Jelly Processing Plant Guide by lil_snoopy_girl64
GAMES ROOM - Just recently, as you probably already know, a nifty new Jelly
Processing Plant avatar has been released. While it may not be the most desirable
avatar to collectors, it’s still another avatar to add to their collection.
The only thing is, many people have been saying the game is extremely hard,
and it’s near impossible to get the avatar. Being a big avatar collector myself,
I played the game for my first time ever, and got a score of 900+, just points
away from the avatar. On my second try, to my astonishment, I got the avatar.
So, now, after seeing so many people complain how difficult this avatar is to
receive, I’ve decided to write this handy guide.
Story Line - Before I begin giving tips and hints for the game, I will first
explain the story line to the game. You play the Buzz Foreman, and your aiming
to put the approaching jellies into their colored chutes to be processed while
also letting the Skeith enjoy his ice creams. Sound easy enough? Good, now,
let’s get on to the guide!
General Rules -
Put the oncoming jellies into the appropriate chutes. Example : Pink jellies
in the pink chute, blue jellies in the blue chute, etc.
When you see an ice creaming coming, don’t pick it up, let it go down the conveyor
belt. Once the Skeith eats four ice creams, you’ll get a bonus.
Use the arrow keys to move, and the space bar to pick up and drop jellies.
Now, onto the tips! -
Play the first few levels without stopping, then when you reach the fourth
or fifth level, take a break. Remember, as your levels get higher, you need
to process more jellies, and the jellies keep getting faster and faster. So,
after each level from the sixth and on, take breaks, and rest your hands.
Watch the conveyor in the back of the factory! Not only will you see what jellies
are coming, you can see what ice creams are coming. Getting ice cream combos
can really boost your score in the later levels, so try to get as many combos
as you can. For example, if your Skeith has eaten two green ice creams, and
one yellow, and you see a peach colored one, followed by a yellow coming, pick
up the peach and throw it on the conveyor belt in the back of the factory and
let the Skeith eat the yellow, giving you a bigger bonus.
Ice Cream Bonuses -
All ice cream colors, and one ice cream color repeats = 0 bonus points. Always
try avoiding this, because it’s four wasted ice creams.
Two pairs of ice cream colors = 15 bonus points. A nice bonus, an average
Three ice creams of one color, and one of another color = 20 bonus points.
Harder to get, but nonetheless valuable.
Four ice creams of all the same color = 25 bonus points. Quite rare to get,
but always a great bonus to boost your score!
So far, the Skeith may seem like your friend, eating excess ice cream and giving
you bonuses, but his rude and obnoxious habits can also mess with your game.
After he has his ice cream, and does his revolting habits, be sure to stay away
from him, otherwise if you get caught in it, it not only is a very uncomfortable
situation, it can also stun you for a few seconds, wasting valuable time.
Strikes - You can get them by :
a) Putting a jelly in the wrong color chute.
b) Putting an ice cream in any jelly chute.
c) Letting the Skeith eat a jelly.
You’ve only got three strikes, use them wisely! If you lose a life before 350
points, restart! It may seem frustrating, but in the end, it’ll be worth it.
Believe me, if I had known this, I would’ve gotten the avatar on my first time
ever playing. Also, isn’t it easier to have to restart from 375 points, then
from a big number like 800 or 900?
If getting the jellies and putting them in the chutes is getting hard, and
your starting to slip, send some jellies back to the conveyor. It may only give
you an extra second or two, but in this game, every second counts!
Here are some tips on how to keep your hands on your keyboard, to make quick
and accurate moves during the later levels, when there is little time to make
moves. Keep your left hand on the space bar, ready to pick up and drop jellies.
As for your right hand, have your index finger on the left arrow, your middle
finger on the up arrow, and your ring finger on the right finger. Always put
the Buzz Foreman as left as he can go, and press space to pick up the yellow,
then press your middle finger down to bring you up, press your ring finger and
move yourself right to the appropriate chute, click space to drop the jelly,
then quickly move your left finger to the down arrow, and then back to the left
to get you back in position to start again.
Last but not least, be patient! I cannot stress this enough! This isn’t one
of those games you can just race through, it’s a game that takes time and patience.
I recommend having a cup of coffee (or cold water, as I prefer!) near you, to
always rejuvenate you after a long level. Whatever you do, just remember to
take your time!
Well, you’ve reached the end of this guide. I hope it helped, and will increase
your score, to get you the avatar, and maybe a shiny new trophy. :) If you have
any questions, or still need some tips, drop me a Neomail, and I’ll be sure
to help as best as I can. If my guide helped you, even a little, I’d love a
Neomail telling me about it, I always enjoy knowing my guide helped, even if
only one person. :)