The Neopia Security Agency by undeadfortune
(Author’s side note. This short story is in the form of a play. The story is
presented through the script, with the setting being declared at the start of
every new scene. Characters will be described during their first appearance on
stage. Thanks, and enjoy.)
Act 1 – Scene 1
Setting: A dark alleyway somewhere in Neopia Central. The clouds can be
seen hanging low in the sky and a half moon is attempting to cast some light
on the surroundings. Small, assorted shops and buildings create a narrow path
to walk down.
(Marcus is a red Quiggle and is making his way slowly down the empty alley.
He can be seen glancing nervously over his shoulder and is gripping a piece
of paper in his hands. If he holds it any harder he’ll tear it.)
Marcus: (To himself.) What were you thinking agreeing to meet
that person here? Here, of all places! This better be worth my time.
(Suddenly, a figure steps out from a nearby shadow. The figure keeps in
the dark and speaks in a deep, monotone Voice. Marcus can’t place the Neopet’s
Voice: (Softly.) Do you have the paper?
Marcus: (Holding the paper up.) Yes, it’s… it’s, right here.
Do you have my Neopoints that I was promised?
Voice: Of course. Do you see a silver briefcase, not more then five
steps to your left? (The figure points.)
Marcus: (Turning to look.) Well, um, yes, I see it. Is it all
Voice: (Assuring.) Of course, as long as the paper is good.
Marcus: (Quickly.) The paper is good, don’t you worry about that.
Took some doing, but I was able to finally get my hands on it.
Voice: Actions speak louder then words. Let me see the paper. (The
figure holds out his hand.)
Marcus: (Slowly handing the paper to the figure.) Here.
(Marcus lets go of the paper and rushes over to the briefcase. Opening it
quickly, he smiles as the top pops upwards.)
Marcus: (Turning towards the figure.) Pleasure doing business…
With… You? (Looking around.) Where’d he go? Pfft. Last time I do any
business with the NSA.
(Marcus picks up the briefcase and makes his way down the dark alley. He
doesn’t notice the figure following Marcus’ movements from his shadowy perch.
Act 1 – Scene 2
Setting: The Neopia Security Agency’s main briefing room. The walls are
bare and colored a dark brown paint. A long table takes up most of the room’s
space and is surrounded by twelve chairs. The windows are covered by shades
and a dim light is all that keeps the occupants from not being able to see.
(The ‘Chief’, (a shadow Grarrl), can be seen sitting on the far end of the
table. She has a pad of paper in front of her and a pen in hand. Sitting at
the table with her is junior agent Smalls (an orange Yurble) and Gabe (a spotted
Chief: (Not looking up.) You know how this effects the NSA? Don’t
Smalls: (Protesting.) Well, yes. But Chief, you can’t say it’s
completely our fault!
Gabe: (Agreeing.) He’s right, Chief; just because someone is
posing as the NSA, you blame Smalls?
Chief: (Setting down her pen.) Posing as the NSA is not the problem.
The problem is that an underling of Sloth was passing off top-secret materials
to unknown sources. The fact that you and Smalls let Marcus out of your sight
and were unable to figure out who is now in control of Sloth’s plans! That is
the problem.
Gabe: (Under his breath.) She has a point there.
Smalls: (To Gabe.) You’re no help.
Chief: Enough of this, the two of you are acting like you can’t fix
this. You’re agents of the NSA, for crying out loud! Let’s review what we know.
Smalls: (Picking up his notes.) I can tell you what we know.
Someone is planning to take over Kreludor. That same someone is masterminding
a team of three highly dangerous Neopets, which our NSA agents have been searching
for almost six months now. During those six months, we’ve learned nothing more
then those three’s aliases and the alias for their leader. (Stops talking
and looks at Gabe.)
Gabe: (Reads his own notes.) The three Neopets are known only
as, ‘The Misery’, ‘The Hatred’ and ‘The Fate’. Each seems to have their own
special fields and when working together, they form a very dangerous trio.
Chief: (To herself.) Don’t criminals ever use regular names anymore?
(To Smalls.) I already know most of this, what about their leader?
Smalls: Their leader goes by the code name, ‘The Patience’. Seems he
or she used to work with Sloth as well, but after Sloth was defeated in the
early wars, they left and created their own evil army. ‘The Patience’ must have
thought they were better then Sloth, and couldn’t put up with losing.
Chief: (Interested.) And now this group has one of Sloth’s untested
Gabe: Yes, that’s correct, and if we don’t work quickly, the entire
world of Neopia could be in danger.
Chief: (Pointing.) Gabe, continue to dig up any information you
can on ‘The Patience’ or Sloth’s untested plan. (To Smalls.) See if you
can find Marcus and learn anything you can about who he met with. Let's get
moving, people; the longer we wait, the colder their trail becomes.
Act 1 – Scene 3
Setting: A gloomy run down neighborhood. Marcus’s old Neohome looks like
it may crumple without a moment's notice. The front lawn is thick with weeds
and the exterior of the house is overrun with decay. It is late in the afternoon,
and the dark clouds look as if rain may start any moment.
(Marcus is making his way up to his house and doesn’t notice Smalls who
is slowly sneaking up behind him.)
Smalls: (Pressing his fingers to Marcus’s back.) Freeze, NSA.
Marcus: (Throwing his keys out of his hands as his arms fly upwards.)
Don’t hurt me! I’m unarmed!
Smalls: (Laughing.) Put your hands down, before you draw attention
to yourself.
Marcus: (Slightly turning his head, but not lowering his hands.)
No way! Not when there’s some agent of the NSA behind me. I gave you all I knew
last night.
Smalls: (Curious.) Did you now? Sorry to tell you this, but you
handed it off to known criminals, not the NSA.
Marcus: (Dropping his hands.) What?! They said they were NSA,
and knew all about Sloth’s untested plan. They wanted the blueprint or they
were going to lock me up!
Smalls: Well you’re correct in one part. The NSA will lock you up, that
is, if you don’t help us find those blueprints.
(Suddenly, a bright blue burst of light causes Smalls to cover his eyes.
When he opens them, Marcus is laying on the ground, apparently asleep. Smalls
turns to see a shadowy figure standing not more then ten steps away on Marcus’s
muddy overgrown lawn.)
Smalls: (Wide eyed and astounded.) Who the! What was that thing?
(The Misery (a grey Gelert) remains unmoving with a small Sleep Ray in his
hands. His sad frown covers most of his face.)
The Misery: (In a depressing tone.) Sleep Ray, the best Neopoints
can buy.
Smalls: (Shocked.) Those aren’t allowed in Neopia! They were
banned more then a year ago.
The Misery: (Uninterested.) Do something about it. My name is
‘The Misery’! My world is engulfed in an unending sadness. Hurry, end it please…
(The Misery raises his Sleep Ray and fires a blast in Smalls' direction.
Smalls dodges by jumping to the side as a blue stream of light narrowly misses.
Smalls sees that The Misery isn’t playing around and quickly returns fire with
his standard issue Fungus Ray. The fight continues for less then a minute when
Smalls' blaster suddenly runs out of ammo.)
Smalls: (Glances at his ray.) What?! I thought they fixed this
problem. (He hits the side of the ray with his free hand.)
The Misery: Maybe next time you should check your equipment before you
head out into the field. (He fires off another blast and forces Smalls to
take cover around the side of the Neohome.)
(Smalls waits a moment, and then peaks out to find The Misery and Marcus
gone. Blackout.)
Act 2 – Scene 1
Setting: Somewhere aboard the Virtupets Space Station. The spacious room
is empty save for a desk and chair. A makeshift computer sits facing towards
the chair, which is turned from the audience’s view.
(The Misery, The Fate (a white Kyrii) and The Hatred (a fire Eyrie) stand
facing the desk.)
The Misery: (To the desk.) The subject was taken care of. What
is the next phase of the plan, boss?
The Patience: (Not turning around in the chair.) Simple, we need
to collect the needed materials to complete Sloth’s unfinished and untested
project. With the project complete, our grasp on Neopia will be absolute.
The Misery: An NSA agent was there, attempting to pick up the subject
before I arrived. (Pause.) I don’t believe the agent learned anything.
The Patience: That is good to hear. We wouldn’t want the NSA snooping
around when the project is still in the beginning stages.
The Fate: (With her eyes closed.) The agent ‘The Misery’ met
will cause trouble in the near future. I believe it is in our best interest
to remove him from the picture.
The Patience: How precisely do you suggest going about that?
The Fate: (Shaking her head.) It is cloudy, but I believe our
team can do the job while you complete the project. We will do everything not
to involve you.
The Patience: (Turning the chair slightly.) That is good to hear.
The NSA must never learn of my identity. At least not until after the completion
of the project.
The Hatred: (Closing his hands into balled fists.) Allow me,
boss; I will crush these NSA mutts with a single blow. The Neopia Security Agency
will feel the fury in which our team can deliver.
(A hand rises from the seat.)
The Patience: The team has one chance. If your mission fails, then the
project fails. Unlike my code name suggests, I do not have patience for failure.
(The Hatred and The Misery leave through the office's only door.)
The Fate: (Turning her head towards the door.) You already know
what going to happen, don’t you?
The Patience: There are always losses in the pursuit of a greater good.
The Fate: (Turning to face the door.) Even with the uncertainty
of your project's completion?
The Patience: You’ve already foreseen my victory; don’t attempt to sway
my means of conducting my team!
The Fate: As you wish. You are, of course, the boss.
The Patience: If you have something to say, just say it. I tire of your
double talk.
The Fate: I’ll tell you when the time is right. (Pause.) I’ve
seen where I need to be to insure our victory. If I delay, we may fail.
(The Patience says nothing, and after a minute The Fate leaves. Blackout.)
Act 2 – Scene 2
Setting: A large warehouse somewhere in downtown Neopia Central. The warehouse
itself is packed from wall to wall with assorted boxes and crates of every size
imaginable. The lights are off, but a faint glow of the daylight from the outside
is cast inwards through small horizontal windows near where the walls and ceiling
(Gabe and Smalls slowly make their way into the warehouse and then take
cover behind a large container.)
Smalls: (With Fungus Ray in hand.) You sure about that information
you received?
Gabe: (Nodding.) I’m one hundred percent sure. When we did a
follow up search of Marcus’s house, it seems he stashed half of Sloth’s plans
somewhere in this warehouse. He was planning on cashing in more after he sold
the first piece.
Smalls: (Peeking out from behind the container.) I just hope
the Chief was right about this, I have this nagging feeling we’re doing the
wrong thing.
Gabe: (Chuckling.) Calm down, rookie, I won’t let the big bad
criminals hurt you.
Smalls: (Frowning.) Can we focus on our work? Where is the storage
unit Marcus was using?
Gabe: (Glancing around.) I think it was somewhere on the east
wing. (Pause.) Or was that west… I knew I should have copied the information
Smalls: (Sighing.) I guess we’ll have to split up. Just call
if you need anything.
Gabe: (Chuckling.) Shout like a baby Uni if you run into anything.
(The two agents split up and head towards the opposite ends of the warehouse.
They don’t notice The Hatred and The Misery hiding on a pile of large wooden
crates in the corner. The Misery follows Gabe while The Hatred tags after Smalls.
Smalls turns around when he hears Gabe suddenly shout for help.)
Gabe: (Calling from somewhere in the warehouse.) Smalls, watch
(His warning is cut short as a bright blue light fills the depot and causes
Smalls to squint. When the light fades, The Hatred is blocking his path.)
The Hatred: (His mouth turns into a sneer.) Going somewhere?
Smalls: (Takes a step back.) Who exactly are you and what did
you do to Gabe?
The Hatred: (Tilts his head to the side.) Gabe’s no longer of
your concern, and thanks to The Misery, our concern.
Smalls: (Shocked.) You’ve got to be kidding me!
The Hatred: (Glaring at Smalls.) Sorry Mr. Smalls, but we don’t
kid around. Especially when it comes to our work. (He pulls out an enormous
Neutralising Ray.)
Smalls: (Realizing.) You’re one of The Patience’s team members!
The Hatred: (Starts to laugh.) That is correct. Allow me to introduce
myself. I am The Hatred. I will crush you with the anger that is like an inferno
within my body. My rage will obliterate the NSA and all who stand in our way!
(At this, The Hatred quickly raises his gigantic Neutralising Ray and begins
to fire it rapidly in Smalls' direction. Without hesitating, Smalls quickly
maneuvers himself behind a storage bin, which in seconds explodes into pieces
of wood and metal.)
Smalls: (Dives behind another container and shouts over the barrage
from The Hatred.) You are under arrest. You are firing on a NSA agent. I
order you to lower your weapon!
The Hatred: (Shouting back.) Order this!
(Smalls fires his Fungus Ray blindly over the container, forcing The Hatred
to cease-fire. The Hatred takes a position less then fifteen steps from Smalls
and begins this attack once more. Smalls returns fire in his pervious manner.)
Smalls: (Yelling.) I can keep this up all day!
The Hatred: (Laughing.) I only need to keep this up for another
(Suspicious, Smalls quickly begins to search his immediate surroundings
and quickly spots a flash of grey moving between and around the crates and boxes.
Crawling slowly, Smalls makes his way towards The Misery and then stands up,
back against a pile of unused Valentine’s gifts. As he expected, The Misery
steps out, hoping to catch Smalls in his original position.)
Smalls: (Raising his Fungus Ray and shouting as loud as he can.)
(The Misery turns abruptly with his Sleep Ray in hand and begins firing
off rounds. Smalls fires off a single blast towards The Misery and catches him
in the leg, causing the grey Gelert to stumble to the ground and drop his Sleep
Ray. Smalls continues to level his Fungus Ray towards The Misery.)
The Misery: (Not looking up.) End my suffering. Put me out of
my misery. The Hatred has left me; I am no longer of use.
Smalls: (Lowering his weapon.) You’re of use to the NSA.
Act 2 – Scene 3
Setting: The NSA’s interrogation room. The walls are painted a thick white
and the room is empty except for a silver colored metal table and two chairs.
A bright light hangs overhead.
(The Misery sits in a chair across from Smalls. Chief is waiting by the
Smalls: (His tone is filled with anger and he slams his fist on the
table.) Where is Gabe!
The Misery: (With his head down.) It doesn’t matter now.
Smalls: (Standing up and kicking his chair back.) It does matter!
We have the other half of the plans! You and your leader will never finish the
tests without it.
The Misery: (Glancing up at this news.) What exactly are you
Smalls: Give us back our agent and we’ll give you the other half of
the plans.
The Misery: (Sighing.) It’s not that easy. The rest of the team
must already know you have the rest of the plans, and it won’t be long until
they come looking for you.
Smalls: (Raising his Voice.) Tell us where Gabe is! Where are
you hiding him!
(The Misery looks back down as Smalls begins to yell.)
Smalls: Where? Krawk Island? (Pause.) No? Meridell? NO?
The Misery: You’ll never find him, or our team.
Smalls: Why not? Where is your base of operations!?
The Misery: (Sighing.) It is not of this planet.
Smalls: (He thinks and then looks towards the ceiling.) You’ve
got to be kidding me.
Chief: (Stepping away from the doorway.) It’s possible. The team
has many ties to Sloth. It’s not unlikely they would still have resources somewhere
aboard that space station.
Smalls: (Turning to the Chief.) What do you think we should do?
Chief: Bait them. We need to get their half of the plans. Our friend
here is right; they’ll come looking, and very soon at that. You need to wait
for them, pick a location and stay there.
Smalls: I know a place… It’ll give me an advantage.
Chief: Good, head there now.
Smalls: (Pointing to The Misery.) What about him?
Chief: The NSA will handle him. Most likely he’ll end up in a prison
over in Meridell. You’ve done well so far, Smalls. We all want to get Gabe back
safe and sound, but at the moment, The Patience is a bigger threat.
Smalls: (Nodding.) I understand.
(Smalls leaves the room and the Chief turns to face The Misery. Blackout.)
Act 3 – Scene 1
Setting: The historical section of Neopia Central. The buildings here are
disheveled and decaying. The sun is beginning its downward descent as it sets
along the horizon. A large fountain is in the middle of the old town square,
but hasn’t been turned on in years.
(Smalls makes his way towards the fountain and sits.)
Smalls: (To himself as he looks up at the stars which are starting
to appear in the darkening sky.) Nice night out.
The Fate: (From somewhere in the shadows.) I’d like to keep it
that way.
(Smalls stands up and quickly spins around, searching for the location of
the Voice. He removes his Fungus Ray as he does so.)
Smalls: Whose there?
The Fate: Who else would know you’d show up at this location?
Smalls: (Turning towards an old food store.) I’d have to guess
it’s the only one on the team with an uncanny ability to foresee future events.
The Fate: I don’t foresee anything, as I know what will happen. Where
are the rest of the plans?
Smalls: (Smiling.) Straight to the point eh?
The Fate: I’d prefer to keep our meeting short. If I don’t… someone
may get hurt-
(A sudden ambush from a Neutralising Ray interrupts The Fate’s sentence.
Smalls turns in the direction of the attack and can barely make out The Hatred
crouching near a collapsed Postal Office. Smalls returns fire and takes cover
kneeling behind the fountain. The Hatred’s weapon picks up speed and begins
to take out pieces of the stone the fountain is made of. Smalls quickly studies
The Hatred’s surroundings and notices large amount of debris barely hanging
on over the head of his foe. Taking careful aim, Smalls fires a blast of his
Fungus Ray, but misses.)
The Hatred: (Shouting.) With an aim like that, it’s a wonder
they let you in the NSA at all! (He laughs.) Prepare for the end!
(Smalls changes his position and makes his way around to the other side
of the fountain. Quickly aiming again, he fires.)
Smalls: (Shouting back.) Like that shot?
(The Hatred stops firing as he sees Smalls fire another blast over his head.
Glancing up, he watches in dismay as pieces of the old Postal Office’s exterior
begin to fall.)
The Hatred: (Quickly.) The Fate! You lied to me-!
(The Hatred turns to run but is caught under the falling wood. Smalls turns
around to see The Fate lying on her back.)
Smalls: (Rushing next to The Fate.) What happened?
The Fate: (Coughing lightly.) One of The Hatred’s straying shots
got me. He never did like me very much.
Smalls: (Hastily.) Where’s Gabe? Where are you keeping him?
The Fate: (Questioning.) You mean... you didn’t know?
Smalls: (Confused.) What? What do you mean by that.
The Fate: Gabe’s… not whom you think… (Coughs.) I thought you
Smalls: Who is Gabe then? Is Gabe ‘The Patience’?
The Fate: (Laughs and then coughs.) No…Gabe would never take
on such a job, (Coughs.) he likes to have one person in front of him
on the plank.
(The Fate lays her head back and closes her eyes. Smalls, confused, looks
at The Fate one more time, and then turns to leave. Blackout.)
Act 3 – Epilogue
Setting: Somewhere aboard the Virtupets Space Station. The room is dark,
and a lone figure stands in the middle of the room next to a computer.
(Gabe reads as he types his message.)
Gabe: No, Mama, the subject escaped. (Pause.) Yes, Mama, he still
has the other half of the plans. Yes, Mama, I will send the second team to track
him down. (Pause.) No, Mama, they do not know you were involved. No,
Mama, I do not believe the subject knows you are ‘The Patience’. Yes, Mama,
I thank you for letting me take on such a responsibility, and can assure you,
I will not fail. (Pause.) It’s always a pleasure talking to you, Chief.
The End