The Potion Predicament by _brainchild_
Slop! With a smile, Snazztacular the Purple Lupe poured Sloth Spaghetti onto the plate of yet another Grundo at the Virtupets Space Station. A gigantic line had formed outside Grundo's Cafe, every one of the clients eager for a delicious meal. Snazz was in fact doing volunteer work; the profits from the food sales were going to charity. Helping others had always brought a rewarding feeling of alacrity to her. She worked most efficiently, her movements resembling clockwork. When lunchtime came for the staff, two Purple Grundos wheeled in a cart carrying a myriad of savory food choices. The fragrant delicacies quickly drew Snazz over to the cart. Enticed by the superb scent, she selected a Cosmic Stars Sandwich, her favorite. However, when she tried to choose a beverage, she found that there were none left. She sat down on a futuristic-looking chair and slowly gnawed on her sandwich. Without the Galaxy Energy Drink that the other Neopets received, her meal seemed a lot less tasty."I'm thirsty!" she complained as she ate. A Green Grundo turned to her and told her, "I have a beverage in my backpack. You can have it if you want. I think it's grape juice, but I don't like grape juice." "Thanks!" exclaimed Snazz gleefully as the Grundo handed her a bottle of what was supposedly grape juice. However, the container bore a bizarre appearance, adorned with ferocious-looking decorations on its sides. "Wait a second. This is a weird looking bottle. Where did you get this?" "A green guy in a cape gave it to me earlier in the day. I don't know what his motive was. He said it was grape juice." "Really? Well, it can't be that harmful." "Don't-" interuppted a Blue Grundo, but the strange concoction had already rushed down Snazz's throat. The Blue Grundo stared at her in absolute horror. "...I can't believe you just drank that!" he cried. "That was a Lupe Transmogrification Potion! Now you're gonna turn into a Mutant Lupe!" "Wait, what?" answered Snazz, puzzled. "What's the big-" Then she began to feel strangely dizzy. "-deal." A moment later, she was appalled to find that her flesh had started to mutate hideously. Her claws grew sharper and more defined, and a skull-shaped helmet was permanently attached to her once attractive face. Her eyes acquired an unsightly yellow hue, complete with red pupils that burned into the onlooker's soul. When the transmogrification ended, she was in absolute shock. She began to tremble, but the next thing she knew, Neopets were screaming and running sporadically in fear. "This must be a nightmare!" shrieked Snazz to no one in particular. "Why is this happening to me?" She slouched on a nearby chair and began to sob uncontrollably. She knew she was unable to return to her family while in this gruesome, fetid state. Furthermore, all of her friends, once invaluable companions to her, were now fleeing from her in terror. Feeling hopelessly trapped in her predicament, she covered her ugly face with her paws. She continued to brood about her miserable situation until a mystical cerulean light appeared beside her. She took little notice until a Water Faerie appeared and addressed Snazz by her name. "Who are you?" asked Snazz. "I am a Water Faerie," replied the faerie, "and I have come to help you." "Help?" echoed Snazz. "Yes, please! Can you turn me back into a Purple Lupe? "I'm afraid I can't," answered the faerie. "However, the Fountain Faerie can change your color back to its former state, reversing the horrid effects of the potion you drank." "...I see. Does the Fountain Faerie live in Faerieland?" "Of course. I can help you get there." "How? Will you use a teleportation spell?" "Yes, but I should tell you one thing. Because my powers are limited, the only place I can teleport you to is Maraqua. I live there. From there you will have to travel west by boat until you reach Faerieland. One of my messengers will provide you with a map when you arrive in Maraqua." "I thought Faerieland was in the sky." "Have you been living under a rock? It crashed to the ground!" "Oh. Well, can I go now? "Yes," replied the faerie. "But before you go, I'd like to tell you how much I admire your charitable work. You have helped countless people in need without receiving any money or items for your work. I wish that there were more people like you. That is the reason why I am taking the time out of my busy schedule to help you." "Thank you for your help," answered Snazz. "Regarding my volunteer work, I do it because I enjoy helping people. Now can I go?" "Yes," replied the faerie. She clapped her hands three times, and a sparkling ray of blue light washed over Snazz. There were three brief flashes, and then Snazz vanished.
Snazz opened her eyes. Before her stood vibrant green seaweed, extravagant coral buildings and sculptures, a vast ocean, and an abundance of Maraquan Neopets swimming through the water. Concluding that she was in Maraqua, she gazed at her surroundings in awe. She wanted to explore, but she knew she was on a mission that was much more important than mere entertainment. However, she was clueless about directions. Then she remembered that one of the faerie's messengers would bring her a map. At that very moment, a female Maraquan Aisha swam over to her side. "Are you Snazz?" she asked. "Yes," answered Snazz. "Are you the Water Faerie's messenger?" "Yup!" replied the Aisha. "Here's your map! Have a nice day!" Before Snazz could thank her, she had disappeared. Shrugging her shoulders, Snazz unfolded the map. The first thing she noticed was that it had a relatively big silk bag attached to it. She opened the bag and found twenty thousand Neopoints. Marveling at the faerie's generosity, she grinned to herself. Now she could afford the boat fare. Then Snazz stared at the map and figured out which direction was west. She started to paddle through the wondrous water, but her journey was quickly interrupted by a giant whirlpool. "Aaaah!" she screamed as she was eaten by the whirlpool. It twirled her around until she became so dizzy that she could barely make any sense of her surroundings. Then the whirlpool tossed her back into the part of the ocean that was calm and still. She landed on the ocean floor with a thump. Her head spun for a few seconds, but she soon got back up. She was about to continue west when she realized that the whirlpool attack had caused her to lose her map! She saw pieces of the torn map floating among the ocean waves. Her tool of guidance was beyond repair. She started to panic, but then the same Maraquan Aisha swam to her side. "Do you need some help?" she asked. "Yes!" exclaimed Snazz. "The whirlpool stole my map!" "Well, I'll be your tour guide, then," replied the Aisha. "Where are you going?" "To the boat rental business," Snazz answered. The benevolent Aisha escorted Snazz to her desired location, making friendly conversation with her along the way. Upon arrival, Snazz graciously thanked the Aisha, admitting that without assistance, she would have literally drowned in her trouble. Yet the Aisha was very humble. "I enjoy helping people," she told Snazz. "Anyway, have a nice day!" With that finished, the Aisha energetically swam away.
At the business, Snazz entered a small boat for the trip from Maraqua to Faerieland. Once the vessel had journeyed halfway across the ocean, she noticed a boat full of vicious pirates. Slightly worried, she turned to the captain of the boat. "Do you see that pirate ship?" she asked. "Yes," he replied. "Would you like me to detour around it?" "Of course," she answered. "The pirates might attack us." The captain tried to strategically maneuver around the pirates without being seen, but his ship was sighted anyway. They fired their powerful cannons in an an attempt to rob the captain and Snazz. "Aaaah!" shrieked Snazz. Her heart was beating faster than a Draphly's wings. She held onto the mast for dear life and trembled as the captain frantically tried to flee. Then another pirate ship arrived, seemingly out of nowhere. Those pirates fired their superior cannons at the first pirate ship in an attempt to rob their rival pirates. The first pirate ship was blown to pieces in a vibrant explosion. Wooden debris and shiny dubloons were starting to sink into the water. As the captain was fleeing and the second group of pirates was trying to salvage the dubloons, Snazz noticed that a Doglefox, presumably belonging to the pirates, was hectically paddling in the water and was about to drown. She dove into the water to save the Doglefox. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" bellowed the captain, bewildered. She didn't hear him because the salty ocean water had rushed into her ears. She grabbed the Doglefox and ventured back to her ship. "Throw me a ladder!" she yelled. The captain unfolded a collapsible ladder that was reserved for emergencies. She and the Doglefox successfully made it back onto their ship. "What in Neopia was that all about?!" the captain demanded to know. "I was saving this cute little Doglefox," she replied, petting the adorable creature. "He was about to drown." "That's not our first priority!" snapped the captain, consumed with rage. "If you drown, I'm held accountable!" "Well, everything's alright now," pointed out Snazz. "You have the intelligence of a Mootix!" hollered the captain. He stormed off to the ship's wheel and resumed steering the ship. Snazz dried the Doglefox off with a towel and caressed him in her arms. "Awww, cutie," she said to him sweetly. "I'll take care of you, no matter what the captain says." Intending to keep him forever as a Petpet, she tried to think of a name for him. Then she noticed that he had spots on his paws. She named him after his beautiful markings. Paws the Doglefox curled up on her lap, yawning. The sun had lowered its gaze, and night was approaching. Snazz and Paws were exhausted, so they went to bed in their ship cabin.
The next morning, Snazz and Paws arrived in Faerieland. The captain departed in his boat. Snazz unfolded her map and followed it until she reached the dwelling of the Fountain Faerie. Once there, she was greeted by a stunningly gorgeous faerie with blonde and blue hair. "How may I help you?" she asked. "Are you Naia the Fountain Faerie?" Snazz asked. "Yes," the magnificent being replied. "Would you like a color change?" "Of course. I don't want to be a disgusting mutant." "Well, I ask that you complete one of my quests to earn your reward." "Really? I've been through so much already!" "Well, I'll give you an easy one. Your task is to go to Faerie Foods, which is nearby, and pick up a Veggie Faerie Burger. Once you bring it back, I will paint you." "Okay," answered Snazz. She and Paws departed for Faerie Foods. Along the way, they marveled at the natural beauty of the trees, rivers, and blossoms which adorned Faerieland. The sparkling water was perfectly pure, and the flowers were very fragrant. However, she couldn't stop to enjoy the amazing aroma because she had a job to do. When she arrived at the shop, she entered and walked up to the counter. "One Veggie Faerie Burger, please," she requested. "...My apologies," replied the shopkeeper, aghast by Snazz's horrid appearance. "We just sold all of them to a customer who is having a party." Snazz frowned. "When will you be getting more?" she asked. "Probably by tomorrow." "Okay, I'll be back. Thanks for your help." Once Snazz had left the shop, she noticed a lavish Gelert dressed in regal attire. She was standing next to five large crates full of Veggie Faerie Burgers. Queen Fyora was having a conversation with the Gelert. Concluding that this Neopet was the one hosting the party, Snazz listened intently. "Are you sure you need ALL of those?" the Queen was questioning. "Of course!" smiled the Gelert enthusiastically. "We're throwing a big party! We'll have hundreds of guests to serve." "I am completely convinced that you do not need five crates of burgers. Yet we probably can't return them. Bummer." Because there was an abundance of burgers, Snazz figured that the Queen would be willing to spare just one. She approached the two nervously. "Um, excuse me..." she began. They both turned around. The Gelert instantly began to tremble, petrified. She was shaking like one of the musical instruments used by the Hikalakas. "Aaaah!" she wailed. "A monster!" Panicking, she dashed away like a bullet. However, Queen Fyora was unfazed. She was a courageous monarch who had competently ruled Faerieland for ages. "Yes?" she replied. "Y-Your Highness," stuttered Snazz, "I was wondering if you could spare one Veggie Faerie Burger. I need it for a Fountain Faerie Quest. Then Naia will paint me, and I won't have to live as a hideous mutant anymore." "Certainly!" the Queen answered with a smile. "My apprentice bought way too many." "T-Thank you, your Highness!" exclaimed Snazz, picking a Veggie Faerie Burger off of the stack. "I-I really appreciate it!" With the burger in her satchel, Snazz excitedly raced back to Naia. "Did you find one?" asked the Fountain Faerie. "Yes!" grinned Snazz. "Here it is!" She placed the burger into the palm of the faerie's hand. "Thank you," smiled Naia. "Now you may take a dip in the Rainbow Fountain. Which color would you like?" "Purple!" answered Snazz enthusiastically. "It's my favorite color!" "Very well." Snazz was about to step into the swirling, multi-hued waters when she had an idea. "I have a question. May I paint my Petpet purple too?" Paws stuck his head out of the satchel, his soft, silky fur shining in the sunlight. "Of course." Snazz and Paws joyously bathed in the glorious pool, their souls filled with excitement. Snazz was cleansed of her putrid mutant traits once and for all. As the two continued to paddle among the colorful waterfalls, their fur acquired an exquisite, infinitely pleasing violet shade. They wished to stay in the fountain forever, but they eventually had to leave to make room for the other Neopets. As they reluctantly abandoned the graceful caress of the aquatic realm, their bodies were enhanced by a beautiful, healthy glow. The End.