The Lemonade Lesson by muddydukky
Little Bundles was a red Cybunny who lived in a little house
with her mother and father and her sister BaButtons. Their house was in a quaint
forest but had beautiful surroundings. To their left was a babbling brook and
to their right were acres of trees. Just down the dusty road that lay before their
house, was a cozy little store owned by Mr. Jacobs. He was very nice to Little
Bundles and her best friend Bibbo, a yellow Chia.
Bibbo and Little Bundles were the best of friends.
They would play hide and seek behind the trees and they would play tag while
dodging the trees. Every Sunday they would take out a basket and have a picnic
in their favourite place, the clearing. The clearing was a fairly big patch
of grass by the edge of the brook. They would stay out until dark playing and
talking and laughing, until their mothers called them in.
Bibbo's real name was Bibakola and Little Bundles
often teased about it. Secretly, though, Little Bundles was envious of her cute
One day, Bibbo and Little Bundles were on their
way to Mr. Jacobs' store to check if any mail was in. Mr. Jacobs replied there
wasn't any but gave them a candy heart each for being such good little girls.
They were on their way out when they saw the cutest little teddy bears they
had ever seen, but the price was more than they could afford. They hung their
heads in disappointment when Little Bundles got a good idea.
"Why don't we save just beg our parents for
it. Put on our cute and innocent face, because Bibbo, we have a mission." Little
Bundles said cutely, trying to sound important.
"I don't know, Little Bundles. Do you think
it will really and truly work?" Bibbo sounded sceptical.
"Of course I do! If they say no, we can remind
them of all the work we did while they were sick. We'll use the guilt trip if
necessary," Little Bundles replied all-knowingly.
"Well... I guess I'll see you later." Bibbo
waved goodbye and headed for home.
"I hope we get enough money for the teddy bear,
right?" Little Bundles squeaked her voice at the very end.
"Right, hopefully." Bibbo said, determined but
Little Bundles raced her fastest all the way
home. When she arrived home, she was panting.
"Where are you, Mom?" She took a deep breath
and continued. "Must... Have... Teddy..." She ran out of breath and collapsed
on the couch beside her.
"I'm right here, honey! Oh, Little Bundles.
Where are you?" Little Bundles' mother sang cheerfully. At the sight of her
flustered daughter, she ran to her side. "What happened to you? Are you alright?"
Little Bundles was just about to nod when a
mischievous look came to her face. She quickly resumed her previous face. A
devious plan formed inside of her head.
"Um... water? Can I get some water?" Little
Bundles chuckled to herself as her mother practically flew to the sink to fetch
Little Bundles a glass of water.
She flashed a weak and pitiful smile at her
mother and her mother smiled back. A thought crossed her mother's mind.
She is getting better. She is going to be
okay. Little Bundles' mother paused briefly and a horrid thought crossed
her mind. I hope.
Just then, Little Bundles began her greed and
selfishness. "There's a teddy bear, at Mr. Jacobs' store, and it... would make
me happier."
Little Bundles' mother was just about to agree
and get up when she realized this was a trick. Not an angry, but a disappointed
look appeared fast on her face.
"No, I will not get you that teddy bear. Why
did you feel you had to trick your own mother, and worry her?" She said, her
voice flared up but she quickly calmed down. A tear rolled down her cheek and
dripped off her chin.
"I'm sorry. I truly am," Little Bundles said
solemnly. She felt embarrassed and ashamed for her trickery. Alas, she knew
what was right. "It's just I wanted that bear so much, I lost my values. I'll
earn the money myself doing chores. In fact, I'll start right now."
A dim smile lit her mother's face. The twinkle
of her eye returned and she wiped away the last of her tears. She smiled in
pride of how much Little Bundles had learned from her mistake.
"You can start by helping me make supper." Little
Bundles jumped up and bounced to the kitchen gleefully.
After supper, Little Bundles was permitted to
run outside to play with Bibbo for a little while. When Bibbo came in sight,
Little Bundles asked how she had fared.
"Not so well. My mother got angry and made me
do my chores, for no pay!" A glimpse of hatred crossed Bibbo's face but vanished
at the sound of her laugh.
"What's so funny? My mother didn't go for it
either. Although, that teddy bear would be pretty nice to have coming right
now. Still, I don't understand what's so funny." Little Bundles cocked an eyebrow.
She realized what had been funny. She had been scratching at her hand which
was spotted with little red dots.
Little Bundles sprinted in circles screaming,
waving her arms to and fro. Bibbo tried to catch her and finally succeeded,
while still having a laughing fit.
Bibbo explained how her pen had exploded near
Little Bundles' hand without her noticing. Little Bundles didn't bother asking
why she was holding a pen, but instead felt relieved but a little bit angry.
She thought of herself in Bibbo's position, and realized it was pretty funny.
"I have a plan. Why don't we do chores and save
up money? I know us, we both hate chores, but money is money, right?" Little
Bundles' face brightened at the thought of enough money in her hand to buy a
bear for her and Bibbo.
Bibbo again, was sceptical of this idea. "I
don't know, Little Bundles. Your last plan was a complete failure. You are my
friend, though, so let's do it!" Bibbo put her hand up and Little Bundles slapped
Day after day, they did chore after chore and
wound up with a small amount of money. This time, Bibbo had the idea. "Let's
make a lemonade stand as this obviously isn't working."
Their parents agreed this was a great idea and
even said they would supply enough ingredients for a full pitcher. Bibbo and
Little Bundles started on this right away.
The first day it was bright and sunny but not
many came by. At sunset, they cleaned up and headed home. The next day was miserable
and rainy; they were required to stay inside. Fortunately, the next week it
was clear skies and quite warm. Many kids and adults bought a cup or two of
"Business is booming for the first time!" Little
Bundles smiled while handing Mr. Jacobs the sugarless glass of lemon water he
had special ordered for slightly more.
Other citizens caught on and special ordered
their lemonade exactly how they liked it and Little Bundles and Bibbo made even
more profit. After a week, they had enough for one teddy bear. Little Bundles
and Bibbo had their first argument.
"Let's go buy my teddy bear and you'll get yours
next week." Then Little Bundles remembered how unfair that would be. "Never
mind, we'll go get one and share it."
"No!" Bibbo protested, for the first time in
her life. "That won't work. When we have enough for both, then we will proceed
with the purchase of our beloved teddy bears."
Within three days, they had saved enough for
their teddy bears. They closed down their stand and had a picnic with their
teddy bears. Little Bundles had named her teddy Christo Fur, as it was a boy.
Bibbo had named her teddy, Caramel and it was a girl. After two days of playing,
they grew tired of the teddy bears. They quickly realized earning the money
was more fun. They re-opened the lemonade stand and again, customers returned
The extra money that wasn't spent was saved
in a piggy bank by their parents for rainy days and other important expenses.
Their lemonade stand had been a success and they had had the time of their young
little lives.
The End