Unsolved Neopian Cases by omgsinho
Welcome to Unsolved Neopian Cases, an investigative article reported by your fellow journalist, News-A-Roo. Our very first case is about a well-known figure from Neopia’s Faerieland: Baelia, the Grey Faerie. You must be asking yourself: “What mystery lies behind this poor soul?” Well, this is what you are about to find out, now in Unsolved Neopian Cases! *imagine a dramatic synth playing* Those are the facts we’ve known so far: Year 5, the Month of Eating, Baelia was found at the top of a mountain, located in Terror Mountain. Devastated, she was inside a locked iron cage. And even worse: without wings, which causes faeries to be powerless. She was then saved by a mountain climber, Tavi. The Kyrii managed to open the lock of her imprisonment. It was discovered that a tremendous evil and powerful dark faerie, Jennumara, took Baelia’s wings off and locked her. But not everything is so crystal clear about this story, let’s take a closer look at it, step by step: 1. The Reason It’s known that Jennumara is responsible for this terrible event, but we don’t know why she’s done it. Maybe Baelia’s feathers were so sparklingly beautiful that got her friend mad about it? An act of revenge!? Perhaps the grey faerie isn’t so innocent as we think she is… or is it because the dark faerie was jealous of her stupendous powers? Baelia has admitted to being the weakest faerie, but who knows if she was powerful in the past? This leads us to the next questioning… 2. Baelia’s True Powers Since the grey faerie was already found without her wings, even her original colour and power had vanished. We can’t properly confirm her origins... but our private investigators did some deeper research and came up with a few hunches on the subject: 2.1. Snow Powers: Could it truly be a coincidence that Baelia was found at the peak of a mountain in Terror Mountain, the home of the one and only Taelia – the Snow Faerie. Maybe they are sisters? Notice the resemblance of their names as well! Isn’t that curious!? More coincidence?? Perhaps Neopia has two snow faeries but one is powerless (!!!) 2.2. Dark Powers: Baelia could be a dark faerie. “Why”, you should be asking yourself… well, there are only 3 known feathered faeries in Neopia: Taelia, Baelia and Drakara. Yes, the secretive dark faerie that little is acknowledged. Her unique-looking wings are not purple, but grey. It really echoes Baelia’s aesthetic. This would explain Jennumara’s reasons, possibly afraid of being overcome by another dark faerie? Our team couldn’t contact Drakara for an interview and Baelia refused to talk about it, saying: “I won’t tell anything, I think it’s not my duty to talk about another fellow faerie. Baelia needs to speak for herself if she wants to. I do care about her. All the faeries do.” Now let’s go to our next matter… 3. New Name It’s said that if a faerie gets a new name then they can have their wings back and possibly their powers? Tavi had the same question that might be in your head too: how? It's now been 18 years after Baelia was released and she’s still grey and powerless with the same name as before. One thing that is certain: it’s a difficult task to do and maybe unknown to neopians! Once again, our specialists have made some discoveries: Maybe using an enchanting book, like the Blank Grey Tome and putting a name on it would work? Or is it a matter of tasting a magic food? There’s a Grey Faerie Mushroom that possibly could grant you wishes? – The Greycorn is useless because our team tested those. A Grey Faerie Potion is circulating Neopia that is being used as a battledome item but you never know what potions can do… Speculations, speculations… Before we continue, I must say a word from one of our sponsors, NeoCola a partner of UNC: “Are you thirsty for the truth? Drink NeoCola and everything goes through!” *smiles uncomfortably* 4. Other Grey Faeries This matter is tricky. A question for our readers: do you know any grey faerie other than Baelia? Neither of our team members. So, it is right to conclude she’s the only one of her kind! well, not exactly... There’s a book from Y10, published independently, without the help of the Magical Bookshop, that is not known to the major public, called “Nomi the Grey Faerie”. The story is centered in a light Faerie, Nomi, that applied to be a student of Mayin – a powerful faerie. Frustrated, she couldn’t do magic at all, so she went to see Edna to train her magical abilities. Unfortunately, she was attacked on the way and transformed into a grey faerie. Our team has searched for the author responsible for the book but couldn’t find any clues. Also, we can’t confirm if the story is based on a true story because there’s no sign of a powerful Mayin or another grey faerie called Nomi. However, we also can’t say that they don’t exist because faeries are known to be good at hiding. Meanwhile, the year is 23 and Neopia still hasn’t officially seen another grey faerie other than the famous one. Do they exist? Where are they? And why hide? 5. Baelia The reason why we’ve done our investigation: the grey faerie is another secretive personality from Neopia. She’s not so sociable as her friends, only appearing sporadically. Baelia was spotted in Y13 as a Better Than You contestant, crying over Faerieland’s fall and how sad she was because she couldn’t get to the Faerie Cloud Races. The Grey Faerie is kind and very helpful: she’s managed the Hidden Tower when Fyora fell ill and needed someone to take over. She added new items there as well! Baelia can be a lot with her sentimental mind, crying over almost everything, but she cares a grand amount of love behind her sorrow. The Grey Faerie deserves justice. That concludes our investigation for now, my good reader. I insist, if you know any information about this subject, please contact my team. We’ll be happy to keep you posted as soon as possible if we receive any new data. I am your fellow reporter, News-A-Roo, and this is Unsolved Neopian Cases. See you at our next investigation!