Chaos In Faerieland: Part One by candied_sweet_tooth
Queen Fyora stared out the Hidden Tower window and looked
down upon Faerieland. It was bustling with energy. Her people lived in a very
safe place. Few people could get to Faerieland without wings or aircraft.
Many years ago, before Faerieland was created,
and the faeries were not dominating lands, Sloth had tried to capture them all.
He tried to make them his slaves to work at Virtupets. Queen Fyora wasn't sure
what to do. After many days of thinking, she finally concocted a plan. She would
create a new world that all the faeries could flee to. All Queen Fyora had to
do was find a proper place for their land. She thought of the sky, since all
Faeries had wings. So she flew ten-thousand miles into the sky and brought clouds
and earth, space and air, and everything together to create the now populated
floating island.
Queen Fyora smiled at the land she had created.
Just then, a messenger faerie burst through the door. "Queen Fyora," she said,
curtsying to the Queen of all Faeries, "Illusen has invited you to her glade.
She wishes for you to bring a tea set." Queen Fyora scruntized the messenger
Faerie before her. She did not recognize this Faerie at all, and she knew every
Faerie in Faerieland! She became suspicious, but nodded all the same.
"Yes, please tell Illusen that I will be there
shortly. Tell her to have food ready, Faerie. Thank you," she replied, and forced
a smile. The faerie curtsied again, and then left.
"Hmm…who is this new faerie? I know every faerie
that lives in Neopia, but who is this?" she mumbled to herself. She decided
to go the Meridell and see Illusen. If she was not expecting her, then someone
was concocting a plot against Queen Fyora and all of the Faeries.
She left the Tower shortly to visit Illusen.
As she was leaving, the messenger Faerie hurried inside, and Queen Fyora did
not notice.
* * *
Queen Fyora saw Meridell and landed before the
king's castle. In the distance, she saw the Darigan Citadel. She hoped that
Sloth wasn't anywhere near Meridell. But all the same she rushed to the glade.
"Illusen!" she called in a sing-song voice.
"Illusen, dear, it's Queen Fyora! I've come to join you for tea!"
The smell of roasted chokato's wafted to Queen
Fyora from the kitchen. "Oh, I'll be there in just a minute, Queen Fyora. Please
make yourself at home!" called Illusen, who was rushing around the kitchen in
her hurry.
Queen Fyora sat down on the earthy couch, and
sat up straight, awaiting Illusen and the delicious smelling food.
Finally, after what seemed like hours, Illusen
came into the living room, with a big smile and a huge tray of food.
As she placed the food on the table she said,
"Sorry I took long, Queen Fyora. I hadn't expected you today. The messenger
Faerie said to me exactly:
The Queen of all Faeries wishes to have afternoon
tea with in just a few moments. She wishes you to make the food, and she will
bring the tea set.
Normally when you come to visit me, you tell
me in at least three days advance."
Queen Fyora nodded and tried to piece the mystery
together. "Illusen," said Queen Fyora, as patient and sweet as possible, "I
thought you invited me for tea. The messenger faerie told me exactly:
Queen Fyora, Illusen has invited you to her
glade. She wishes for you to bring a tea set.
And, also, the faerie did not look familiar
to me. I know all faeries, but this faerie just didn't ring a bell. Do you know
what's going on?"
Illusen could only stare at the Queen. After
a few moments silence she finally said, "It could be the plot of Sloth. After
all, he did try to enslave all faeries didn't he?" Queen Fyora nodded. "And,
doesn't he occasionally visit the Darigan Citadel? Or does he live there? No,
he is part of Virtupets and…" said Illusen.
Queen Fyora was confused my Illusen's mumble
about Sloth so she said, "Not to interrupt your train of thought, Illusen, but
you are confusing me with all this talk of Sloth. You aren't sure where he resides,
but you also aren't sure of where he goes. Sloth is invincible. We must find
out all that we can. Will you help me Illusen? Please? I could really use it."
Illusen bit her lip in thought. She wasn't sure
if she wanted to risk her home and life to help her Queen. She looked at Queen
Fyora and knew that her Queen would do anything to save her, and decided to
"Yes. I'll help you. What should I do, Queen
Fyora?" asked Illusen. Queen Fyora thought for a moment and then said, "I want
you to warn all of the other faeries of the danger we may be in, Illusen. Tell
them that I am warning them, and that they should go into hiding until I tell
them that it is safe. Also, tell them to inform me of their whereabouts, so
that when we are all out of danger, I can tell them so. It would be bad luck
if Sloth attempted to enslave all faeries again."
Illusen nodded and then asked, "Shall I go and
tell them now?" Queen Fyora nodded, and after Illusen flew off, she hurried
back to the Hidden Tower.
As soon as her feet touched ground, she was
overcome with Faeries. They were all crowding around her, and she did not know
"Queen Fyora!" shouted the Crossword Faerie.
"Please follow me, where you will not be bombarded with paparazzi," she called
and hurried toward the Library. Queen Fyora followed, and so did all of the
paparazzi, but once the Crossword Faerie and Queen Fyora entered, the paparazzi
"Queen Fyora," said the Crossword Faerie, "you
may know that we are in mortal danger. Sloth has concocted a plan to once again,
attempt to enslave all faeries. Everyone knows about this, thanks to Illusen."
Queen Fyora nodded, and then gasped. "Oh, my!
This was not the effect I had hoped for when I told Illusen to inform the Faeries!
I wanted them to go into hiding, but, oh, this is chaos. What should we do,
Elizabeth?" asked Queen Fyora, furrowing her brow in thought. The Crossword
Faerie pursed her lips and closed her eyes. For a moment, Queen Fyora thought
that the Crossword Faerie had given up on her, but just then she opened her
eyes and spoke slowly and carefully.
"Sloth is evil and deceiving. We cannot be sure
what he may up to. We do not even know how far he will go to enslave the Faeries,
what sacrifices he will make, what risks he will take. We know none of this.
So we must tread carefully. We must walk quietly and carry a big stick. Being
cautious and showing no emotion or knowledge of the current situation may be
the best thing we could do at the moment. Sloth should not know that we know
of his plot, so we must go about our daily lives and try not to expect anything
from Sloth. If you like, I can tell all of the faeries about this right now,
so they stop their flurrying."
Queen Fyora thought about what the Crossword
Faerie just said. It seemed to make sense, but in other ways it did not. This
idea of the Crossword Faerie's was not a plan at all. It was taking absolutely
no action to protect themselves against evil Sloth. Queen Fyora did not want
to risk her people and land to take the advice of the Crossword Faerie. But
all the same, she had no plan yet, and decided to go along with the Crossword
"Ok, Elizabeth. If it is good for the colony.
I just want my people to be safe. I want you to be safe. If you think this would
be good, then I want you to tell all the faeries of the plan," replied Queen
Fyora. The Crossword Faerie smiled at her Queen and went to tell all the faeries
of Queen Fyora's orders.
Queen Fyora let out a sigh and put her head
in her hands. After a while, she heard the scuffling of feet and she looked
up. There was no one around her, but there was now a sheet of paper on the table.
It was addressed to her. She opened the letter
and read it. It said:
Queen Fyora. You may know me, and you may not.
But all the same I cannot risk revealing myself to you. I have come to help
you. I work in secret and may be able to help you. I understand that the colony
of Faeries is in danger. I can confirm your fears that Sloth is behind all of
this, even though I too, wish it were not so. I can also tell you that you must
put the Faeries in hiding. If you do not, they will be captured. And I must
also tell you that one of your Faeries is not working for you. They are working
for Sloth. I am not sure who, but I can confirm that this information is correct.
If you wish for me to help you, please leave this on the table and hurry back
to the Hidden Tower. Someone has ransacked it. Hurry, Queen Fyora! There is
no time to waste dawdling when your colony is in danger!
She read it over and over. She decided that
if her tower was in pieces, that this person wanted to help. So she left the
note on the table and rushed to her tower and flew to the top floor.
She pushed open the oak door and gasped at the
scene. Her possessions were lying on the ground. Some were smashed and broken.
Things were knocked over, bags were opened, everything was havoc. In the middle
of the room was a little note. She decided to go and pick it up…
To be continued...