NeoHomes & Gardens: 5 Simple Approaches to a Fabulous Neogarden by jokerqueen
Do you find Neogardens to be a challenge to decorate? Are all your gardens completely
empty or a tacky jumble of plants? Do your pets stay inside all day because they’re
afraid to step into your gardens?
Well then, this guide of 5 simple approaches to gardening is the thing for
Through these approaches you can be on your way to a Neohome worthy of winning
top prize in the Neohome Spotlight competition. You may soon even find yourself
enjoying decorating your gardens and picking out plants from the gardening supplies
shop with enthusiasm. So let's not delay a moment longer and get started.
Approach #1 – Color Coordination
The simplest and most effective approach to a pretty garden is color coordination.
All you have to do is pick a color, any color, and make sure all the plants
you put into that garden are that color. It could be your favorite color, the
color of your bed sheets, the color of your shirt, or even the color of your
favorite flavor of jelly. If at the moment you’re having troubles deciding what
your favorite flavor of jelly is or your bed sheets and shirt happen to be rainbow
tie-die then just take a stack of pencil crayons, close your eyes and pull one
out. Let's say you chose yellow. So from now on, any plant you place into this
garden will be yellow. So, try putting a few Mordongos, yellow poppies, and
colored lilies into your garden. If you want to have a tree in your garden than
choose the yellow eesa tree instead of the cotton candy tree. If your heart
is set on putting a pond in there as well, the tropical delight pond is the
best choice.
Tackiness alert!!
Don’t fill your garden with one color to the point of bursting, though, either.
You don’t want people to go blind from looking at your garden. It’s alright
if there are a few pieces in your garden that are different from the color you
Approach #2 – Symmetry
A lot of people find symmetry to be a helpful tool in making their gardens
look less disgruntled and vulgar. The advantage of this approach is that you
only really have to decorate one half of your garden and then mirror it on the
other half.
Tackiness alert!!
Gardens sometime end up looking very dull and uninteresting when there is too
much symmetry going on in them. Overdoing it can be quite annoying to people
who are viewing your Neohome so it’s best to not have all of your gardens symmetrical.
Approach #3 – Themes
The most fun decorating style is probably making a garden based on a certain
theme. Yarrrr, yer garden can be Pirate themed with cannons, flags, sword bushes,
warning signs and inflatable ships all available at yar local gardenin’ supplies
store. Or your garden could have a spooky, Halloween theme. There are plenty
of Halloween gnomes to choose from and excellent spooky furniture. Stone gardens
with rock trees and statues will give your Neohome a touch of class and sophistication.
Tackiness alert!!
Hopefully, your chosen theme will be one that people understand and not something
like “the garden of invisible plants” where you’ve got no plants in your garden
at all, or “the vortex garden” where you’ve got everything on the screen pulled
to a single corner so that nothing is distinguishable and it takes twenty minutes
to load.
Approach #4 – Seasons
Summer, spring, winter and fall!! What a better way to decorate your gardens
then basing them on the seasons that you see in real life year after year. Nothing
says winter better then a few autumn bushes, ice skating rinks and snow sculptures.
Autumn can easily be achieved with an ample amount of autumn sunset daisies.
A pile of autumn leaves can give your garden that extra touch to make it look
particularly fabulous.
Tackiness alert!!
The regular string of cautions goes for this garden style. Don’t overcrowd
and make sure everything fits in. Furry autumn bushes will NOT make your winter
garden colorful and a snow Chia sculpture is too irrelevant in your spring garden.
Approach #5 – Large center items
There is no need to spend every Neopoint you make on buying things for your
garden. You can have a great garden and only spend a few thousand points (If
you’re thinking “but that’s a lot of points!!”, a simple bridge which is only
a piece of wood cost over 4000np on the shop wizard. “Ouch!”). For a lovely
and inexpensive garden, all you have to do is spend your points on one or two
large items (like ponds, trees, bridges, or statues) and make it the central
piece of your garden. For instance, let's say you have a rose tree. With a few
red poppies and gardenias surrounding your rose tree your garden will look fantastic
and will only have cost about 2000 points (Oooh, you’re mixing color coordination
with the central item approach!! Good for you!!).
Tackiness alert!!
Your large item doesn’t need to be exactly at the very middle of your garden.
Also, if you repeat that pattern, it will become dull and uninteresting.
Hopefully, now you are bursting with excitement at the prospect of decorating
your own Neogardens. You’re just wishing this article would end quicker so you
could go since now you are better able to make your Neogardens look good. You
can mix and match these approaches or take ideas from what has been put here
or come up with your own approaches. But before you run away, here are some
last minute helpful hints:
Firstly, don’t be afraid to put things in the foreground. You have a whole
screen to use so don’t cluster everything to the middle of the field.
Secondly, accessories like gnomes and patio furniture can be very helpful and
easily spice up your gardens. You can even make it look like the gnomes are
doing things around the garden like planting flowers or mowing the lawn.
Thirdly, speaking from experience, it’s usually best to focus on one garden
at a time. Don’t make 10 gardens and try to do all 10 at once. You’ll most likely
end up with 10 not even half finished gardens and then you’ll get tired of doing
it because you’ll feel you’re not making any progress and then you’ll give up
and will be stuck with poorly decorated gardens!!!
Sorry, got a little carried away there. I guess that’s something for another
Lastly, don’t get too carried away with your gardens. Decorating is meant to
be a fun and relaxing activity, so don’t think too much on it if you don’t have
a beautiful pond and bridge in every garden or if you were just a second too
slow on buying that gazebo. It’s OK! Just have fun and enjoy.