance guide (yes, I did ask her that I was using her guide) for helping me get the remaining icons (The X, Nerkmid, and the bicep icons) and also to stararan as well for showing me the guide. *thumbs up* And also thanks to anyone who has read one or all of my articles before. You guys are great. So, until I can think of another idea for an article (or short story, or anything else that comes to mind), I guess this is goodbye for now. :) THE END (Until the next article, or short story, or comic, or other way I get in the NT...;))