Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 197,237,475 Issue: 974 | 16th day of Celebrating, Y24
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Affordable Toys This Holiday Season

by _brainchild_


---Starring Influir the (snobby and spoiled) Pastel Gelert, Stepholla the Plushie Kacheek, Tivlia the Maraquan Blumaroo, and Christine, their owner!---

      Christine: Hi, and welcome! This holiday season, many Neopets are hoping to receive a lovely toy or two, while many Neopet owners are worried about breaking the bank---

     Influir: LAME!!! I’m a rich girl, so I can buy whatever I want.

     Stepholla: Well, some of us are on a budget---

     Influir: Which, as I said, is LAME!!!

     Christine: Influir, please be nice. Anyway, there are many super-affordable toys for your Neopet to enjoy! The ones we’ll be featuring today are themed after the holiday season, most fittingly.

     Stepholla: I’m sure that they’re fun to play with any time of the year, though.

     Christine: Yes, they are very enjoyable, and they can all be found for very low prices on the Shop Wizard at the time of writing.

     Influir: LAME!!!

     Stepholla: ---sigh---

     Christine: Anyway, without further ado, here are the toys:

      ---Origami Nova---


      Christine: Complete with re-folding instructions for after you give in to the irresistible urge to unfold.

     Stepholla: Nah, I think it’s too pretty! I’d like to learn how to make one so I can make a bunch to decorate my room with.

     Tivlia: Well, then, the re-folding instructions should be helpful.

     Stepholla: I’d like coloured paper for the holidays so I can make novas of all different colours for my room!

     Influir: Or you can just go buy some, you pauper.

     Stepholla: ---frowns---

     Christine: Influir, please be nice. Anyway, I plan on learning how to make some of these, too, as they’re super pretty.

      ---Snowager Keyring---


      Influir: Yay, a fearsome beast to guard the keys of my Usuki Dream Car. Stepholla STILL hasn’t paid me for the repairs after she crashed it... No one will be driving it except for ME from now on, and Snowy will make SURE of it!

     Stepholla: I can’t afford to. Sorry... I really feel bad about it.

     Influir: That doesn’t mean you’re off the hook! Go get a job at Pizzaroo or something, you pauper!

     Stepholla: ---frowns---

     Tivlia: If you’re so rich, then pay for it yourself, Influir.

     Influir: ---scowls--- Not when SHE crashed it! SHE should be the one paying for her own mistake!

     Tivlia: Well, Stepholla, doesn’t Trudy give out free Neopoints every day?

     Christine: Steph is on a side account, where Trudy can’t be used.

     Influir: Lest the pesky Chia police show up!

     Christine: Anyway, we are WAY off topic. The Snowager Keyring is, as Influir said, a monster to guard your keys, not to mention an interesting toy to amuse your Neopet.

     Tivlia: I can’t see anyone older than about two being entertained by that...

     Influir: I know, right? But hey, at least it will look good next to my keys, and ward off bad drivers, too.

      ---Snowickle Squirty Toy---


      Tivlia: Perfect for pranking random people on the street by squirting them with cold water! ---cackles---

     Influir: Do that to ME, and you’ll regret it. ---scowls---

     Christine: Squirt the wrong person, and they might not take it too kindly.

     Stepholla: I wonder if something like this could be useful in the Battledome.

     Influir: Well, there’s apparently a “weapon” called the Pink Squirt Flower, but it only hits for 6 icons. Shame!

     Tivlia: True... Some of the more outdated weapons need to be buffed, if you ask me.

     Christine: Well, even if you can’t use the Snowickle Squirty Toy in the Battledome, it's still super cute. Look at that bow.

     Stepholla: I know, right? Adorable! I’m glad we finally got this thing, since it was supposed to be released in Year 8, but we didn’t get it until Year 21.

     Tivlia: Well, a good prank is worth the wait. Muahahahaha!!!

      ---Taelia Ball---


      Tivlia: This thing would be great for a pool party!

     Stepholla: An indoor pool party, since it’s freezing outside right now...

     Tivlia: True. It is quite cold and nasty out there...

     Christine: Even if you don’t have a pool, you can still play with this beautiful ball in the gym.

     Influir: Exercise?! Forget it! I eat Veggie Faerie Burgers to stay skinny. They contain magical faerie dust, you know!

     Christine: Speaking of faeries, this toy features a lovely picture of Taelia the Snow Faerie, who lives atop Terror Mountain.

     Stepholla: True... She rewards others for collecting items for her, since it’s too cold out to leave home.

     Tivlia: You’d think that the Snow Faerie would like the cold...

     Influir: I think that it’s more convenient to have a servant fetch you stuff! Ha!

     Stepholla: ...Please stop being so entitled, Influir.

      ---Terror Mountain Slide---


      Christine: What could be more fun than watching Bruces slide?

     Influir: Watching REAL Bruces slide, not toy ones. It’s too cold to watch in person, so I’ll watch them on my state-of-the-art 50-inch flat screen TV...

     Stepholla: Ooh. Can I watch with you?

     Influir: Sure. Like I care.

     Stepholla: ---frowns---

     Christine: Influir, please stop being rude to your sister. Anyway, the Terror Mountain slide can still be entertaining for the little ones. You wouldn’t want them to get addicted to TV anyway.

     Stepholla: True. They’d watch cartoons for eight hours straight if they were allowed to.

     Christine: So buy this toy for them instead. It’s much more affordable than Influir’s TV set anyway.

     Influir: Paupers. LAME!!!

      ---Wind Up Snowbunny---


      Christine: If you’d like a Petpet, but you don’t have time for feeding, bathing, and other types of care, then this Wind Up Snowbunny is for you.

     Influir: A Robot Petpet would also work.

     Tivlia: They still need motor oil... Also, they often cost a lot more than this very affordable friend.

     Influir: I’m not a pauper... LAME!!!

     Christine: Regardless of your budget, the Wind Up Snowbunny is sure to entertain. Even though it’s mechanical, it’s still super cute as well.

     Stepholla: My hands would get tired from winding that thing up over and over and over again...

     Influir: That is why I have my servants do everything for me. ---smirks---

     Stepholla: ---sigh--- Not everyone has paid staff to cater to their every whim, you know...


      Christine: So, which toy was everyone’s favourite?

     Stepholla: The Origami Nova, since it’s a beautiful decoration and fun to make.

     Tivlia: The Snowickle Squirty Toy, since I can prank people with it. ---cackles---

     Stepholla: It’s cute, but you really shouldn’t be pranking people...

     Tivlia: I’ll do what I want. You’re not the boss of me! ---sticks tongue out---

     Stepholla: --frowns--

     Influir: I like none of them. I only buy luxury items!

     Stepholla: Can you two please be a little more positive from now on?

     Christine: Anyway, regardless of your budget, you should be able to find the perfect toy for yourself or the recipient of your gift. Have a very happy holiday season!

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