Top 5 Neopets Pranks That Should Be Real by dottie27a
Every year since Year 3, Neopians all over the world waited with bated breath for the clock to strike midnight on April 1st. What would The Neopets Team come up with this year to prank Neopia? Will it be better than last year’s? Will I actually fall for it?! Over the years there have been a wide variety of April Fools pranks and jokes. But how good were they? I have decided that the only way to figure it out is by this extremely accurate scientific method: which ones do I want to be real? After much study and calculating, here is the official Top 5* Neopets Pranks That (I believe) Should Be Real!! *Stick around for a special shoutout for one that turned out to come true! 5. Dung Dash (Year 24) Neopets has ventured into the mobile app space a couple times now. However, Year 24’s attempt at a new type of app really seems like a great idea to me! A food delivery app straight to your Neohome is ready to fill a great hole in the Neopets economy. Imagine this situation: you are laying in bed, sick with the Hoochie Coochie, waiting for those Hoochie Coochie Tablets to work their magic. Then your stomach growls and you realise you have not eaten a full meal in days! Enter Dung Dash. They will bring your favourite food (and some not-so-favourites are also available) straight to you! You decide you want a delicious healthy drink from Tropical Foods to help kickstart your body. A couple of buttons and it is on its way! This also opens up the possibility for Neopians a new way to make some extra Neopoints! The gig economy has not quite reached Neopia yet, so this is a great way to get in early and make some quick cash! You work whenever you are available, work your own hours, and get tips from generous Neopians. This is a perfect app idea that I think TNT really needs to consider re-launching. 4. NeoVision+ (Year 23) It seems like every day a new media streaming service is available or merging with another service or raising their prices. Why then would I want ANOTHER one? Well, NeoVision+ is the most unique one! There is so much media in Neopia that has become hard to find and even lost! This would allow every video, show, and movie to be available in one place! If you miss a movie or short at Movie Central, you still have a chance to catch up! You will want to be part of every conversation when your friends are all discussing the newest episodes of Neofriends, Doctor Roo, or Spookynatural. Where else can you Team Stream with your friends and all watch the movie at the same time? The features offered by NeoVision+ blow all of the other competitors out of the water. Free Sports Bundle? Check. NeoVision+ Originals? Check. New shows and movies BEFORE they are available?? CHECK. If TNT made this first, I can guarantee that I will be the first person (virtually) in line! 3. 3D Battledome (Year 12) An updated, 3D Battledome. Need I say more? Not only would this be a fun upgrade to the Battledome that has been asked for for years, it would surely bring back a HUGE number of people to Neopia. The Battledome has always been one of the most popular draws to Neopia, with Neopians spending their hard-earned Codestones and Dubloons on training their pets to be stronger, faster, and enduring. Every day thousands of Kitchen Quests are completed and Faerie item’s quested in hopes for some Battledome stats. If you were around on April Fool’s Day in Year 12, you may be wondering, “Wasn’t there an example video of this that was just plush toys ‘fighting’ in real life?” You would also be correct. It is incredibly cute and I highly recommend watching it if you can. However, this is my article, so I make the rules! I think an actual, fully modern 3D Battledome would be welcomed and lauded by all Neopians. Actually, now that I say that, I think a large portion of us would still love it if it was just Plushies in the Battledome. Your call, TNT! 2. New Merchandise (Year 15) The Neopets Team announced in the News on April 1st in Year 15 that they were going to start making real-life merchandise again! This would be so exciting! New plushies, new TCGs, everything we had been missing. However, upon closer look, the prank was that these items… are not something you would really want in your home. Edible Socks, Sophie’s Stew Flavoured Tea (tastes just like the swamp!), or a Real Life Signed Autograph from Hanso the Thief were some of the “new range of products” that were available. Of course, I’m not suggesting that I would want any of those specifically, but there were some prank items that could be very cool and useful! I can tell you right now, if TNT released a tabletop game called Ultimate Battledome Essentials First Edition Starter Kit, it would FLY off the shelves faster than Glubgar getting away from that lava. To this day, I am a little salty that there has not been a real Esophagor Waste Receptacle. Imagine, you are working at your desk on your next drawing for the Art Gallery, but it just isn’t working out for you. Luckily for you, the Esophagor is sitting right there on the corner of your desk, ready and willing to eat that paper! Finally, while I do acknowledge that the Snowager is big and scary, I also acknowledge that kids love that stuff! A Children’s Snowager Pop-Up Book is the PERFECT Neopian gift for any young person, and probably for some older persons too! 1. NeopiaLand (Year 20) NEOPETS. THEME. PARK. That could really be the entire explanation right there, but I will continue. A fully realised Neopia that you and I could visit? Five of our favourite lands (definitely not six) containing 30+ rides? There would be The Games Room full of arcade games, Neopia Central containing food and all the shopping you could want, and for sure not a sixth area with an incredible attraction called the Jelly Bounce! This formula sounds like it will be even bigger than that mouse. There are some less-than-favourable parts of this announcement, but I have to imagine TNT is open to discussions! I am not quite sure that Mainland China would be the ideal location to construct this incredible attraction. I think we can also nix the idea of a new TV Station (creatively called NeopetsTV). Obviously since we have made it this far, then NeoVision+ from my 4th place has been created and is a huge hit. That way, we can focus on the amusement and thrills at the Theme Park! I am all in, let’s do it TNT! Honorable Mention: 50 New Pets! (Year 7) On April Fools Day in Year 7, it was announced that an additional 50+ new pets were being released into Neopia! As I am sure you can guess, that was a fun prank. However, a lot of work went into creating the “new” pets that were announced. Some became very popular, and eventually, a poll was held to actually release one! Thus, the Gnorbu was born (originally called a Llamameeah). Quite a few others have been released as Petpets, including popular ones like the Carmariller, Slymook, Petoot, and 6 others!
There you have it, the official scientifically proven (chosen by me) 5 best Neopets pranks that should be real. No matter if the prank on April Fool’s Day is realistic, scary, exciting, or just funny, the pranks that come year after year keep getting better and better. I cannot wait to see what fun pranks TNT can come up with in the next 25 Years!