On Popular Neopets by mahaut_the_old
Neopets species. 52 choices out there, for all kinds of tastes. Of course, some are more popular than others. One just has to look at how beloved Draiks are, or how popular kacheeks have become. I even remember the time when Kougra were the rage, way back when! It's undeniable that some looks just appeal to people more. And yet… There are some people who will swear on Fyora that their favourite pet species is something like Ogrin. Or Buzz. Or, if you're like me, Ruki. I just love their 6 limbs, cute antenna and friendly face. And for us, lover of forgotten species, it's a point of pride to say that our favourite is a lesser loved one. There is almost a feeling of superiority to it, to being unique. We look at people with a white kacheek or transparent Aisha and go "ha! I'm so much more than that! I don't follow trends!" I know, I know! It's hipster talk. But even then, there are also personal preferences that enter the game: I dislike Draiks, I think their moustache is silly at best, and straight-up ugly at worst. I knew a girl who, for some reasons that were never clear to me, HATED Lupe. Lupe. If there's one pet species that I always assumed everyone had to love, it's Lupe! They are the heroes of Neopia after all! (Sir Jeran anyone?? Or did I just spoil my true age-) See, I have a lab pet. First, she was a red Shoryu, then a Lupe, then possibly a Gelert or a Lenny? Then a Draik, Elephante, Mynci, and most recently... an Aisha. I didn't mind that she changed all the time, it kept her fresh (I just mind that her gender keeps changing!! She's a girl, lab ray! A girl!!) A few times during those time of change, I even morphed her. I love her, but I'm not attached to her look. I always assumed that one day, I was gonna get tired of this parade, morph and paint her into a royal or maractite Ruki, and be done with it. But then she turned into an Aisha. A cute, white Aisha. Thanks again, crazy scientist! See… I never understood all the fuss about everyone's favourite alien (sorry, Grundo, but you are a very close second!). Their collar always bothered me, I hadn't realised you could take them off, and I just saw them as simpler, thinner Kougra. With no nose or snout. To be perfectly fair, when she turned into a Aisha, I almost immediately dropped a random potion on her. I was annoyed. I didn't want to be like everyone! To have a standard, cute white Aisha! I wanted her to be Special, unique!! But there was one thing I hadn't thought off. See, this little pet has quite the personality. She's intelligent, quick, playful, and a bit of a trickster. She will smile at you, even as she's sending a hoard of enraged meepits to take you down. She's strong too, enjoying her time in the battledome and bringing back TONS of goodies for me! In all her journies through the lab, she never got a form that actually incarnated her personality, who she was, deep down. Until she got turned into an Aisha. I looked at her. At her long, delicate antenna. At her smiling, secretive face. At her squinted eyes. And I knew. I just knew that she was in the right body. That was it, she would stay an Aisha for the rest of her days. I quickly painted her pirate, because I already had the paintbrush, but the grey base bothered me. Then she was painted yellow, and I put her cute pirate outfit on her bright body. She was now… Perfect. A bright, quick, strong yellow pirate Aisha. And that's when the crisis hit me. I had an Aisha. I was a trend follower! A fraud!! How could I say that Ruki were my favourite, when I had an Aisha literally sitting at their side?!? (Side note: I have other species of pets than Ruki. I was simply in a dramatic, over the top mood at the time). I was full of despair and drowned my feeling in Achyfi.
It took me some time, and a bit of escapism (thanks, Sakhmet Solitaire), before I tried to accept this new reality of mine. I pampered her, bought her some new toys and feed her favourite food. She was thrilled. Comfortable. At ease with who she was. And I just… accepted it. I was so obnubilated with the idea of my pets being unique, of my account being "not like other accounts", that I could not see the very good reasons WHY those pet species are so popular: it's easy to customise them, and they are cuter than any babaa. And that's ok. There is nothing wrong with having a common and popular pet. Do they make you happy?? Then that's what's important! Same with unpopular pets: what they are do not make you, is superior in any way, shape or form. TNT doesn't award anything special if all your pets follow a theme or are of the same, rare species. Taste change. I still love Rukis, but now my sight is also wandering toward Kaus. I have an Aisha. And a Zafara. ("Why are you wrong to not love Zafara" is another article currently in the works, and seriously people: you're sleeping on them). It's ok to morph, paint and change your pet around! Heck, it's even ok to trade them!! You might not want your cute white Kacheek anymore, but I can guarantee you that someone, somewhere, is dreaming of your pet. Yes, even if it's a mutant blumaroo. So have fun with them! Get yourself a cute new pet for the new year, and hey, if you end up with a ruki… Send me pictures, I still adore my smiling, overgrown petpetpet.