Can You Make A Million In A Month? by swimmingstar01
You know all those "30k A Day Guides!", "Make A Million In A Month!", "50k For Fifty Days" guides that litter petpages and offsite fansites? I decided to try them. One, all, I wanted to see if the premise was flawed, or whether it actually was possible to make a million neopoints in one month. As the last days of the month drew close, I decided to plan. I sent all of my neopoints over to a side account, where it sat, lonely, as I did not dare log in, for fear of a negative Random Event. I perused various dailies sites and NP making guides, and found one of each that worked for me. I have never been able to restock, I'm just not fast enough, so my earnings have always been a slow slog upwards. Then, I set myself some rules. I need rules, I'm an impulsive sort of spender, and I got to work! I hope you enjoy reading my diary of a month of hard work! Rules
- Start from nothing. (Already done!)
- I will note all my earnings for 30 days
- If I want to buy something, it has to be from that day's earnings only, no withdrawing from the bank
- The experiment will last the full 30 days
- I will do my best and not slack at this.
My aim is to make one million neopoints in thirty days. To do this, I will need to bank at least 33,334 neopoints a day. Because I like round numbers, I am aiming to bank at least 35k a day. I like to play the stock market, so that means I need to earn at least 50k a day, to make sure I can still buy my daily 15k of stocks. 50k a day. Alright then! Let's see what happens! Day 1:
Earned: 109,596 Total Earned So Far: 109,596 Okay, this is a good start! Did all the dailies that I usually ignore, looked through my SDB and decided to sell some stuff, and levelled up in Habitarium. Daily Interest: 28 NP Day 2:
Earned: 307,528 Total Earned So Far: 417,128 This is going really well! Got lucky in the Battledome today, three nerkmids which netted me 165k in my shop. Feeling energised! I can do this! I am going to make a million in a month! Go me! New Daily Interest: 109 NP Day 3:
Earned: 34,532 Total Earned So Far: 451,656 Okay, not so good today. But at least I still managed to buy my daily stocks and bank, alright, slightly under, my aim. There's a positive. New Daily Interest: 118 NP Day 4:
Earned: 206,482 Total Earned So Far: 658,138 There we go, that's more like it! Sold some stocks and levelled up in Habi again, so that helped bump up the games and dailies. New Daily Interest: 181 NP Day 5:
Earned: 255,055 Total Earned So Far: 913,193 Wow, in five days I am nearly there! Feeling really positive about this! Maybe I can make a million in a week! New Daily Interest: 251 NP Day 6:
Earned: 322,439 Total Earned So Far: 1,235,632 Used a Features Game Ticket and a Games Fortune Cookie to double (and quadruple one game) my gaming earnings today, as a day-off meant I could spend more time playing. I think it's clear to see it worked! I made it! A million in just six days! Wow! New Daily Interest: 356 NP Day 7:
Earned: 77,559 Total Earned So Far: 1,313,191 Alright, while I may not have earned as much as the last few days, I still got my daily stocks, and made more than double the daily aim. There's no need to feel so negative New Daily Interest: 378 NP Day 8:
Earned: 179,436 Total Earned So Far: 1,492,627 Nearly one point five million in eight days, I didn't know this was possible! The motivation is burning through me like adrenaline now. New Daily Interest: 430 NP Day 9:
Earned: 223,843 Total Earned So Far: 1,716,470 Did really well at the Faerieland Employment Agency today, made over 40k from those jobs, just by checking my SDB and SSW before applying for them. Proud of myself for that! New Daily Interest: 494 NP Day 10:
Earned: 12,330 Total Earned So Far: 1,728,800 I don't know what happened today. I didn't even buy my stocks today. Today was a bad day. New Daily Interest: 498 NP Day 11:
Earned: 328,577 Total Earned So Far: 2,057,377 That's more like it! I don't know what happened yesterday, but we're back on track now! Two million in less than two weeks, I never knew I could do this. New Daily Interest: 621 NP Day 12:
Earned: 33,921 Total Earned So Far: 2,091,298 Couldn't spend as long online today, real life is insisting I check it with it. But nearly made the aim, and made more than the minimum necessary, so I guess it's alright. New Daily Interest: 631 NP Day 13:
Earned: 1,486 Total Earned So Far: 2,092,784 Didn't play any games today, just did the dailies. Real Life definitely got in the way today! New Daily Interest: 631 NP Day 14:
Earned: 25,655 Total Earned So Far: 2,118,439 Spent 200k on a Pink Peophin Morphing Potion today, Lorelai is currently speckled to show her support for Team Maraqua. I actually made over 240k today, but only banked the remaining 25k. Feeling lots of, what's the word, ennui, at the moment. Must kick this mood! New Daily Interest: 639 NP Day 15:
Earned: 158,534 Total Earned So Far: 2,276,973 Here we go! Back on over-achieving track! New Daily Interest: 687 NP Day 16:
Earned: 148,022 Total Earned So Far: 2,424,995
Selling Nerkmids and codestones is really helping me bump up my daily totals! Should start playing Key Quest again, if I can get my laptop to comply.
New Daily Interest: 631 NP Day 17:
Earned: 204,611 Total Earned So Far: 2,629,606 I can't believe in seventeen days I've made this much! But I'm not going to stop now, New Daily Interest: 793 NP Day 18:
Earned: 100,375 Total Earned So Far: 2,729,981 I wonder when I'll reach 1,000 NP a day interest? New Daily Interest: 823 NP Day 19:
Earned: 99,004 Total Earned So Far: 2,828,985 Getting really close to three million! Will I make three times what I sent out to? Wow! New Daily Interest: 853 NP Day 20:
Earned: 171,118 Total Earned So Far: 3,000,103 I MADE THREE MILLION! *dances in a circle* This is unbelievable! New goal: 4 Million Neopoints in a month, can I do it? New Daily Interest: 905 NP Day 21:
Earned: 135,589 Total Earned So Far: 3,135,692 The motivation is back at full force! I'm amazed at these numbers! New Daily Interest: 946 NP Day 22:
Earned: 157,240 Total Earned So Far: 3,292,932 I can see the finishing line, I'm mentally tucking my head down and charging for it! New Daily Interest: 993 NP Day 23:
Earned: 155,682 Total Earned So Far: 3,448,614 Yay, I broke 1,000 NP interest! Seven days to go, surely I can make four million by day 30. New Daily Interest: 1,040 NP Day 24:
Earned: 85,795 Total Earned So Far: 3,534,409 Aww, I can't slow down now! I'm so close! Maybe tomorrow I'll sell some stocks, I'm finally in a green with some of them. New Daily Interest: 1,040 NP Day 25:
Earned: 169,154 Total Earned So Far: 3,703,563 Forgot to bank it yesterday! Whoops! Lost 1,066 NP there. That's a shame, but oh well! Four more days to make another 300k, I can do it! New Daily Interest: 1,117 NP Day 26:
Earned: 123,033 Total Earned So Far: 3,826,596 Eyes are narrowed as I sprint towards the finishing line. New Daily Interest: 1,154 NP Day 27:
Earned: 49,696 Total Earned So Far: 3,876,292 Three more days to go, I'm so nearly there! Although, technically I have made my target already. But still, I'd like to make four times it. That'd be nice. New Daily Interest: 1,169 NP Day 28:
Earned: 74,956 Total Earned So Far: 3,951,248 *gasps* I'm only fifty thousand neopoints away from making four million neopoints! New Daily Interest: 1,191 NP Day 29:
Earned: 128,096 Total Earned So Far: 4,079,344 *bursts through the finishing line and collapses with hands on knees* I never knew this was possible for someone who cannot restock. This is so amazing! One more day to go! New Daily Interest: 1,230 NP Day 30:
Earned: 161,610 Total Earned So Far: 4,240,954 *lies on her back panting* New Daily Interest: 1,279 NP So. I've made 4.2mil in 30 days. I did that by doing every single daily, playing my usual games, carefully selling some old items in my SDB, selling all the prizes I got from the Battledome and just working hard. For the past month, I have worked at earning neopoints, rather than just faffing around. I focused my energy on what I knew I could do, and avoided things that cost neopoints and time. I have never earned this much in such a short period of time, and clearly, if I can, you can to! Find guides that work for you, and keep track of what you've banked each day, seeing those numbers go up really do wonders for the motivation. Best of luck, and I'll see you in the Games Room!