For Faellies by charmedhorses
Before you begin reading, I would like to warn you that this article was written
by a very biased Faellie who you may find has a strong attitude. Take no offense,
for Trini means no harm and only wishes to wisen the world with her input. Also
consider that as this was written by a petpet, only petpets will be able to read
it. Sorry for any inconvenience.
When you think about it, there are a great many stereotypes regarding petpets.
For instance, a few of the better known ones are that they don’t talk and all
they do is eat and sleep. Rather lazy creatures, apparently. Well, I’ve come
to the conclusion that enough is enough. I’m tired of hearing people talk about
us, my species in particular. I am proud to be a Faellie, proud of my big ears,
small nose, and especially of my testy personality. So I’m going to do something
about these detestable rumors. I’m going to let you all in on a little inside
scoop and write about Faellies from a Faellie’s point of view.
Setting it Straight
I once looked up ‘Faellie’ in a copy of my baby Gelert, Puppy_Trix’s, encyclopedia.
She’s the studious type, always working hard and doing the right thing. Boring,
wouldn’t you say? Anyway, upon searching I came across a startling definition:
Faellies are rather nervous little things, their over sensitive ears always
alert them of the slightest danger long before it arrives. Well, I just
about stopped in my tracks when I read that. Whoever had written it had certainly
never met a Faellie before. I’m a Faellie, no doubt about it, and I am definitely
not a “nervous little thing”. Why, that definition practically labels us all
as cowards! On top of that, we have over sensitive ears? What’s that supposed
to mean? Is that implying that our species has large ears? Because, excuse me,
but I see nothing wrong with my ears.
As may be expected, I shut the encyclopedia with such overwhelming force that
the bedroom door flew shut. I then sat down to write my own definition of a
Faellie. After all, when you think about it, who is more certified to write
an article on Faellies than a pure blooded Faellie? It took hardly any time
and when I was done I pasted my own definition over that of the lying encyclopedia.
It now read: Faellies are brave creatures that make up for their somewhat
lacking size with their immense intelligence. The ears of a Faellie are one
of a kind and therefore eyed jealously by all their companions. As for danger,
it never has a chance to spook this admirable petpet. I nodded approvingly.
I had set the record straight.
Faellie Pride and Publicity
Pride is something that every Neopet should have and everyone who’s met me
says that I have an abundance of it. It’s good for petpets to have pride because,
as the Faerie Queen knows, we’re all taken for granted. Are we just miniature
Neopets bought by owners to keep their Neopets company? I think not. We are
much more than that. We are our own beings and should be acknowledged just as
much as our Neopet counterparts. Luckily, a few very smart manufacturers have
come up with items dedicated to the essence of the Faellie. Were they able to
do us justice? Let’s see.
The most important item that could ever have been created is a book on Faellies.
Apparently, I’m not the only one who was impressed with it, for there are now
at least three Faellie related titles available at your local bookstore. Personally,
I am most impressed with Fantastic Faellies. You can tell it’s a winner
from the moment you lay eyes on the title. Faellie Tales I’m not so sure
about. Can anyone else smell a bad pun? To top it off, a complimentary bookmark
shaped like a Faellie tail is included with each copy. Thank you very much,
but I already have a tail and I don’t need another. And after all, where did
they get all those tails? The whole thing just doesn’t sit well with me. Of
course, this is the type of thing that would tickle my Tonu, Ramoose_, silly
and I’m sure that it’s an enticement for shoppers. I’ll tell you, sometimes
Neopians are just weird. Then, there’s Faellie Handbook, which is quite
popular with Faellie owners. It makes sense to want to learn about how to take
care of a Faellie, but not everything you read is true, as I hope to prove.
Why not just talk to your Faellie? Why do you need a book? Oh, yes, I remember.
There’s that annoying language barrier. Well, I always come up with some way
to get my point across.
Thus far I’ve only covered the good items, but believe me, they aren’t all
good and no matter what Neopians say, not all advertisement is good advertisement.
Take Faellie cakes, for example. Faellie cakes are little cupcakes shaped like
the head of a Faellie and decorated with frosting. Does anyone else feel a little
uncomfortable eating a pastry that’s shaped like a Faellie? I don’t care how
good they taste; just the sight of baked Faellie head cakes lined up in the
local bakery sends shivers down my spine.
Faellie Maintenance
Faellies aren’t finicky, despite what you may hear. We’re not obsessed with
our looks or constantly preening ourselves like some other petpets I know. Nor
are we always found asleep or at a food bowl. In fact, if you haven’t noticed,
we have wings and they can be a very useful substitute for walking.
Furthermore, Faellies don’t need to be kept on a tight leash, because we’ll
always find our way home. It’s one of the benefits of those lovely large ears
we have. I’d estimate that we can hear our Neopet call us from as far as twenty
miles away. This said, give us a little privacy! I once saw a baby Gelert that
wouldn’t let her Faellie get out of sight. If the Faellie flew even a few steps
ahead of her she’d come loping after her and scold her for straying. Well, it
obviously wasn’t the Faellie’s fault. She was just trying to get away
from the baby Gelert’s blabbering over every shop window and its educational
value. If I remember correctly, the Faellie had some brilliant name like Trini,
or something…
Moving on with my point, it’s very important that Faellies be kept well fed.
For instance, if we don’t want to eat something, like a particularly rotten
looking portion of carrots or corn or some other vegetable, we shouldn’t have
to eat it. If we’d rather have a bowl of ice cream, why stop us? At least we’re
eating, right? I don’t think I’ve ever met a Faellie without an appetite, but
whatever appetite a Faellie has should be respected.
Recognizing the Charm of a Faellie
Faellies are incredibly imaginative and our unique ideas should be considered
with enthusiasm. There’s a lot that we could bring to Neopia. Maybe large ears
should become the latest trend among Neopets. And while there may be a lot of
books about Faellies, I’ve never seen one written by a Faellie. Perhaps that
should be my next endeavor…I wonder who a good publisher is?
Well, I won’t spend any more time lecturing you on how important the Faellie
is or why we’re number one among petpets. After all, most of you reading this
are probably Faellies yourselves since there’s that little language barrier
I keep forgetting about. What more is there to write? I’ve done what I can.
I’ve set out to make a better reputation for the Faellie. We’re brave. We’re
valiant. We’re admirable. We’re small, but mighty.