Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 197,798,779 Issue: 1005 | 5th day of Eating, Y26
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Wheel of Monotony Shenanigans

by pikcel

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"The absolute last thing you want to happen when you’re enjoying the free networking at the Grundo’s Cafe is for a stranger to come up to you, so of course that..."

by quanticdreams


Dr. Sloth's Mandate: Relocation to Terror Mountain
"I, Dr. Sloth, ruler of the Virtupets Space Station and master of all things devious and diabolical, hereby decree the disbanding of my evil space station and the mandatory relocation of all inhabitants to Terror Mountain." Collab with cibola

by notooryous


Darkest Corner: What if..?
Imposters in Faerieland!~ Collab with rurirawr

by dark_elfa


Sky Pirates: Clouded Deception
"...And within them icy caverns lies a terrible beast made entirely of ice. An ice worm twice as long as our largest air vessels, blasting ice shards at any fool who dares to enter..."

by greencheese79

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