Skeiths' Favorite Objects to Eat by blade0904
Did you know that some pets can eat anything?! Typically Neopians learn about these pets’ food preferences by attempting to obtain the Jetsam Chomp! avatar (you have to feed an aquatic Petpet to your jetsam) or if they are warned against accidentally feeding a pricey Bony Grarrl Club to a Grarrl (for obtaining the Grarrl Warrior avatar). Yes, your precious Skeith, Grarrl or jetsam can chow down on pretty much any item! So in honor of Skeith Day here’s a list of additional treats to try if your Skeith gets tired of his or her typical omelette.
1. Giant Green Kelp
According to its description, this item is "pretty, but too tough to chew." Not to a Skeith! Ever since the first Skeith read this item's description they've accepted the challenge and won. Now they're going gaga for giant green kelp salads. Perfect for a Skeith who is currently watching their weight. Who knew a simple trip to the Ye Olde Fishing Vortex could also double as a lunch outing! Just make sure they have a toothpick to help dig those bits of kelp out of their teeth later! 2. Aisha Alien Goo Ball
Crunchy on the outside and gooey on the inside! Gross, right? Well, not to a Skeith! Skeiths have more fun munching on these toys than they do playing with them. Skeiths have many ways of eating this toy. Crack it open and slurp out the goo, dip the plastic in the goo and eat it, or just pop it in their mouth and eat it whole! A perfect quick snack for your pet. Mmmmm…yuck. 3. Custard Petpets
We don't actually encourage you to feed your Skeith any Petpets! This item is more of a warning: sometimes Skeiths have been known to gobble up custard Petpets after one too many visits to the Great Turmaculus. (Skeiths are easily influenced by those bigger and lazier than them). But who can blame them really? Those Petpets look darn tasty! All they're missing is some chocolate sauce and a cherry on top! Luckily dung Petpets don't seem to have the same effect… 4. Classic Wooden Radio Player
Didn't you know? Skeiths are definitely fans of music! One day while eating and listening to his favorite song, a Skeith wondered if there could ever be a food that would play music. But, how could this ever be possible? He contemplated this for quite some time. Then an idea struck, and long story short, don't be alarmed if you pass a Skeith out and about and hear some odd sounds; it's just the radio he scarfed down for breakfast. 5. Fancy Diamond Necklace
Ooooh, shiny! Anything that sparkles isn't safe around a Skeith. They love anything that glimmers, shimmers, and shines. That includes fancy diamonds and necklaces. If this item set you back too much, make sure your beloved pet knows it's off limits for snacking. After all, you wouldn't want to see your pet chip a tooth on something that actually required NeoCash to get! Ow… seriously, stuff this piece in your closet and away from your Skeith as soon as you get it! 6. r99 Battledome Items
It's a little known fact that Skeiths love the sweet taste of r99 Battledome equipment. Did you mean to equip your Skeith with that set of Full Skeith Armour instead of feed it to them? That's okay, your Skeith certainly doesn't mind! Mmm…what could possibly make these items taste so good? Maybe it's the taste of their owner's hard-earned Neopoints being completely wasted? Or perhaps it could be their owner's tears, which seasons the equipment quite nicely. Anyways, just make sure your pet is nice and bloated before you hand them any rare equipment. 7. Cheeseburger Plushie
Silly Skeith we were going to play, not eat! Oh well, hamburgers are too tempting to a Skeith even if they're filled with Neocotton. Plus, just look at all the detail that was sewn in! Cheese, lettuce, tomato, and a juicy looking patty. Mmm, delicious! How could they resist? It really does make sense that a Skeith may not have known the difference at first. However if you were to run out of hamburgers, it's good to know you've got a backup. 8. 101 Cheese Slices
Yet another confusing item that looks like food but isn't. I know it appears to be food, but you're supposed to read a book not eat it! Oh well. If you were to ask a Skeith, he or she might say that since they already start out as pretty intelligent neopets, and that this book would do far more good for his or her stomach. Although, you'd think they'd be smart enough to know the difference between food and books… 9. Rainbow Slushie Stamp
A pretty cheap stamp you might want to keep around if your Skeith is feeling especially greedy. After all, feeding them a few Rainbow Slushie Stamps or Easter Treats Stamps every now and then should keep them away from your high-ticket Omelette Stamp. Though you probably want to go ahead and stick that in your album instead of leaving it unattended in your inventory… 10. Deadly Acara Red Lipstick
Skeiths are always up for adventure and thrills, and recently one decided he wanted to see just how "deadly" this lipstick was. He gathered his friends around to watch his feat, and even though some of them begged him not to, he chomped down on it anyways! Everyone insisted he be rushed to the Healing Springs immediately, despite him insisting that he felt fine. Fortunately the name is just for advertising purposes and he's alive and well! He does have a nice crimson pout now though. 11. Translucent Faerie Wings
Your Skeith has probably always wanted to fly, despite their wings being too tiny to carry their massive bodies. That's when you decided to buy them a lovely pair of wings like these! Just make sure your pet understands that these wings are to be worn, not eaten. Nobody likes that butterflies in the stomach feeling…