Top Six Looks for UsukiCon by sugarycupcakes
With this year’s Usukicon fast approaching, I’m sure your pets have already started begging you to dress up for the exciting festivities. If you’re already tearing out your (magical) hair trying to figure out how to pull together the best Usuki-inspired costume for the convention, don’t fret! We have compiled a list of this past year’s best-selling Usukis and how to look the part. Usukis are totally awesome and super glamorous, after all, and now your pets can be too; just in time for the most exciting event for Usuki fans everywhere. Magical Hair Usuki Look at her hair. That’s a whole lot of hair. And if you already have a Usul or Quiggle, then your pet can have those long magical locks of purple hair too! If you don’t mind shelling out the neopoints for a Usuki Paint Brush just in time for the convention, then your pet will be giddy with delight at their long hair that resembles the classic Magical Hair Usuki that all Usuki fans love. If you plan on going this route, I suggest buying the paint brush ahead of time! As the annual convention draws nearer, other people will start getting the same idea, and they’ll start flying off the shelves! Unfortunately, if you don’t already have a Quiggle or Usul (and your pet doesn’t like the idea of being morphed into one), you’ll have to settle for a purple wig.  Geisha Girl Usuki This beautiful Usuki is a fan favorite with her traditional face paint and red satin kimono, and if this happens to be your pet’s favorite Usuki, you can dress them up just in time for Usukicon! The best way to achieve the look is by using the Gothic Inspired Makeup (NC) and the Cherry Blossom Silk Dress buyable in the NC Mall. You can pull the look together by getting your pet the Funky Shenkuu Wig from the NC Mall, and everyone will be stopping your pet for pictures when you walk down the halls of the convention!  Schoolgirl Usuki Is your pet equal parts smart AND sassy? Then they must love their Schoolgirl Usuki, and to surprise them with a special gift before Usukicon, you can dress them up to be just like the classic Schoolgirl Usuki. You can achieve this look by purchasing the School Girl Hat (3,700 neopoints), School Girl Jumper (9,900 neopoints), School Girl Shirt (44,600 neopoints), and School Girl Shoes (99,999 neopoints) from the shop wizard. You can complete the look by trading for a pair of Smart School Girl Eye Glasses from the NC Mall or purchasing Spectacles of Perception from the trading post. Don’t worry, they’re just for show, so your pet won’t have to worry about walking into walls all day! Best of all, this costume requires you to walk around holding something, so your pet can hold onto their Usukicon Schedule with pride!  Artistic Usuki If your pet is more artistic than most, then they would probably love to dress up just like their favorite Artistic Usuki. Boys and girls can achieve this look by wearing a Basic White Shirt (165 neopoints), a School Girl Hat (3,700 neopoints), and a pair of Hardy Blue Trousers (1,500 neopoints). Your pet can complete this look by taking their favorite art supplies and splattering paint all over the shirt and pants (as long as they don’t plan on wearing them again!). Rumor has it that they might be able to purchase a replica set of Artistic Usuki paints to carry around with them all day at the convention. As a bonus, your pet can use those paints even when the convention is long over.  Pop Star Usuki Don’t worry, boys! We have a costume for you, too. The Pop Star Usuki is the heart throb of Usuki fans everywhere, and even if your pet isn’t much of a singer, they too can play the part by pulling together a fun and simplistic costume. Not only will your pet feel ten times cooler dressed up as a Pop Star, but they’ll have Usuki fans screaming down the hallways and begging for a picture! The most affordable way to create this look in time for Usukicon is to invest in a Blue Argyle Sweater Vest and Shirt (NC), or by combining a Basic White Shirt (165 neopoints) with a School Girl Jumper (9,900 neopoints). Don’t let the words “school girl” fool you, the jumper paired with the shirt will have all eyes on your stylish pet! Throw in a pair of Khaki Trousers (222 neopoints) and any pair of white shoes and your pet will be well on their way to Usukicon fame. You can even complete this look with the Evil Twin Goatee (50 neopoints) or, if your pet is already a Usul, you can paint them with a Usuki or Royal Paint Brush to get more authentic looking facial hair. Regardless of the facial hair, give your pet a microphone the morning of the convention, and they’ll be rocking out in style.  Collectible Usuki Enthusiast Usuki Last but not least, I provided a last minute costume idea for all of you last minute shoppers out there. When all else fails, and you find yourself looking for a last minute costume, you can go for one that everyone at the convention will love and appreciate: the Enthusiast Usuki! With that big smile, the excitement of the convention will be infectious to anyone that comes into contact with your pet, and that’s what the point of UsukiCon is all about. You can achieve this look with one very simple wearable: the Infectious Smile of the Shootout Showdown Goalie (10,000 neopoints). Other than that, your Neopet can wear anything he or she feels comfortable in, and come into the convention with his or her favorite Usuki dolls so they can show off their collection to all of the fellow congoers! At the end of the day, it’s their excitement for the convention that matters most, not the quality of the costume.